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BeBoPr boards now available

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David Anders

Aug 29, 2013, 2:53:28 PM8/29/13
Greetings All,

just a note that BeBoPr boards are now available from Circuitco via the website:

Dave Anders

Jason Kridner

Aug 29, 2013, 3:40:19 PM8/29/13
Is the BeBoPr-bridge to work with BeagleBone Black also available?

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Gerald Coley

Aug 29, 2013, 3:43:49 PM8/29/13
That is covered on the link Dave sent. It is at the bottom of the page in red.


Jason Kridner

Aug 29, 2013, 7:16:07 PM8/29/13
to,, Charles Steinkuehler
On Thursday, August 29, 2013, Gerald Coley wrote:
That is covered on the link Dave sent. It is at the bottom of the page in red.


For those that don't want to waste time, that link just says there is no support.

I was able to get a bridge, but it is unassembled and without the connectors. 

The MachineKit code from Charles seems quite complete, if I can manage to get the bridge built or an updated version of this board and whatever other mystery accessories are required to make it work. I believe replying to this thread with information on how to use these boards will be useful for everyone involved. 

Thanks Dave for making these boards available. 

Charles Steinkuehler

Aug 29, 2013, 7:03:43 PM8/29/13
to, Jason Kridner
On 8/29/2013 2:40 PM, Jason Kridner wrote:
> Is the BeBoPr-bridge to work with BeagleBone Black also available?

I'll check with Bas about availability, and probably do a run of bridge
boards if he isn't doing something already. The design is on github,
and I did a run through OSH Park and shared the design so anyone can get
some made if they want (it was about $20 for a set of three when I had
them made, including shipping).

Charles Steinkuehler


Charles Steinkuehler

Aug 29, 2013, 7:01:40 PM8/29/13
On 8/29/2013 1:53 PM, David Anders wrote:
> Greetings All,
> just a note that BeBoPr boards are now available from Circuitco via the
> website:

Great news!

As a reminder, I have an easy to use image for LinuxCNC that works with
the BeBoPr:

The BeBoPr and my image both work with the BBB or the white, although
you loose the HDMI and on-board eMMC on the 'Black if you don't use a
bridge board to move the pins around.

Charles Steinkuehler


Charles Steinkuehler

Aug 29, 2013, 7:33:13 PM8/29/13
to, Jason Kridner,
On 8/29/2013 6:16 PM, Jason Kridner wrote:
> I was able to get a bridge, but it is unassembled and without the
> connectors.

Connectors are available from the official store listed in the
BeagleBone TRM, or from Samtec and MANY other suppliers:

> The MachineKit code from Charles
> seems quite
> complete, if I can manage to get the bridge built or an updated version of
> this board and whatever other mystery accessories are required to make it
> work. I believe replying to this thread with information on how to use
> these boards will be useful for everyone involved.

I'm short for time right now, but I'll write up some additional
instructions and dig up some alternate connector part numbers later
tonight. My MachineKit page is also overdue for an update, which is in
progress but not yet fully tested. HINT: If you see files in the
download directories that are not mentioned on my blog, do not use them
unless you know what you're doing and want to help beta-test... :)

> Thanks Dave for making these boards available.

Indeed...MANY THANKS!!! It's been a long time coming, but hopefully the
'Bone can begin to make some significant inroads in the 3D printer and
desktop CNC controller mind-share!

Thanks Dave!

Charles Steinkuehler


Bas Laarhoven

Aug 30, 2013, 8:06:19 AM8/30/13
to Jason Kridner,, Charles Steinkuehler

[[ Sorry for the length of this response. I'll combine my reactions in this post
instead of replying to individual messages. Beware, there's some significant
information hidden in the text! ]]

On 30-8-2013 1:16, Jason Kridner wrote:
On Thursday, August 29, 2013, Gerald Coley wrote:
That is covered on the link Dave sent. It is at the bottom of the page in red.


For those that don't want to waste time, that link just says there is no support.

