Changing the style of some frames

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Aug 23, 2019, 12:07:47 PM8/23/19
to LaTeX Beamer class

Hi. New to this mailing list.

I'd like to make a presentation about networking for 16yo childs. Some of my transparents are for everyone to understand, others are more "level Jedi 2"...

I use a Warsaw theme with beamer, I'd like some of my transparents to appear with a different color.

Can I do that ?

Someone on StackExchange pointed me to this solution :

--- begin ECM ---


\mode<presentation> {
%  \usecolortheme{orchid}
%  \usecolortheme{wolverine}



  A normal frame

  A ``red flag'' frame

  Another normal frame

--- end ECM ---
It works perfectly as is, but if I uncomment the lines
% \usecolortheme{orchid} % \usecolortheme{wolverine}
and especially the last one, which is one I would like to have, then all
the frames are the same colour.

I tried to figure out what was the problem by looking in the source code
of beamercolorthemewolverine.sty, but couldn't find any clue...

Can someone telle me what I'm doing wrong ?

Thanks for any help.

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