[BCR] Reminder: BCR seminar THIS FRIDAY (C135 Haas School of Business)

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Berkeley China Review

Feb 9, 2011, 2:33:18 PM2/9/11
to berkeleyc...@lists.berkeley.edu, bcssa...@lists.berkeley.edu

Dear members of BCR (Berkeley China Review) and BCSSA,

We are delighted to announce that Ms. Quan, associate chair of the UC Berkeley Labor Center, will speak at our next seminar in the evening on February 11th (this Friday). She will talk about the history of Chinese immigrant workers’ representation in the U.S., her research on policies aimed at promoting Chinese immigrant rights, as well as her experience organizing Chinese workers. Registration will start at 5:10pm, when light refreshments will be provided. The presentation will start at 5:30pm and last for approximately one hour, after which we will open up for discussion.

Both for the organization of the event and as an effort to build our contact list, please RSVP to berkeleyc...@gmail.com and leave your name and contact information.

You are most welcome to bring friends to enjoy Ms. Quan’s speech and participate in our traditional after-talk discussion. Please see below for detailed information.

大家好,伯克利分校劳工与就业研究中心副主任、国际劳工中心主任关少兰女士将为BCR (Berkeley China Review) 就她长期组织美国华人工人的经历及对华人工人组织的研究举办一次座谈。关女士是美国著名的劳工问题专家,她的研究包括世界劳工运动、移民工人及妇女工人权益的维护等方面。近年来她非常关注中国工会的发展,致力于中外工会的交流,在中国取得了很大的反响。她的事迹见诸许多工会书籍:自1974年从伯克利毕业之后一直投身于美国工人运动,做过纽约唐人街的纺织女工,华人工人组织者以及美国工会领袖。在回到伯克利之前,她曾经担任过美国纺织品贸易及产业工会(UNITE)的副主席。


请大家及早email berkeleyc...@gmail.com,留下名字及联系方式,以便于购买食物、准备名牌及今后接收BCR活动通知。欢迎您及您的朋友参与我们的讨论,详情如下。

- Representing The Chinese Workers: The U.S. Experience

Katie Quan (关少兰)


- Friday, February 11th, 2011:
- 5:10pm - 5:30pm: Registration (light refreshment will be served)

- 5:30pm - 6:30pm: Speech

- C135, Haas School of Business (Cheit Hall), University of California at Berkeley
- How to get here: http://www.haas.berkeley.edu/haas/maps.html


- 谈从炎 (510)684-9262


什么是BCR**About BCR**
- See http://groups.google.com/group/bcreview

Ms Quan will talk about the history of Chinese immigrant workers’ representation in the U.S., her research on policies aimed at promoting Chinese immigrant rights, as well as her experience organizing Chinese workers. In particular, she will give her personal insights for the development of labor unions and grassroots communities in China.

**Speaker bio**
Katie Quan is Associate Chair of the Labor Center, and has worked as a labor specialist at the Labor Center since 1998. Her areas of specialization are labor strategies in the global economy, policies that promote the rights of immigrant workers, and equity issues for women workers. Formerly chair of the Labor Center, she now heads the Labor Center’s education and training activities. Prior to joining the Labor Center staff, Katie was an international vice-president of UNITE, the Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees. She continues her involvement with garment worker and women’s issues as a Board member of Sweatshop Watch, the Worker Rights Consortium, the Labor Project for Working Families, the International Labor Rights Fund, and the Working for Good Jobs in America Fund.

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Berkeley China Review


Feb 10, 2011, 8:29:46 PM2/10/11
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