Too bad. Why's that? Bad design? No software? Untested boards?

I was able to get a bridge, but it is unassembled and without the connectors.

Anyone can get the bridge (PCBs!), the design is open source! So getting one
shouldn't be too difficult (see BeBoPr wiki pages).

The bridge PCBs can be ordered directly from me of via the OSH Park website.
I have never offered complete Bridges because I don't have a sufficiently cheap
source for the connectors and shipping them completed would make them very

These PCBs are meant as an intermediate solution, a service to the customers
who've bought a BeBoPr directly from me, and want to use it with a BeagleBone

I'm now offering BeBoPrs with the bridge integrated. This board is called the
BeBoPr+ (plus). Circuitco should have it on their 'capes' site soon, I sent them a
product registration some time ago.

Do note that there are some differences between the boards I'm selling directly
and the "not supported" boards from CircuitCo:

- First contrary to the Circuitco boards, mine come fully supported :-)

- Second, the Circuitco boards are cheaper: There are some minor differences
like feet (to prevent damage to the electronics when put on a table top), the
J5 connector for use with external stepper drivers and the (free) set of mating

- Third, maybe the biggest difference:  When using a BeBoPr from Circuitco
(board revision r3) with a bridge, it must be used with LinuxCNC! These
boards do not come with a license for the bridge version of the stepper code
needed for the BeBoPr 3D printer application.

There might even be more differences as I've only seen pictures of the board,
and haven't had a chance to review the board itself.

The MachineKit code from Charles seems quite complete, if I can manage to get the bridge built or an updated version of this board and whatever other mystery accessories are required to make it work. I believe replying to this thread with information on how to use these boards will be useful for everyone involved.

Maybe a bebopr mailing list? I'm answering a lot of questions via pm that
others might benefit from too.

Hopefully you won't find many more 'mystery accessories'. I try to be as
complete as possible on my wiki pages. But you do have to read them.
Also have a look at Charles' pages and postings. He's doing a much
better job than I (am able to) do making information available. Read his
blog and try the machinekit,

A lot of work is being done to make using the BeBoPr it as painless as
possible. But it's a complex product using a lot of the BeagleBone's

The BeBopr was designed for the original BeagleBone and the r2 board
has been proven stable for over a year now. It did take some effort to keep
up with the changing hardware (BBB) and software (kernel 3.8), but IIRC
these changes were caused by you. So please blame yourself for any
mysteries left. ;-)

But if anyone finds mistakes or missing information on my wiki pages,
please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap.

Thanks Dave for making these boards available.

Yeah, thanks Dave. Great work, you surprised me! I searched my email and
noticed that I sent Circuitco the design information almost exactly a year
ago. The email was dated September 1, 2012. Looking up the gestation period
of some mammals, we've seem to have given birth to a donkey. Reflecting on
the pregnancy period, I'm sure this says something about the board's parents.
:-) :-)

-- Bas

Eric Fort

Aug 30, 2013, 10:13:57 PM8/30/13
to beagleboard

So how do we buy BeBoPr boards (assembled) direct from you complete with support and proper license?


Bas Laarhoven

Aug 31, 2013, 8:54:01 AM8/31/13


The BeBoPr+ page <> came online
shortly after my response. Send an email to the contact address mentioned there. There is
also an announcement at the BeBoPr repository: .

Regarding prices: I do not differentiate the price per country. If you look at Farnell or Mouser,
the price depends on where you buy from. For Farnell the UK being the cheap (EUR 93.32),
my country NL probably being the most expensive (EUR 123.41).

The BeBoPrs I've been selling were sold at EUR 107 (tested, including the mating connectors,
external stepper header connector, feet and stepper driver license). If you buy 5 or more in
one shipment this reduces the amount of work for me and we can negotiate a better price
(as I did with the group buys).

The BeBoPr+ sells at EUR 117. For the extra EUR 10 you get the complete bridge assembled
and attached to the board for free (250+ solder joints)! This offer stands while stock lasts.

