From I did git clone git:// linux-omap-2.6 cd linux-omap-2.6 Build: make distclean make omap3_beagle_defconfig |
2 things, it's defaulting to x86 so make sure when you call make you
add "ARCH=arm" and in tmlind's master branch omap3_beagle_defconfig
doesn't exist anymore.. (as of like last week..)
make ARCH=arm omap2plus_defconfig
Will get basics of what you want..
Robert Nelson
Awesome. I have lots of embedded RTOS but little linux I have some very basic questions In Angstrom kernel I booted to verify HW I see no apt-get no firefox, no GUI(or I dont know how to start it) 1)I am guessing this is a minimal kernel? and I need to rebuild and reconfigur what I want? 2) In embedded linux even with the apt-get installed assuming I have the network running(I have the usb->ethernet) will the apt-get install actually write any changes to the kernel on the SD or do I need to reflash a new kernel repeatedly 3)Following the HW verification instructions my Vista PC does not see any usb gadget etc to change IP to I just changed the wired local connection to this IP and did ifconfig usb0 255.255.2550. i can ping myself(BB) but not the PC. I bought a crossover cable is that correct? Also I was not propmpted by Vista to install and did not point to any linux.inf Even if I get a local link connected will I be able to connect to the internet on the BB? 4) I downloaded ARMś DS-5 eval. It allows debugging linux apps on Beagle via ethernet(via GDB?) using an eclipse IDE. It requires a kernel I have trouble getting from Will the default Angstrom kernel I have running work and alloow me to connect over ethernet using GDB over ethernet to debug in the ARM IDE? I stay in hotel my Vista laptop that I wired to BB uses a verizon broad band usb to connect. THe hotel has a wired connection also that I plug into my UBunto desktop dev machine where I will be learning to build and flash kerenel to SD Thanks once i walk through a sucessfull kernel build and transfer to SD I should be alright --- On Sun, 9/26/10, Robert Nelson <> wrote: |
Almost there what is the correct argument to make?make uImage <---- NOTE to developers: this is WRONG. There is no "uImage" target in the Makefile. |
--- On Sun, 9/26/10, Robert Nelson <> wrote: |
I saw that in the wiki too... the editor that made that edit is
incorrect, but he probally was missing teh mkimage tool, hence it
failed for him
check that your have mkimage installed:
whereis mkimage
sudo apt-get install uboot-mkimage
"make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=${CC} uImage" will build the uImage...
"make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=${CC} modules_install
INSTALL_MOD_PATH=${SOME_TEMP_DIR}" will build the modules...
I just typed make its building BUT At the risk of appearing ingnorant how does it know which crosstools I installed? I am wondering if this is building an x86 kernel I have only installed and built Crosstools-ng I originally had been following the Free-Electrons embedded labs. I have now decided I better abandon this and use it as a reference(I have no instructor present to answer the things they left out) I dont see how the sequence we followed so far would point build to use my ARM gcc in /usr/local/xtools/arm-unknown-linux-uclibcgnueabi/bin It looks like the google.code demo link you referred me has a better iamge to flash to the board than the hardware verification version of Angstrom? I will try and follow all the documentation and hope this leads to having x and KDE running I struggle configuring from coomand line but am willing to learn Thanks for your patience you have been very helpful Mark |
--- On Sun, 9/26/10, Robert Nelson <> wrote: |
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> Does anyone have an estimate on how long the backup battery will last?
> Particularly 728-1054-ND from digikey?
This battery is 3.4mAh and the Backup domain in RTC state consumes 2.25uA.
Assuming you can use around 90% of the battery capacity you would have a
time of: 3.4mAh*90%/2.25uA = 1360 hours = 57 days. This being said. In case
the board is just shutdown and not properly put into RTC retention mode the
consumption is closer to 7.5uA, which would effectively put you time to
around 20 days...
Best regards
SSC Solutions ApS - Denmark -