BCSWomen Lovelace 2017 now open for abstract submission

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hannah dee

Jan 10, 2017, 12:45:45 PM1/10/17
to BCSWomen Lovelace Publicity

Apologies if you see this message more than once.

We are pleased to announce that the 2017 BCSWomen Lovelace Colloquium is now open for student abstract submissions.

This year is our 10th event, and we will be in Aberystwyth on the 12th of April. To celebrate 10 years of the Lovelace we are having a bigger show, and will provide all successful poster contest finalists with 2 nights accommodation (11th and 12th April) as well as a refund of reasonable travel costs*. The night of the 11th there will be some fun activities (hackathon, creative coding session, social) for those who wish to take part.

We have separate poster contests for different groups of women students - broadly speaking, these are

  • First year and foundation year

  • Second year, industrial placement, and any other non-finalists on BSc programs

  • Final year BSc/BEng/etc, which also includes those in the penultimate year of an integrated MEng or similar

  • MSc, which also includes those in the final year of an integrated MEng or similar

To enter the contest, students need submit a 250 word abstract on the computing topic of their choice, deadline February 17.

All information, including submission form, FAQ, and so on can be found at


Here is a PDF poster, for people to print and put up in their departments:


This should print fine up to A3; if you want a larger version I can provide.

Please publicise this event widely - last year we had 196 registered attendees, and this year we’re hoping to beat 200!


Hannah Dee

*Unless they already live in Aberystwyth

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