I hope this answers your questions, if not send me a pm or follow up on this thread.

-- Bas

Eric Fort

Aug 31, 2013, 9:54:15 AM8/31/13
to beagleboard
Will the combination of Beagle Bone Black, BeBoPr++ board, HDMI monitor, Keyboard, and Mouse work stand alone or would it be better to run this with an original beagle bone, BeBoPr Cape, DVI-D cape, Monitor, Keyboard, & mouse?  Will both work stand alone and starting from zero which setup is likely to cost less?



Bas Laarhoven

Aug 31, 2013, 11:09:24 AM8/31/13


All combinations of BeBoPr and Bridge are fully BeagleBone Black compatible and work also
with the original BeagleBone (albeit more expensive, slower and lacking features).

The BeBoPr+ (or later BeBoPr++) replaces (and is equivalent to) the combination BeBoPr
+ separate Bridge.

If your HDMI monitor, keyboard and mouse work with the BeagleBone, they will work with
the BeBoPr+. I haven't tested with an HDMI monitor myself, but use a LVDS cape that needs
the same signals. IIRC Charles Steinkuehler, who made the LinuxCNC machinekit, is using the
HDMI output in combination with the BeBoPr + Bridge. For keyboard and mouse(pad) I'm
using a wireless Logitech keyboard that worked out of the box with the BBB and Angstrom.

I think any setup with the original BeagleBone will be more expensive than using a Black,
unless of course you have hardware lying around. But if you want to use a HDMI cape,
you still need the Bridge (or BeBoPr+) to free the HDMI signals.

-- Bas

The BeBoPr+(+) or BeBoPr + Bridge will

Bas Laarhoven

Aug 31, 2013, 10:55:57 AM8/31/13


All combinations of BeBoPr and Bridge are fully BeagleBone Black compatible and work also
with the original BeagleBone (albeit more expensive, slower and lacking features).

The BeBoPr+ (or later BeBoPr++) replaces (and is equivalent to) the combination BeBoPr
+ separate Bridge.

If your HDMI monitor, keyboard and mouse work with the BeagleBone, they will work with
the BeBoPr+. I haven't tested with an HDMI monitor myself, but use a LVDS cape that needs
the same signals. IIRC Charles Steinkuehler, who made the LinuxCNC machinekit, is using the
HDMI output in combination with the BeBoPr + Bridge. For keyboard and mouse(pad) I'm
using a wireless Logitech keyboard that worked out of the box with the BBB and Angstrom.

I think any setup with the original BeagleBone will be more expensive than using a Black,
unless of course you have hardware lying around. But if you want to use a HDMI cape,
you still need the Bridge (or BeBoPr+) to free the HDMI signals.

-- Bas

The BeBoPr+(+) or BeBoPr + Bridge will

On 31-8-2013 15:54, Eric Fort wrote:

Nov 2, 2013, 8:55:39 PM11/2/13

Can you help please I would like to buy a BeBoPr+ or BeBoPr++ if this exists??

Thanks :)

Bas Laarhoven

Nov 3, 2013, 12:49:49 PM11/3/13
Hi Dave (?),

The BeBoPr+ is available for sale. If you tell me where you're living
and if you're buying private or for a company,
I can quote you price and shipping costs.

-- Bas

Nov 6, 2013, 4:06:52 AM11/6/13
Hi Bas

For individual not business delivery to London UK and also please quote for PEPPER?


Dec 9, 2013, 12:52:13 PM12/9/13
How can I get a BeBoPr+ ?  None of the pages mentioned above seem to work.


Charles Steinkuehler

Dec 9, 2013, 6:20:42 PM12/9/13
The only way to get a BeBoPr+ is to buy it directly from Bas, the board
designer. His contact e-mail is:

Bas provided some details earlier in this thread:!msg/beagleboard/TNmR1_rHl5c/95xpDmbsLoMJ

If you already have a plain BeBoPr board, you can make it a plus version
by building up the Bridge Board set. There are design files on github,
and a shared project at OSH-Park, or I have PCBs already fabricated if
you don't want to wait:
Charles Steinkuehler

Dec 9, 2013, 7:16:38 PM12/9/13
Yes, I saw that, and I did send email to that addy several days ago, but no reply so far.  

