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Coop Living is Hard #2 Mon 4/21 @7:30pm in JP

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Gabriel Baldwin

Apr 9, 2014, 8:30:51 PM4/9/14
to bcn, bch-assembly
More sharing and positive dialogue about our experiences in the second installment of Coop Living is Hard!

Cooperative living is wonderful for so many reasons but it isn't always easy! Let's share and discus about some of our challenging experiences in coop living. Maybe we will leave with some ideas about ways we can better manage the inevitable ups and downs of living in a coop. I'm curious what conversations will ensue on this topic. I'm imagining there will be lots of head bobbing and "yeah that has totally happened at my house too" going on. 

Hot tea and hard cider will be provided. If you would like to bring something to share it would be welcomed but is not expected to attend. 

This meetup is open to both inhabitants of coops and people interested in learning more about them.

Monday, April 21st 7:30pm to 9pm
Sunrise Coop: 11 Forbes St. #2, Jamaica Plain, MA

See you there!

Warmly, Gabe
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