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Fwd: [Community.caucus] NASCO Institute 2013: Registration Now Open!

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Micha Josephy

Sep 12, 2013, 4:32:23 PM9/12/13
to bcn,
Hi folks. North American Students of Co-Operation (NASCO) is now registering attendees for their NASCO Institute- an awesome conference focused on shared-equity housing cooperatives. This is the conference that solidified my life-long interest in cooperatives. Looks like a great event this year, so check it out if you're at all able.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Morgan Crawford <>
Date: Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 9:34 AM
Subject: [Community.caucus] NASCO Institute 2013: Registration Now Open!
To: "" <>

**Please circulate this message to fellow co-opers far and wide**

Registration is now open for NASCO Institute 2013<>,
which will take place November 1-3 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. NASCO Institute
is an exciting opportunity to meet and network with hundreds of co-opers
from all over the U.S. and Canada, to deepen understandings of our
movements, and to learn new cooperative skills.

The deadline for the discounted early-bird rate is Thursday, October 10, so
register now on our website <>.
Scholarship applications are also due Thursday, October 10 - you can apply
for a scholarship online here <>.

This year's theme is "*A Fire In Our Bellies: Food Justice and
The Institute will give participants an opportunity to become more versed
in food literacy, to learn about and connect with on-the-ground alternative
food systems, and even to envision and plan their own food or other co-op
business start-ups!

Check out this year's schedule
<>, course
listings <>, and presenter
bios<>- 2013 programming features
3- and 6-hour intensives as well as traditional
90-minute workshops. "Intensive" topics include understanding food justice
and anti-oppression, cooperative housing development, growing student food
co-ops, and the Staff & Managers Track.

Malik Yakini <>, Executive Director
of the Detroit Black Community Food Security
will be the keynote speaker and will discuss "Building Co-ops to Foster
Community Self-determination."

The Cooperative Food Empowerment Directive (CoFED <>) is
proud to sponsor the 2013 NASCO Institute. CoFED is a network and training
program that empowers students to create ethically-sourced,
cooperatively-run food enterprises on college campuses. For more
information about CoFED, visit <>.

Register on our website <>. Our web
registration system can accommodate group registration of up to 36 people -
if you require assistance with registration, particularly for larger
groups, please email Farheen Hakeem at If you have any
questions about Institute in general, please email Morgan Crawford and Remy
Corso at and

In cooperation,

The NASCO Staff




The Annual General Meeting is a chance to get plugged in and turned on to
the bigger picture of NASCO. It is a time to learn more about the laws that
govern the NASCO universe and the nuts and bolts that keep the co-op
movement together. It is a time to think and speak together as a broad and
diverse membership about where we would like to see NASCO go in terms of
co-op education, development, and organizing. The AGM is a work in progress
toward a participatory, member driven, democratic space.

Each active member co-op will send one person to the AGM to represent their
group in the AGM strategic planning process. This member will receive a
discounted registration rate for attending meetings on Saturday and Sunday
mornings, and may also apply for a scholarship for further reductions.


Is there something that you’ve always wanted to share or teach? Do you have
a rad skill that you’d like to showcase in a skillshare? Would you like to
present a workshop for your co-op, but need feedback from other cooperators
first? Well, we clearly had you in mind when we chose to host a Guerrilla
Workshop Space this year at the Institute. At any point on Saturday or
Sunday, presenters are welcome to self-organize and use a room that is
designated solely for Guerrilla Workshops. Bring a note or flyer to the
Registration Desk, and we can even advertise it for you!


Introduced in 2006, Coffee House is the caffeinated haven of Institute.
Newly relocated this year to the Art Gallery near the Institute
registration desk, it serves as a space for networking, hanging out with
friends, participating in skillshares, holding informal caucuses and
meetings, relaxing, browsing the bookstores, and drinking coffee & tea.
Open from early morning to late at night, this will be the place to take a
break from the packed weekend and connect with other co-opers.


The Hall of Fame gives NASCO co-ops a forum to recognize individuals who
have shown an outstanding commitment to the cooperative movement through
their hard work and tireless enthusiasm for cooperation. Every year,
inductees to the Hall of Fame are formally honored at this memorable and
lively ceremony.


