Is there any preferred way to handle modification of data in bcolz? I have a data set in which the last 15 days or so is subject to minor modifications and the rest is static. Should I be creating a static ctable each day and recreate the ones that could be modified?
Thank you for the super fast reply. Sorry, I am a little dense with this. So how would you actually update the days that need to be updated? Would you delete where the np.datetime64 is between some daterange and then append?
I have giant pandas dataframes that I am pushing into ctables. and want to use the new pandas dataframe to recreate days that need to be rewritten.
On Monday, April 27, 2015 at 11:25:40 AM UTC-4, Francesc Alted wrote:Hi Michael,2015-04-27 17:15 GMT+02:00 Michael Schatzow <>:Is there any preferred way to handle modification of data in bcolz? I have a data set in which the last 15 days or so is subject to minor modifications and the rest is static. Should I be creating a static ctable each day and recreate the ones that could be modified?Due to the chunked nature of bcolz, I don't think you need a different table per day. So you can use a single ctable for all the days, and when you update the info, then only the corresponding chunk will be updated.Hope this helps,Francesc
table["(f0>0) & (f1<10)"] = (1, 2)
table["(f0>0) & (f1<10)"][0] = 1