in ~/.profile, where ttyS0 is FTDI serial terminal(connector J1) in BBB.[ "$(tty)" = "/dev/tty
" ] && exec startx
Since I run the command
systemctl set-default
the HDMI Display shows a blank display, with the cursor blinking
2) in my case, at least, after the OS installed and rebooted to the logged
in X GUI, I had to edit /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf to add my
WiFi credentials, then reboot
2a) Strangely, the NOOBS installer allows for entering the WiFi
passphrase, but NOT the subsequent Raspbian GUI; hence the need to do the
2b) The Ethernet port is also not enabled by default and needs to be
enabled using the network connection icon config.
3) SSH is DISABLED by default, so even if one has enabled WiFi and hard
Ethernet, one still can not connect from outside without making more
configuration changes
3a) One subsequently gets nagged about having a default password on the
regular "pi" account
In short: Every updated NOOBS SD card requires a session with
HDMI/keyboard/mouse just to get to the stage a BBB starts from...
I am really glad that in general SBC makers are starting to take responsibility for default security state of the board they're selling. This will mean less problem on the internet over all. Which can be a huge deal if you realize that a few hundred of these boards working in a zombie team could by them self take down a very large corporate network.