The Friday night documentary film festival has become an Institute
tradition. This year we’ve got a phenomenal lineup of independent
documentary films. Film topics range from environmental racism to urban
food security to small- and large-scale agriculture.


Join Brian Van Slyke (Toolbox for Education & Social
and Charlie DeTar (NASCO) on Saturday night for a fun-filled evening as
they share the games that they’ve created
Moon Talk <>, and Flame
Make a new friend, learn how Charlie and Brian created their games, and
sharpen your cooperative skills all at once! This is guaranteed to be a
good time.


Caucuses provide networking opportunities for co-opers with similar
identities to share ideas and experiences, strategize, and draft proposals
to bring to the Annual General Meeting. During these caucus sessions
participants elect a caucus chair to be an official representative to
NASCO’s Diversity Congress. Many caucus participants stay in contact
throughout the year, keeping their caucuses active and planning for their
yearly meeting at Institute.


Institute participants are invited to join a working group to meet with
others with shared interests or from the same region to discuss ways to
include their collective voice in the bigger NASCO picture.


The Diversity Congress serves as a working group employed by identity
caucuses that have established themselves at NASCO Institute. The Congress
is designed to be a safe space where two elected representatives of each
identity caucus can share concerns, discuss solutions, and plan action
steps for bringing issues to the NASCO Board and/or the Annual General


Members of NDS investing member cooperatives, supporting members, former
NDS clients, and former members will have the opportunity to learn about
NDS's advocacy and development work. The luncheon is open to anyone
interested in NDS's work, and will take place during the Sunday lunch.


Some free housing is available in local community homes and student housing
co-ops. If you are interested in this option, you must fill out the
application for community housing on the registration form. These spaces
are limited, so please apply early. Rooms have also been reserved at local
hotels for Institute participants and faculty. For more information about
how to reserve these rooms at a discounted conference rate, please see our


In order to make Institute accessible for parents of young children, we
provide referrals to experienced childcare providers who have agreed to be
available during Saturday & Sunday of Institute on a sliding scale of
$15-$30 per day. For more information, visit or
call Remy at (734) 678-1821.


We actively strive to create an event that is fully accessible for all who
wish to participate. We aim to avoid replicating the barriers in society
that exclude and marginalize people.

Much of the power to foster a safe and respectful atmosphere lies with you,
the participants. For this reason, racist, sexist, classist, homophobic,
transphobic, or other oppressive language or behaviors are unacceptable.
More resources on interrupting oppression will appear in your 2013
Institute Guide.

We are doing the following to ensure that the 2013 NASCO Institute is

+ Offering needs-based scholarships

+ Making affordable childcare available

+ Taking care to house participants in co-ops where they will feel safe and

+ Assuring that conference sites, including all restrooms, are wheelchair

+ Displaying ingredients lists for all meals

+ Including vegan, vegetarian and meat options

+ Prioritizing the participation of people identifying with historically
marginalized groups within NASCO's membership

+ Providing gender neutral restroom facilities as well as education on
their necessity

+ Asking that participants refrain from wearing strong smelling lotions,
perfumes, or other chemically-scented body products (such as shampoo, body
wash, and deodorant)

+ Requesting that presenters speak loudly and clearly, respecting the needs
of those who have impaired hearing

+ Providing live captioning (CART) services during the Keynote, Banquet,
and Hall of Fame.

+ Designating a quiet room where participants can take a break and rest

+ Creating safer spaces for people of similar identities to caucus

All of our attempts to equalize access are made within the limits of
current resources and therefore are not perfect. However, we welcome
suggestions for improvement and will do our best to implement them. For
accessibility requests, please use registration or contact Remy Corso at
734-678-1821 or remy(at)
We appreciate your help in making the 2013 NASCO Institute an event that is
welcoming and accessible to all who attend.

Morgan Crawford
Director of Educational Programs
North American Students of Cooperation
Cell: 630-340-2446
P.O. Box 180048
Chicago, IL 60618
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