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GSOC 2014 - BeaglePilot project reports

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Víctor MV

May 14, 2014, 11:14:26 AM5/14/14
Just a few days to kick off officially the GSOC this year so i'm sharing the progress so far through the Community Bonding period:
  • What has been accomplished?:

    • Infrastructure set up (Wikis, repos, project page, etc.)
    • Initial video launched.
    • Userspace I2C driver for the InvenSense MPU-9150
    • First steps towards the integration of the ArduPilot in the robot Erle (BeagleBone(white)-based). HAL_BOARD_ERLE created.
    • libraries/*/examples do compile now with the AP_HAL_Linux (make linux). Necessary to add the missing libraries.
    • Deadlock in setup() (initially _initialized variable discussion) addressed. Refer to
    • InvenSense MPU-9150 driver working if this fix is applied
    • InvenSense MPU-9250 SPI userspace driver coded
    • ST Microelectronics LSM9DS0 SPI userspace driver coded
    • All drivers compile together with the ardupilot code
  • Issues:

    • How are motor pins configured for AP_HAL_Linux?. Can't find it.
    • Issue with the MPU9150 sensor driver. Refer to this fix.
    • Barometer MS5611 not detected. Seems like a hardware/design issue. Present both in the robot Erle and the PXF.
    • Issue with the GCS parameters (refer to!topic/beaglepilot/dQlxse11JNI). There's also the UARTDriver to be checked.
  • Plans for the next period:

    • Go through Andrew's comments on the drivers coded so far.
    • Rebase the code according to the last version of ardupilot.
    • Share progresses with I2C sensors. Publish material.
    • Code AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_Linux.cpp driver which acts as a front end for multiple hardware drivers
    • Test the PRU PWM deeply. Study the integrations through the CLI.
    • Test the new DT
    • Test all the drivers

Víctor MV

May 21, 2014, 8:14:03 AM5/21/14
Week 1 progress:

What has been accomplished?:
    • Tested PRU PWM in (not patched) kernel. Working good.
    • Issue between PRU and RT_PREEMPT kernel detected.
    • Re-test MPU9150 driver after modifications. All but the tests picture a slight miss of the timings. This can be further inspected.
    • MPU6000 SPI driver tested through the ardupilot/libraries/AP_InertialSensor/examples/MPU6000 test example.
    • I2CDriver updated.
  • Issues:

    • RT_PREEMPT kernel and PRU seem to conflict. Documented here. Dicussion about this topic here.
  • Plans for the next period:

    • Set up a Xenomai-patched Linux kernel and test whether there're issues with it as with the RT_PREEMPT one.
    • Modify the I2C driver to accept a bus number
    • Review the RT_PREEMPT issue.
    • Code AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_Linux.cpp driver which acts as a front end for multiple hardware drivers
    • Test the new DT (waiting for Anuj)
    • Test all the drivers (needs the DT)
    • Test GPS hardware.
    • Ideas about the new AP_HAL_Linux (using dedicted threads for each SPI, etc.). Discuss in more detail with @tridge.
    • Review the possibility of creating a RCOutput code that relies on the eHRPWM instead.

Víctor MV

May 28, 2014, 9:36:42 AM5/28/14
Week 2 Progress:
  • What has been accomplished?:

    • I2CDriver updated.
    • Xenomai kernel and modules deployed. The Xenomai kernel doesn't suffer from the errors that the RT_PREEMPT does.
    • PWM generation using the PRU driver tested. Refer to this post.
    • Tested the RCOutput Linux layer. Seem to work fine.
    • RCOuput Software and Hardware tested together. RCOutput works fine. Several SimonK firmware ESCs work perfectly with the AP_Linux_HAL.
    • AP_Motors tested with Erle Robot. Refer to
  • Issues:

    • RT_PREEMPT kernel and PRU seem to conflict. Documented here. Dicussion about this topic here. The Xenomai kernel doesn't suffer from these errors. For now the RT_PREEMPT issue is left asside to continue with the goals (not within the GSOC goals).
    • Issue with the overlays. PRU and BB-SPI1-SWP-01 conflict.
  • Plans for the next period (this is a list of tasks for the author):

    • Fix the old CS select method (MPU6K).
    • Compile vanilla kernel
    • Modify drivers according to the new GPIO layer. Test them.
    • Code CS according to tridge's comments.
    • Modify the I2C driver to accept a bus number
    • Code AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_Linux.cpp driver which acts as a front end for multiple hardware drivers
    • Code kernel drivers. Start checking the MPU6000. The MS5611 could be started from the BMP085 driver.
    • Test the new DT (waiting for Anuj)
    • Test all the drivers (needs the DT)
    • Test GPS hardware.
    • Ideas about the new AP_HAL_Linux (using dedicted threads for each SPI, etc.). Discuss in more detail with @tridge.
    • Review the possibility of creating a RCOutput code that relies on the eHRPWM instead.

