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eglinfo error: egl error 'EGL_BAD_ALLOC' (0x3003)

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Jun 9, 2021, 5:48:53 PM6/9/21
to BeagleBoard
Hi, I am trying to get the NewHaven Parallel cape display working on the BeagleBone Black Wireless. I am using the Stretch ImgTec image.

The strange thing is that I got ANOTHER parallel cape display, from 4D
System, AND another regular HDMI screen, working. eglinfo runs properly, and my Qt application using EGLFS works without a hitch. But on THIS display, I'm getting this error:

Creating Window surface..
PVR:(Error): WSEGL_CreateWindowDrawable: Couldn't set CRTC: Invalid argument [0, ]
Unable to create surface
    egl error 'EGL_BAD_ALLOC' (0x3003)

What could it be about this particular display that's different from the others? I'm not sure if it helps, but I attached the output of eglinfo and "strace elginfo". Another interesting piece of info is that the kmscube application is running properly. So this is something specific to EGL.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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