RE: The LoadCape and am335x/BeagleBone Black

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Mala Dies

Nov 16, 2018, 7:15:24 PM11/16/18
to BeagleBoard

I have been dealing w/ this LoadCape for a bit now. I figured I could figure it out. So, I purchased one, used it, and have set up wires to make my motors function.

... This is what I am doing outside of this context to get my Cape up and running.


I am going to type up some simple software to try and make my motors move. So far, I have gotten the LEDs to show signs of life. Yea boy!


Besides that...

  • If you follow the link I provided and read all my jumbles, you may find that I am having a difficult time w/ this specific Cape.
  • I could not communicate w/ the BBB once my wiring set up was completed.
    • I tried via USB while the battery was plugged in.
      • I received a very unusual prompt on my desktop.
      • The notification stated that my am335x was ready for use.
    • I tried w/out the battery connected.
      • I was timed out over and over again for communication via USB.

If you are using the LoadCape and having some complications or you already understand what I am doing that is completely incorrect, please reply.


Who knows? We could make a LoadCape work for the better.


Mala Dies

Nov 19, 2018, 9:02:36 PM11/19/18
to BeagleBoard

Do not listen to the above statements if you plan on making the LoadCape work just yet. I tried the input ideas I received but failed. My board has to be reinstalled w/ the images I have chosen. 


P.S. If you are using the LoadCape and have any input to give, please do not hesitate to devour ideas my way. BBB w/ the LoadCape! I will reply here once I get my board back in order.

Mala Dies

Dec 4, 2018, 8:09:59 PM12/4/18
to BeagleBoard

I am still pursuing the LoadCape functionality if you are interested. Please let me know if you are using this Cape.

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