    Next week will be mainly used to make some performance tests comparing the different kernels (unless the PREEMPT_RT issue is addressed it will be left aside) and finish as many of these additional tasks as possible.

    Víctor MV

    Jun 4, 2014, 11:20:03 AM6/4/14
    Week 3 Progress:
      • Issue with the MPU9150 sensor driver. Refer to this fix.
      • I2C Barometer MS5611 not detected. Seems like a hardware/design issue. Present both in the robot Erle and the PXF.
    • Plans for the next period:

      • Go through Tridge and Roberto's comments for the MS5611.
      • Look at the SPI MS5611 behaviour with ArduCopter.
      • Flight tests
      • Finish up the I2C driver to accept a bus number. Multi-i2c-aware driver.
      • Make the drivers platform agnostic.
      • Code AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_Linux.cpp driver which acts as a front end for multiple hardware drivers
      • Test all the drivers
      • Test GPS hardware.
      • Ideas about the new AP_HAL_Linux (using dedicted threads for each SPI, etc.). Discuss in more detail with @tridge.
      • Review the possibility of creating a RCOutput code that relies on the eHRPWM instead.

      The most most memorable result from this week are the tests performed with different kernels at the BeagleBone. These results are summarized in the following table:

       Kernel  Min (us) Avg (us)Max (us)
      vanilla 14 19193
      PREEMPT 16 21 68
      RT_PREEMPT 20 27 91
      Xenomai 1523630

      Víctor MV

      Jun 11, 2014, 11:57:02 AM6/11/14

      Fourth Week

        • RT_PREEMPT kernel and capemgr conflict. Documented here. Dicussion about this topic here. The Xenomai kernel doesn't suffer from these errors. For now the RT_PREEMPT issue is left asside to continue with the goals (not within the GSOC goals). The capemgr won't be use in the longer term thereby we skip the issue.
        • Issue with the MPU9150 sensor driver. Refer to this fix.
        • I2C Barometer MS5611 not detected. Seems like a hardware/design issue. Present both in the robot Erle and the PXF.
        • Issue with the GCS parameters (refer to!topic/beaglepilot/dQlxse11JNI). There's also the UARTDriver to be checked.
        • For some reason ArduCopter CLI works great when launched at ttyO4 while not in ttyO5. Probably some hardware related issue
      • Plans for the next period:

      Víctor MV

      Jun 18, 2014, 11:54:18 AM6/18/14

      Fifth Week

        • RT_PREEMPT kernel and capemgr conflict. Documented here. Dicussion about this topic here. The Xenomai kernel doesn't suffer from these errors. For now the RT_PREEMPT issue is left asside to continue with the goals (not within the GSOC goals). The capemgr won't be use in the longer term thereby we skip the issue.
        • Issue with the MPU9150 sensor driver. Refer to this fix.
        • I2C Barometer MS5611 not detected. Seems like a hardware/design issue. Present both in the robot Erle and the PXF.
        • Issue with the GCS parameters (refer to!topic/beaglepilot/dQlxse11JNI). There's also the UARTDriver to be checked.
        • For some reason ArduCopter CLI works great when launched at ttyO4 while not in ttyO5. Probably some hardware related issue
        • Issue when used with MAVProxy, probably related to the fact that RCin hasn't been reviewed yet.
        • ArduPlane makes the board gets stucked. A lot of messages with: RCOutput: PWM Write Failed! RCOutput: PWM Write Failed! RCOutput: PWM Write Failed! ...
        • UART-like TCP sockets
        • var SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW always with the same value
      • Plans for the next period (this is a list of tasks for the author):

        • strace the UART-like TCP ports
        • Evaluate and compare the different ROS integration mechanisms (mavlink_ros, autopilot_bridge, mavros)
        • Review SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW, RCInput and RCOutput.
        • testing MS5611 kernel driver
        • Data from grab the csv
        • Implement in the UART-like TCP sockets the "*" option.
        • Flight tests (play around with RCInput in AP_HAL_Linux, ask Anuj about status)
        • Test all the other drivers

