On Wed, 30 Dec 2020 01:51:50 -0800 (PST), in
gmane.comp.hardware.beagleboard.user LS-BBGreen
Well, my first thought would be that the IoT image does not load an
X-Window server, and hence likely not anything that drives an HDMI output.
However --
https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/BeagleBone_Green_HDMI_Cape/ --
specifies a an IoT image (Debian Jessie I think, so way out of date), so it
is not that specifically. OTOH, the image they specify is one that is
specific to SeeedStudio! Ah, but they then install an X-Window system on
that image (perplexed, as there is an image that already included lxqt
available too).
Unfortunately, that Feb 2018 Jessie image appears to be the /last/
Seeed specific build. My first approach would be to install an LXQT image
https://rcn-ee.net/rootfs/bb.org/testing/2020-11-30/buster-lxqt/ to ensure
that a desktop is active, and hope that it has Seeed specific drivers
built-in, or available via apt get.
Don't know if these are relevant:
debian@beaglebone:~$ apt search seeed
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
seeed-modules-4.14.108-ti-r125/unknown 1buster armhf
seeed modules
seeed-modules-4.14.108-ti-r126/unknown 1buster armhf
seeed modules
seeed-modules-4.14.108-ti-r127/unknown 1buster armhf
seeed modules
seeed-modules-4.14.108-ti-r128/unknown 1buster armhf
seeed modules
seeed-modules-4.19.94-ti-rt-r55/unknown 1buster armhf
seeed modules
seeed-modules-4.19.94-ti-rt-r56/unknown 1buster armhf
seeed modules
seeed-modules-4.19.94-ti-rt-r57/unknown 1buster armhf
seeed modules
seeed-modules-4.19.98-bone-rt-r45/unknown 1buster armhf
seeed modules
seeed-modules-4.19.98-bone45/unknown 1buster armhf
seeed modules
They appear to be tied to specific OS kernel builds...
Dennis L Bieber