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Quick update regarding Barcode Finder

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Nick Stockton

Apr 2, 2011, 9:22:23 PM4/2/11
Hello everyone,
I wanted to write a message to the list letting Everyone know
about how the Barcode finder program has been affected by the recent
partnership between BCScan and Directions For Me.

In order to satisfy the licensing requirements for the Directions
For Me data, the BCScan site and the BCScan app for Window-Eyes are now
using encryption when retrieving information from the Directions For Me
server. Currently, I do not have access to the encrypted data, so if a
user looks up a Barcode using Barcode Finder, the program will freeze if
the result has extra information available from Directions For Me. J.J
is working on getting me the information that I need to update Barcode
Finder in order for it to retrieve data from the Directions For Me
server as well, and I hope to have the program fully working again once
I get the required information.

That's all for now. I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Nick Stockton

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