I will be more patient and give it some more time now that I know for sure I am on the correct trail.


Charles Steinkuehler

Dec 9, 2013, 9:58:42 PM12/9/13
Bas usually responds pretty quickly, and also monitors this forum. I
suspect with the holidays he may simply be off-line for a bit.

On 12/09/13 18:16, wrote:
> Yes, I saw that, and I did send email to that addy several days ago, but no
> reply so far.
> I will be more patient and give it some more time now that I know for sure
> I am on the correct trail.
> Thanks!
> Dave
> On Monday, December 9, 2013 5:20:42 PM UTC-6, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
>> The only way to get a BeBoPr+ is to buy it directly from Bas, the board
>> designer. His contact e-mail is: <javascript:>
>> Bas provided some details earlier in this thread:
>> If you already have a plain BeBoPr board, you can make it a plus version
>> by building up the Bridge Board set. There are design files on github,
>> and a shared project at OSH-Park, or I have PCBs already fabricated if
>> you don't want to wait:
>> On 12/9/2013 11:52 AM, <javascript:> wrote:
>>> How can I get a BeBoPr+ ? None of the pages mentioned above seem to
>> work.
>>> Dave
>>> On Thursday, August 29, 2013 1:53:28 PM UTC-5, David Anders wrote:
>>>> Greetings All,
>>>> just a note that BeBoPr boards are now available from Circuitco via the
>>>> website:
>>>> Dave Anders
>>>> Circuitco
>> --
>> Charles Steinkuehler
>> <javascript:>

Bas Laarhoven

Dec 12, 2013, 10:36:02 AM12/12/13


Sorry for the short radio silence, I did get your message from the 6th, and it was on my 'todo' stack. I was trying to find some boards for shipment but failed and then I had to get a tape-out and PCBs made before the PCB factory closes for the holidays.

All BeBoPr+ boards have been sold. It will be replaced by the BeBoPr++ that will provide the same functionality and more. I hope to make an announcement soon. The tape-out mentioned before was for the BeBoPr++ revision 1. I've been testing a BeBoPr++ prototype for a while and it's working properly, but I decided to improve the PWM output circuitry and add a connector with an I2C bus. That makes it possible to add some I/O expansion and/or a small LCD without needing extra hardware or soldering wires directly to the board.

Watch the hardware announcements on the forum page!

-- Bas

philip k

Jan 5, 2014, 5:45:19 PM1/5/14
i would also like to purchase a bebopr+* somehow.  i await instruction. 

personal, Texas, USA.


Jan 22, 2014, 2:17:08 PM1/22/14
The BeBoPr++ layout and specs look nice. I too am searching for purchase options.

I'm building a small XY laser engraver before building a Delta possibly a Kossel like Brandon Heller with the modified sled to ride on the rails combined with Spectra Line drive or a 3DR(again wanting rail sleds and Spectra line drive). I'm picking up a RAMPS/Ardruino/Polulo/LCD kit to eventually move to the engraver with the BBB/BeBoPr++ to the delta system. No doubt when shown at the local 3D Printer Meetup there will be lots of interest in BBB/BeBoPr++ from the locals.


Bas Laarhoven

Jan 22, 2014, 6:56:26 PM1/22/14
> --
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The BeBoPr++ will be available for purchase soon (about 3 weeks from
now) and at a great price ! I don't use a pre-ordering system, I only
start selling when real boards are available. Send a mail to and I'll notify you as soon as I have stock.

For laser engraving you can use the 4th axis to pulse the laser
synchronous with the movement of the other axes. This way you get even
power distribution during acceleration and deceleration. Pulse duration
(power) is a parameter you can change by software in between moves.

-- Bas

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