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Re: Feminist Collective in Allston seeking new members!

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Pamela Mishkin

Jun 17, 2013, 9:22:55 AM6/17/13
I am interested in a spot for the summer!

On Thursday, August 16, 2012 2:30:39 PM UTC-4, Paige Haber wrote:
Our collective house is seeking new roommates! We are a radical feminist & queer collective house dedicated to social justice and anti-oppression, including anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-transphobia, etc. We're pretty cool folks, all in our 20s and with various types of jobs / schooling endeavors. Our aim with this house is to create a community of friends who like to hang out together and who work on various social justice projects in and outside the home. But if you are new to activism, please don't be intimidated. : ) It is very important to us to have a safe space and supportive environment in which there is zero tolerance for sexism or any other type of oppression. We're also planning to garden, bike around, watch movies, cook stuff, and have all kinds of wacky fun.

Our house is pretty great - it is two stories, with two common rooms, two bathrooms, a large kitchen, a shared basement with laundry, and a nice deck to sit on. There are six bedrooms, and we have space for eight people, with two of the bedrooms being shared. Currently, a single is available. We're close to the 66 bus line. We will have one adorable cat, and one bunny.

Interested? Please reply ASAP, and I'll send you pics of the house and our application form! 

Hannah Hurvitt

Jul 29, 2013, 8:40:56 PM7/29/13
Hi Paige,

Would you let me know if there are two rooms available come Sept 1st? A female friend and I are looking to move to back to boston. I identify with most things listed above, and would be very excited to hear more about the house. Thanks! Hannah
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