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Full Patch Hells Angel Convicted Pimp Jaimie Yochlowitz Aka ‘Jewsifer.’ Hardside Chapter Posts Videos Of Him Dropping Water Balloons Being Dropped On Homeless People. Tik Tok Bans His Account. In 2006 He Was Shot In A Edmonton Bar .

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Greg Carr

Aug 22, 2022, 10:40:46 PM8/22/22
Full Patch Hells Angel Convicted Pimp Jaimie Yochlowitz Aka ‘Jewsifer.’ Hardside Chapter Posts Videos Of Him Dropping Water Balloons Being Dropped On Homeless People. Tik Tok Bans His Account. In 2006 He Was Shot In A Edmonton Bar .

Hells Angel posts videos of water balloons being dropped on homeless people
Taz Khandwani, of Pivot Legal Society, called the balloon throwing "abhorrent acts" that "are another brazen example of targeted violence against unhoused and precariously housed members of our society."

Author of the article:Kim Bolan
Publishing date:Aug 19, 2022 • 3 days ago • 3 minute read • 103 Comments

A full patch Hells Angel had his TikTok account banned recently after posting photos of himself dropping water balloons from a Vancouver apartment building believed to be at 150 East Cordova. PHOTO BY FRANCIS GEORGIAN /PNG

A full patch Hells Angel had his TikTok account banned recently after posting photos of himself dropping water balloons from a Vancouver apartment building onto homeless people below.

Jaimie Yochlowitz, of the Hells Angels Hardside chapter, began posting the videos a few months ago, though lamented last week in an Instagram post that his TikTok account had been banned.

“That didn’t take long,” he wrote over a screen shot of the note from TikTok banning the account, which used his nickname ‘Jewsifer.’

The water balloon videos and posts were sent to Postmedia by someone who had obtained copies.

Yochlowitz did not respond to a message sent through Instagram asking for comment. But less than an hour afterwards, all his social media accounts disappeared.

He had also posted the same water balloon videos on his Instagram account under the heading “Wet and Wild.”

In one of the videos, he fills a red water balloon at a kitchen sink, commenting about substance users blocking his garage door below. He then opens the window and throws the balloon at someone lying down on a blanket in the alley. The victim shouts “ahhh” as the balloon hits the ground nearby and splashes him.

Yochlowitz later posted that he had found a new place to live and had moved.

“As much fun as it was to drop balloons on the heads, I’m happy to be gone from that neighbourhood,” he wrote.

While Yochlowitz doesn’t show his face in the videos, the tattoos visible on his left hand match those in other photos where his face is clearly visible. And the Instagram account also has the same username — his nickname ‘Jewsifer.’

The videos appear to have been shot from an apartment on an upper floor of a building at 150 East Cordova overlooking an alley. Postmedia visited the location Friday and found the same street art and graffiti visible in the videos.

Several people in the area said they thought the videos were disgusting though they had not witnessed the balloons being thrown.

George Middleton works across the alley from 150 E. Cordova, which is in the background. PHOTO BY FRANCIS GEORGIAN /PNG
George Middleton, who works across from the alley where the balloons were dropped, said “it’s terrible. Like what if it wasn’t water he was putting in those balloons? Like it could have been anything. Or how about if he froze some? Then you drop them from that height, it would kill somebody,” Middleton said after Postmedia showed him one of the videos.

He said the level of frustration between people in the neighbourhood is increasing.

“After seeing the videos of it, it’s quite explicit where it’s coming from and what’s going on. It’s just wrong.”

Vancouver Police Const. Tania Visintin said police are now investigating the videotaped incidents.

Taz Khandwani, of Pivot Legal Society, called the balloon throwing “abhorrent acts” that “are another brazen example of targeted violence against unhoused and precariously housed members of our society.”