      Víctor MV

      Jun 25, 2014, 11:54:31 AM6/25/14

      Sixth Week

      • What has been accomplished?:

      • Issues:

        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) RT_PREEMPT kernel and capemgr conflict. Documented here. Dicussion about this topichere. The Xenomai kernel doesn't suffer from these errors. For now the RT_PREEMPT issue is left asside to continue with the goals (not within the GSOC goals). The capemgr won't be use in the longer term thereby we skip the issue.
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue with the MPU9150 sensor driver. Refer to this fix.
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) I2C Barometer MS5611 not detected. Seems like a hardware/design issue. Present both in the robot Erle and the PXF.
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue with the GCS parameters (refer to!topic/beaglepilot/dQlxse11JNI). There's also the UARTDriver to be checked.
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue when used with MAVProxy, probably related to the fact that RCin hasn't been reviewed yet.
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) ArduPlane makes the board gets stucked. A lot of messages with: RCOutput: PWM Write Failed! RCOutput: PWM Write Failed! RCOutput: PWM Write Failed!
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) var SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW always with the same value
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope ) Serial connection (through ttyO) doesn't work the first time (e.g. if arducopter started from ttyO4 and mavproxy from ttyO5, first time doesn't work, weird characters appeared. If the connection is launched the other way arducopter ttyO5 and mavproxy from ttyO4 then it works). Needs to be further inspected.
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) SYS_BOOT pins of the BBB conflict with PixFire Hawk Cape design
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issues with the attitude estimation in BeaglePilot
      • Plans for the next period

        • Look up the attitude issue. Verify the data from various sensors and try bringing up conclusions.
        • tests Sids commit with the scope
        • testing MS5611 kernel driver

      Víctor MV

      Jul 2, 2014, 10:54:12 AM7/2/14

      Seventh Week

        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) RT_PREEMPT kernel and capemgr conflict. Documented here. Dicussion about this topichere. The Xenomai kernel doesn't suffer from these errors. For now the RT_PREEMPT issue is left asside to continue with the goals (not within the GSOC goals). The capemgr won't be use in the longer term thereby we skip the issue.
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue with the MPU9150 sensor driver. Refer to this fix.
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) I2C Barometer MS5611 not detected. Seems like a hardware/design issue. Present both in the robot Erle and the PXF.
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue when used with MAVProxy, probably related to the fact that RCin hasn't been reviewed yet.
      • Plans for the next period

        • (tridge) why MPU6000 is giving erratic data on accels. I suspect a driver bug, or hw fault (eg. bad power to MPU6k). We're going to have to start looking with a scope and analysing the SPI traffic to narrow it down
        • Push forward the LSM driver. Take into account tridge's comments!topic/drones-discuss/tIKbvIsWg1o
        • tests Sids commit with the scope
        • Implement in the UART-like TCP sockets the "*" option.
        • Flight tests (play around with RCInput in AP_HAL_Linux, ask Anuj about status)

      Víctor MV

      Jul 9, 2014, 6:31:43 AM7/9/14

      Eigth Week

        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) RT_PREEMPT kernel and capemgr conflict. Documented here. Dicussion about this topichere. The Xenomai kernel doesn't suffer from these errors. For now the RT_PREEMPT issue is left asside to continue with the goals (not within the GSOC goals). The capemgr won't be use in the longer term thereby we skip the issue.
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue with the MPU9150 sensor driver. Refer to this fix.
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) I2C Barometer MS5611 not detected. Seems like a hardware/design issue. Present both in the robot Erle and the PXF.
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue when used with MAVProxy, probably related to the fact that RCin hasn't been reviewed yet.
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Commit 3c4062a7961a70b6ec46266d265d322ac0b9dd8f creates conflicts with the ESCs tested.
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) APM2 doesn't compile with BeaglePilot/ardupilot code. Something broke down
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue with the IMU sensor MPU6000. Caps need to be changed according to datasheet.
        • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue with PWM generation.
      • Plans for the next period

      Víctor MV

      Jul 16, 2014, 11:40:51 AM7/16/14

      Ninth Week

      • What has been accomplished?:

        • PWM checked. Works fine after modifications but AP_Motor_tests doesn't work properly.
        • Tested the WHO_AM_I of the different sensors: LSM doesn't seem to respond.
        • Issue detected with MPU9250 with new firmware. Gyros not responding. Tried different bus rates, same result. NOTE: When the low speed is set below 1 GHz the sensor doesn't even seem to respond.
        • Power down issue when connecting/disconnecting batteries. Refer to the issue description
        • Issue with ROS installation in Debian when reproducing Answered in the thread, solution was using a different way of installing the packages than the one described in the official docs.. Answered in the thread, solution was using a different way of installing the packages than the one described in the official docs.
        • ROS installed in Debian. Refer to
      • Issues:

          • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) RT_PREEMPT kernel and capemgr conflict. Documented here. Dicussion about this topichere. The Xenomai kernel doesn't suffer from these errors. For now the RT_PREEMPT issue is left asside to continue with the goals (not within the GSOC goals). The capemgr won't be use in the longer term thereby we skip the issue.
          • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue with the MPU9150 sensor driver. Refer to this fix.
          • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) I2C Barometer MS5611 not detected. Seems like a hardware/design issue. Present both in the robot Erle and the PXF.
          • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue when used with MAVProxy, probably related to the fact that RCin hasn't been reviewed yet.
          • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Commit 3c4062a7961a70b6ec46266d265d322ac0b9dd8f creates conflicts with the ESCs tested.
          • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue with the IMU sensor MPU6000. Caps need to be changed according to datasheet.
          • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue with the IMU sensor MPU9250. Gyros not responding. Seems to be a hardware issue.
          • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) BBB spuriously shutsdown as if power button is pressed when connecting/disconnecting batteries. Related to
          • Issue with the Language in Debian "-bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_GB.utf8)". For now fixed with
        • Plans for the next period (this is a list of tasks for , roll, pitch and yaw are differentthe author):

            • Rework the 9250 (tridge) i think we should re-work the 9250 driver to use the time based wait_for_sample(), add the dual-pole filtering and try sampling at 1KHz (tridge) that will raise the SPI load a lot (by factor of 5x), but should reduce the time spent in wait_for_sample() (tridge) to make that work we'll need to change LinuxScheduler::_timer_thread() to not drift in time (tridge) right now it just does _microsleep(1000) between calls (tridge) it will need to instead have a "next_timer_tick" and sleep the right number of microseconds for that deadline (tridge) that will be needed to ensure we don't lose any ticks, and that we average 1kHz (tridge) later I think we'll need a thread per SPI bus, with an API to ask for regular transfers
            • Implement in the UART-like TCP sockets the "*" option.
            • Flight tests (play around with RCInput in AP_HAL_Linux, ask Anuj about status)
            • Finish up the I2C driver to accept a bus number. Multi-i2c-aware driver.
            • Make the drivers platform agnostic.
            • Code AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_Linux.cpp driver which acts as a front end for multiple hardware drivers

          Víctor MV

          Jul 22, 2014, 11:34:36 AM7/22/14

          Tenth Week

            • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) RT_PREEMPT kernel and capemgr conflict. Documented here. Dicussion about this topichere. The Xenomai kernel doesn't suffer from these errors. For now the RT_PREEMPT issue is left asside to continue with the goals (not within the GSOC goals). The capemgr won't be use in the longer term thereby we skip the issue.
            • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue with the MPU9150 sensor driver. Refer to this fix.
            • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) I2C Barometer MS5611 not detected. Seems like a hardware/design issue. Present both in the robot Erle and the PXF.
            • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue when used with MAVProxy, probably related to the fact that RCin hasn't been reviewed yet.
            • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Commit 3c4062a7961a70b6ec46266d265d322ac0b9dd8f creates conflicts with the ESCs tested.
            • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue with the IMU sensor MPU9250. Gyros not responding. Seems to be a hardware issue.
            • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) BBB spuriously shutsdown as if power button is pressed when connecting/disconnecting batteries. Related to Can be dealt removing acpid.
            • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Seems that the PXFs capes are in a bad shape so we might need to redo them.
          • Plans for the next period:

            • Review l3gd20 and lsm303d implementations. Code the LSM9D on top of these two.
            • Documentation and tutorials.
            • Prepare final material to be submitted.

            • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) GSOC scope probably won't allow to include these tasks. Still they will be implemented and the project will keep evolving through diydrones/ardupilot repository.

