On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 9:58 AM <
din...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Error comes from hw composer, which should have no relation to 3D acceleration. Can you point to the source for the hwcomposer module you are using? Do you have it listed in PRODUCT_PACKAGES ?
> Which aosp version are you trying to bring up? Do you have /dev/graphics/fb* device?
> Regards,
> Dimitar
Hi Dimitar,
I found the source of my problem. I had not enabled the I2C NXP
TDA988x HDMI transmitter drive. I had enabled the TILCDC driver but
forgot about this. After enabling it I see the hwcomposer being used
is the PixelFlinger and it finding the framebuffer.
I see some errors in the compiling of shaders. Is this fine?
Correct my understanding if I am wrong. The HWcomposer decides whether
the layers are for overlay or GLES composition and sends back the GLES
marked layer to the SurfaceFlinger. The SurfaceFlinger then in turn
sends it to the GPU for processing and then sends it back to the HWC
for display, correct? In TI LCD controller does it do further
processing of this resultant buffer or just dumps it onto the
framebuffer for display?
> петък, 1 февруари 2019 г., 5:12:51 UTC+2,
minde...@gmail.com написа:
>> Hi,
>> I am struggling to get graphics working with Android. I do not have SGX drivers and want to rely on software emulation and rendering. Does this work with Android?
>> I get the following errors during boot up:
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 01-01 00:00:10.753 123 123 D libEGL : loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
>> 01-01 00:00:11.099 123 123 E SurfaceFlinger: hwcomposer module not found
>> 01-01 00:00:11.099 123 123 E SurfaceFlinger: ERROR: failed to open framebuffer (No such file or directory), aborting
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Is using SGX the only way or I can somehow use only software rendering to get by? If I can use software rendering how should I go about doing it?
>> Thanks,
>> Gautam.
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