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Re: Is there a BeagleBone Black IMU cape?

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Adam Saenz

Nov 15, 2017, 12:01:33 PM11/15/17
to BeagleBoard
The Robotics Cape has an IMU on it along with a bunch of other robotic related features.

On Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 3:16:45 PM UTC-8, Kyle wrote:
Does anyone know of a beaglebone cape with IMU capabilities that is still in production? I have found plenty that seem to be end-of-life.

Giulio Moro

Dec 8, 2017, 1:05:00 PM12/8/17
to BeagleBoard
Slightly off-topic, but it may be more appropriate for some applications: there is an IMU (BNO055) for which there exists a Linux library. This IMU can be connected to the BeagleBone over I2C: 
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