            • Rework the MPU9250 (tridge) i think we should re-work the 9250 driver to use the time based wait_for_sample(), add the dual-pole filtering and try sampling at 1KHz (tridge) that will raise the SPI load a lot (by factor of 5x), but should reduce the time spent in wait_for_sample() (tridge) to make that work we'll need to change LinuxScheduler::_timer_thread() to not drift in time (tridge) right now it just does _microsleep(1000) between calls (tridge) it will need to instead have a "next_timer_tick" and sleep the right number of microseconds for that deadline (tridge) that will be needed to ensure we don't lose any ticks, and that we average 1kHz (tridge) later I think we'll need a thread per SPI bus, with an API to ask for regular transfers
            • Implement in the UART-like TCP sockets the "*" option.
            • Flight tests (play around with RCInput in AP_HAL_Linux, ask Anuj about status)
            • Finish up the I2C driver to accept a bus number. Multi-i2c-aware driver.
            • Make the drivers platform agnostic.
            • Code AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_Linux.cpp driver which acts as a front end for multiple hardware drivers
            • Ideas about the new AP_HAL_Linux (using dedicted threads for each SPI, etc.). Discuss in more detail with @tridge.
            Here's my weekly report. Please note that the "plans for the next period" list kept growing through all the GSOC. This is not necessary bad since many of these tasks were out of the scope from the very beginning.

            Also note that form the initial plan security and IDE integration have been discarded. The following weeks time will be allocated to push forward the software needs, address some of the current issues with the project and create documentation and tutorials that support others joining in the future.

            Víctor MV

            Jul 30, 2014, 1:21:25 PM7/30/14

            Eleventh Week

            • Issues:

              • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) RT_PREEMPT kernel and capemgr conflict. Documented here. Dicussion about this topichere. The Xenomai kernel doesn't suffer from these errors. For now the RT_PREEMPT issue is left asside to continue with the goals (not within the GSOC goals). The capemgr won't be use in the longer term thereby we skip the issue.
              • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue with the MPU9150 sensor driver. Refer to this fix.
              • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) I2C Barometer MS5611 not detected. Seems like a hardware/design issue. Present both in the robot Erle and the PXF.
              • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue when used with MAVProxy, probably related to the fact that RCin hasn't been reviewed yet.
              • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Commit 3c4062a7961a70b6ec46266d265d322ac0b9dd8f creates conflicts with the ESCs tested.
              • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue with the IMU sensor MPU9250. Gyros not responding. Seems to be a hardware issue.
              • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) BBB spuriously shutsdown as if power button is pressed when connecting/disconnecting batteries. Related to Can be dealt removing acpid.
              • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Seems that the PXFs capes are in a bad shape so we might need to redo them.
            • Plans for the next period:

              • Documentation and tutorials.
              • Prepare final material to be submitted.
              • Out of the scope:

              Víctor MV

              Aug 6, 2014, 3:14:07 PM8/6/14
              Guys apologies for my late prompt. I recently moved to California and the jetlag/time difference/moving thing is hitting me hard.

              I'll write the formal report in a few hours but in a nutshell:
              • Documentation is finished
              • Video is on its way 

              Víctor MV

              Aug 7, 2014, 12:44:13 AM8/7/14

              Twelph Week

              • What has been accomplished?:

                • Documentation and tutorials
                • Added patches and scripts for easy sensor switches (mainly testing purposes)
              • Issues:

                • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) RT_PREEMPT kernel and capemgr conflict. Documented here. Dicussion about this topic here. The Xenomai kernel doesn't suffer from these errors. For now the RT_PREEMPT issue is left asside to continue with the goals (not within the GSOC goals). The capemgr won't be use in the longer term thereby we skip the issue.
                • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue with the MPU9150 sensor driver. Refer to this fix.
                • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) I2C Barometer MS5611 not detected. Seems like a hardware/design issue. Present both in the robot Erle and the PXF.
                • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue when used with MAVProxy, probably related to the fact that RCin hasn't been reviewed yet.
                • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Commit 3c4062a7961a70b6ec46266d265d322ac0b9dd8f creates conflicts with the ESCs tested.
                • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Issue with the IMU sensor MPU9250. Gyros not responding. Seems to be a hardware issue.
                • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) BBB spuriously shutsdown as if power button is pressed when connecting/disconnecting batteries. Related to Can be dealt removing acpid.
                • (* out-of-gsoc-scope *) Seems that the PXFs capes are in a bad shape so we might need to redo them.
              • Plans for the next period:

                • (out of gsoc scope) Step-by-step BeaglePilot rover construction

              Docs available here and goals pretty much achieved. In the following days i'll put together a video and try to include a linux-rover-beaglepilot.

              Víctor MV

              Aug 13, 2014, 12:58:32 PM8/13/14

              Thirteenth Week

              Víctor MV

              Aug 19, 2014, 12:31:29 AM8/19/14
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