Kali linux for BBB not found on download page

已查看 86 次

Antonio Ramos

2021年1月18日 10:54:162021/1/18
收件人 BeagleBoard
Hi all,

I am looking for any Kali Linux ARM image for beaglebone black Rev-C.
The documentation points to the Offensive security download page for ARM devices: https://www.offensive-security.com/kali-linux-arm-images/ 

But I could not find it there, or anywhere else. Are these images available in older servers by any chance?

Since I could not find it, I have been trying to build it also but the script (https://gitlab.com/kalilinux/build-scripts/kali-arm/-/blob/master/bbb.sh) uses systemd-nspawn and if it is consistently failing in the latest Kali amd64 version (among other issues around).

Anyways, I just need any working image for the BBB.
If anyone knows where I can get such image, it will be greatly appreciated!



2021年1月18日 11:01:222021/1/18
收件人 Beagle Board

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Antonio Ramos

2021年1月18日 11:08:532021/1/18
收件人 BeagleBoard
Hi Jon,

That is correct. Following that page you shared, it points to Offensive security download ARM page for a pre-build images, but there is nothing for BBB there.
I wonder if the previous posted files are around somewhere.



2021年1月18日 11:25:512021/1/18
收件人 Beagle Board
Yeah, there was a post by Jason back in 2014 and it appears to point to the Offensive Security site as well.



2021年1月18日 11:28:142021/1/18
收件人 Beagle Board
There is a link regarding building a custom image for the BB:


Lee T. Davy

2021年1月29日 12:59:252021/1/29
收件人 BeagleBoard
I started last year with 2020.2 but have since deleted the IMG but now have BBB / SD at 2020.4

I am not sure why the files disappeared or if the image is elsewhere.

Attached the torrent I used but have since deleted the img but am successfully testing it's use using deluge (Ubuntu) as of this writing.
I'll check back later when complete and checksum verified.

$ sha256sum kali-linux-2020.2-bbb.img.xz 
3433489a1a365109ee0b5315308e4bc24c9d29d6515129879ec8de30731fa8a7  kali-linux-2020.2-bbb.img.xz

Hope this helps.

Lee T. Davy

2021年1月29日 13:52:292021/1/29
收件人 BeagleBoard
Torrent had 1 peer but completed successfully in 1 hour.
I have a valid copy but not running torrent daemon but it works anyway using the attached torrent file with deluge.



2021年1月29日 14:12:442021/1/29
收件人 Beagle Board
Have you tried posting on the Kali Linux forum to just contact them?  It might just be a mistake or is hidden until asked for.

Doing a quick search in their forum, the last Beaglebone post I found was back in 2017 so it may just be a lack of interest.



Lee T. Davy

2021年1月30日 09:10:212021/1/30
收件人 BeagleBoard
I downloaded the Kali for Beabeaglebone Black when 2020.2 was available so my thought is that it was incidentally built and contributed.
The torrent will find an active peer daemon to resurrect it's existence though only one was found. 
If I left my daemon running then it also would be propagated.
The sum256 I have is from 2020.2 official kail.com build by community member.
I have applied updates from kali-rolling and it is now at 2020.4 as is available for all but BBB.

LIVE DVD 2020.4 for amd64 is a cover topic and DVD is attached to hard copy on Linux Format Issue 270 I found it at Barnes and Noble retail this month.

~$ uname -a
Linux kali 4.9.147 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon May 11 18:38:01 UTC 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux

I have 187 upgrades today applying as I write this.

$ cat /etc/os-release 
PRETTY_NAME="Kali GNU/Linux Rolling"
NAME="Kali GNU/Linux"

Lee T. Davy

2021年1月30日 09:13:062021/1/30
收件人 BeagleBoard
Correction DVD is 2020.3 as it was November 2020 issue.

Lee T. Davy

2021年2月1日 08:34:342021/2/1
收件人 BeagleBoard
2020.4 fails to upgrade java 11 from 2020.3 due to loadable library issue.
This means the Java 11 run time environment currently has errors for ca certificates due to this during upgrade for 2020.4

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGILL (0x4) at pc=0xb414ffe0, pid=14550, tid=14559
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (11.0.10+9) (build 11.0.10+9-post-Debian-1)
# Java VM: OpenJDK Server VM (11.0.10+9-post-Debian-1, mixed mode, serial gc, linux-)

Could not load hsdis-arm.so; library not loadable; PrintAssembly is disabled

This could explain why BBB is not in the listed 2020.4 downloads
 so my advice is use my 2020.2 BBB torrent link without upgrades as
it will at least be a valid and working install.


Robert Nelson

2021年2月1日 09:20:402021/2/1
收件人 Beagle Board、leetdavy....@gmail.com
This is easy to fix, ping the Kali team and have them use this patch posted..


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