To: Jason Kridner and the community regarding the weekly meetings and other updates

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Bapu Pruthvidhar

Feb 9, 2021, 9:41:31 AM2/9/21
to BeagleBoard GSoC
Hello there,
I wanted to participate in this year's GSoC and I was wondering when the weekly meetings would start so I can be updated with the guidelines, requirements etc. I was looking around in the beagleboard gsoc IRC and did not find anything regarding this. Can I please get an update on this? Thanks in advance! :)

Jason Kridner

Feb 9, 2021, 10:58:13 AM2/9/21
to BeagleBoard GSoC
If you want to start them now, I think that is wonderful. We usually meet on Wednesdays around 12:30PM US Eastern time. That is barely late enough for folks in the US Pacific time to wake up and barely time for people in India to still be awake. :-)

I'll be there and start trying to round up mentors to be there as well.

On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 9:41 AM Bapu Pruthvidhar <> wrote:
Hello there,
I wanted to participate in this year's GSoC and I was wondering when the weekly meetings would start so I can be updated with the guidelines, requirements etc. I was looking around in the beagleboard gsoc IRC and did not find anything regarding this. Can I please get an update on this? Thanks in advance! :)

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