William, thank for your anwser.
I do not want to reinvent the wheel, but use tools like Buildroot to automates our process of building a custom Linux image for BeagleBone Black. I have 4 different projects targeting the Beaglebone Black and we want to customize and automated linux image of each of these projects.
I think Buildroot is a good candidate for our needs and we notice that Buildroot is offering a base configuration to support the Beaglebone (boot, kernel). But maybe this configuration is too old or misconfigured.
I noticed that the actual Beaglebone configruration for Buildroot is taking the kernel from
Ti-Kernel. If I do not make mistakes, I think this version of Kernel is 3.12 ? But the one you point me
RobertCNelson seem to be the 3.14.
Question #1 - Does my HDMI (no output) problem could be related to fact that Buildroot is using a too old kernel ?
Question #2 - Could it be the dtb file not being correctly configured from TI ?
Question #3 - Bad uEnv.txt configuration ?
Question #4 - Since the board is well booting before loading the kernel, I don't think my problem is related to the u-Boot version ?
I'm starting with the Beaglebone and I confess you that I am not an expert with Linux. However, I believe that if we find the solution together is the whole community that will benefit, since I do not seem to be the only person who wants to use Buildroot with Beaglebone.
Does this would be a better idea to compiles the kernel Nelson apart and then I specify to Buildroot where it (zImage) is to copy it in to my final image folder ? Or maybe I could point to Buildroot the git of the kernel and hoping Buildroot will have the appropriate configuration to make it work as is ?
So far I have had the support of the Buildroot community (y_Morin, Gustavoz), but not much from the Beaglebone community :(
Best regards,