External HDMI circuit configuration problem

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Dec 1, 2014, 4:20:04 PM12/1/14
to beagl...@googlegroups.com
Hello there,
Recently with help of other I have managed to design and build a HDMI circuit that is connected to the LCD pins of BeagleBone Black available on the side header. The video circuit itself is placed on a shield connected to the BeagleBone Black. The design is based on the BeagleBone Mx video circuit with only one difference- its 16 bit like in BeagleBone Black.

I have attached the schematic showing the connections.
For many days now I was trying to get the video signal be succesfully sent to the monitor connected to my circuit with no luck... I have disabled the default HDMI tree overlay and replaced it with the one that doesnt have audio and edited it a bit, to match my design (changed the I2C0 bus to I2c2 and changed the driver to TFP410 from TDA chip).

This is my overlay file: http://pastie.org/private/j91tplpqnhymvvig1pc0rw

When I boot the board, in the serial debug output I see some errors that I cannot resolve:

[    6.507830] tilcdc 4830e000.fb: no encoders/connectors found
[    6.513806] tilcdc 4830e000.fb: failed to initialize mode setting

I would really be gratefull for someone to help me with this problem, that I cannot solve for many days. There is still no video showing on the connected monitor, even though I see the monitor on the I2C2 bus.


Dec 2, 2014, 4:30:17 AM12/2/14
to beagl...@googlegroups.com
I have obtained some new information. Being on IRC, a kind person suggested me to connect 2 monitors at the same time- one to the bbb standard connector and one to mines. The tda chip would then configure the EDID and my circuit with TFP410 would just start to work being connected to the lcd lines- AND IT DID. I have succesfully sent video to a monitor connected to my circuit! Thanks to that, I know that the hardware is all ok. All I need to do now, is configure the software to make the board get EDID using my circuit and i2c2 bus.

Could anyone suggest any hints here? I tired the elinux.org page with hdmi but without luck.
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