Enabling the DSP Cores in Uboot?

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Daniel Block

Oct 13, 2019, 8:55:01 PM10/13/19
to BeagleBoard
Is there a setting that will enable the DSP cores of the AM5728 in Uboot?  I am developing DSP applications using the JTAG connection and CCStudio for the AM5728.  It would be nice to be able to boot the ARM cores just to the Uboot prompt and then be able to connect to the DSP cores through the JTAG.  By default the DSP cores are not enabled and in CCS I have to connect first to one of the ARM cores, enable the DSP cores with a GEL script command and then connect to the DSP core.  I know with a version of Uboot for the OMAPL138 processor there was an option in the Uboot "printenv" that allowed you to enable the DSP core.  Is there anything like that for the AM5728 Uboot?  
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