“Ultimately, this violence is upheld by anti-homeless policies and rhetoric from police and government officials, which create housing precarity and legitimize anti-homeless stigma,” he said. (Greg: The former head of Pivot Legal Society is David Eby N.D.P. M.L.A. and the Attorney-General and head of BC Housing and running for the leadership of the N.D.P. which would make him Premier of B.C. most of the N.D.P. M.L.A.'s support him. The N.D.P. is spending a fortune on the DTES community (drug) court, Insight, N.A.O.M.I., needle exchanges and social housing here in Surrey they have built 3 homeless shelters in 5 years and with others a social housing complex on KGH is being built. I am ex-homeless Whalley/Newton/DTES/Downtown Vancouver I was attacked twice once by teens (Granville Strip) once by 3 DTES criminals in the DTES at 3 am, 3 times ppl tried to rob me once in Stanley Park/ once in Whalley once Downtown Vancouver while I was applying for a job. Never made more than $17 a day binning/panhandling distinctly remember the guy who gave me $10 and said "New West" I had lived there for 5 years 4 years before going homeless. Worked at day labour companies when I could at the GV Food Bank worksite I was falsely accused of theft. Some girls called the Polish Army offered me protection I did not interact with them I had the longest knife on the st they didn't have a clue one was gang raped her bloody clothes on the corner the next day I know a female VPD officer took a serious interest in the case but never heard about them again. The neighbourhood the bad parts are worse now)

Hells Angels spokesman Rick Ciarniello did not respond to an emailed request for comment.

Retired Vancouver Police biker specialist Brad Stephen said the videos are disturbing.

“Anyone who victimizes those that are vulnerable reflects a certain mentality. These poor folks are in need of help, not ridicule,” Stephen said. “I’m reminded of the days when outlaw motorcycle gang members would swarm one guy at a nightclub just for looking at them the wrong way. If this was a Hells Angel Member, then his actions represent the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.”

Various local full patches have been convicted of selling addictive and illegal drugs. Ronaldo Lising recently shot in Burnaby, Damion Ryan pleaded guilty to 2 counts of drug trafficking , Jason Cyrus Arkinstall pleaded guilty to trafficking lots of cocaine and meth, he was convicted for smuggling 500kg of cocaine in Spain Jason Cyrus Arkinstall, Vincenzo "Jimmy"
Sansalone maybe the water balloon thrower should get his club brothers to stop selling drugs that lead to homelessness for some users. He is into girls that twerk cool for him. At 25 he was charged with manslaughter allegedly he with 2 others beat a 21 yr old to death Allister Irvine Marselje in the back of a cafe at 314 W. Hastings that VPD said was selling $10k a month in $10 bags of pot for 3 months. Picture of Jaimie Yochlowitz with Chad Wilson who was convicted in a 500kg cocaine bust and murdered in an unsolved case a few years ago. Jaimie Yochlowitz loves to hang with major cocaine dealers but hates the crack dealers who hang on the sidewalks around his digs who buy Hell's Angel products. A FB page of Jaimie Yochlowitz A picture of 3 Hardside full patches from 2017 one is Jaimie Yochlowitz two now dead Grewal was shot dead in front of multiple witnesses hired hit who paid for it is unknown. For the killing of Allister Irvine Marselje Jaimie Yochlowitz was allowed to plead guilty assault.

"A young Vancouver woman also told a B.C. court that she had been
recruited into prostitution by Yochlowitz, who was convicted of the
offence in 1997, along with a man named Kevin Smith.

"I feel threatened because I know from experience and from observation
what Kevin, Jamie and their friends are capable of," the woman said in
a victim impact statement published in The Vancouver Sun. "They hurt
and scare people. I worry about what they might do to me, my family or
people I care about."

Yochlowitz was shot outside an Edmonton bar in 2006 Michael Robert Rieger a Hell's Angel hangaround who owned a house in Whalley died in the same incident. Yochlowitz and H.A. full patches showed class by showing up at his funeral. He was a minor actor.

Make the world a better place spit on Surrey H.A. members and their companions they are the sort of ppl who masturbate to porn of ppl having sex with animals about as tough as Joe Mulligan and Dave Mulligan and Mike Mulligan and just as pathetic is their chances in life clean that plugged toilet spaz boy and future $20 hooker.


Feb 20, 2024, 11:12:33 PM2/20/24
Have you no shame!!! To besmirch a good man's reputation in a public
forum is tantamount to blasphemy in some parts of this world. Canada
is part of that world. You owe Mr Yochlowitz a very sincere and public
apology. Nothing less will do!

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