On Dec 26, 2014 12:16 PM, "Richard-tx" <rich.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Since the cec library and utils packages do not work, maybe those packages should be removed from the list of installable packages.
Um that's not how Debian works... Just because one device doesn't support it.
> There is no way that I have the time to devote to writing a driver or do any porting of software so someone else will have to it. I have moved to a different platform to do what I need done.
I know why isn't everyone else using their free time to do my project for me. I thought this was open source!
> If anyone is interested, what I wanted was a way to automatically turn on and off a Rotel receiver based on the status of my Samsung TV. The Rotel only has a RS232 interface so I needed a way to poll the status of the TV and then send the appropriate commands to the receiver via the RS232 port. Without a way to get the status of the TV set, that makes the BBB unusable in this case.