Begginer problem

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Marco Meneghetti

Jun 2, 2020, 10:14:14 AM6/2/20
to beadsproject
Hey Everyone, i'm new to the beads project and i'm using this book: to learn how to make synths in java. I have problems tho. When i try to connect my MIDI-Keyboard (Controller) (An Alesis-Q49) to use it in the program i'm building, Eclipse gives me this error: javax.sound.midi.MidiUnavailableException: MIDI OUT transmitter not available
  max receivers: -1
  max transmitters: 0
Exception occurred while getting MIDI devices!
MIDI OUT transmitter not available
    at java.desktop/
    at java.desktop/
    at Synth1.MidiController.openDevice(
    at Synth1.MidiController.configure(
    at Synth1.MidiControllerConfigure.main(

I'm sure my keyboard has some sort of midi transmitters because i've been using it countless times in daws.
I'm suspecting it's because i'm connecting it trough an usb cable instead of a midi cable, could it be?
I understand very little about the java classes for midi-management so i don't know...
Can someone help me?

Marco Meneghetti

Jun 10, 2020, 5:46:52 AM6/10/20
to beadsproject
Is this forum still alive? Is anybody out there?

Ollie Bown

Jun 10, 2020, 5:52:56 AM6/10/20
Hi Marco,

the forum is still alive but it’s almost entirely me answering any questions, and I’m afraid I passed on this one as it’s not actually a problem specifically related to the Beads library, but is about Java MIDI.

RE your question, in your previous post, I don’t think the problem will be to do with USB versus MIDI cables. They should all appear as MIDI devices. I do know that the MIDI library can be unintuitive (e.g., from memory, as with a few things in Java, Receivers and Senders are the other way around from what you’d imagine). But I don’t have the intimate knowledge of the problem to offer anything. Try to find the code that will scan and report all MIDI devices to the commandline output as a starting point.



On 10 Jun 2020, at 5:50 pm, Marco Meneghetti <> wrote:

Is this forum still alive? Is anybody out there?

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Oct 2, 2021, 3:41:25 PM10/2/21
to beadsproject
Ok thank you so much for replying. Do you know any good website where i can find tutorials on the Java Midi library?
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