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Akshay Gautam

Mar 21, 2021, 1:39:49 AM3/21/21
to BeagleBoard GSoC
Hi my name is Akshay Kumar and I am a student perusing engineering with IT domain. 
Robotics and IoT is my strong domain as I've been working on it as a hobby for a long time. I'm interested in contributing to "Blynk support for BeagleBone Boards"  as I've used Blynk and know how easy and useful it is. I haven't worked with a BeagleBoard before due to availability reasons, but I've worked extensively with a Raspberry pi and Linux systems. 
Further guidance is required in order for me to proceed.
Thank you 

Deepak Khatri

Mar 22, 2021, 6:30:49 AM3/22/21
Hey Akshay,

It's great to see that you are interested in the project. As you have used the Blynk before you know that it doesn't show any BeagleBoard devices in the list (Mobile App) and this project will change that. You will be pushing code to Blynk repositories as well as BeagleBoard repositories. It will not be hard to include the BeagleBone Boards support in the App and I would like to see support for at least BeagleBone Black and PocketBeagle. Share your thoughts on the project and let's discuss further. You don't have much time so please hurry up :)

Documentation and Examples are very important for this project and it will be a major task for you. I recommend you to join the #beagle-gsoc IRC channel and share your queries and findings there. Good luck, have a good one!

Deepak Khatri

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