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A Note On Violence, and Amero's Hatred Of Males [1]

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Mike Jebbett

Dec 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/17/97

On (16 Dec 97) wrote to All...

g > And here is the kicker: Ms. Amero was not dumped. SHE left HIM.
g > She walked out, apparently expecting to continue living the good life.
g > She is absolutely *enraged* at all men because her cushy plans did not
g > work out.

Women like her are suffering from a condition I call "Advanced
Pedestalism". Which basically means that they [women] have been
living on the high side for so long, equality looks like oppression.

One of the worst things you can do to a gender feminist is treat her
as an equal; she will revolt.

Amero is revolting.

g > the marriage. She told of taking Women's Studies courses.

After reading "Cautionary Tales from the World of Women's STudies" I
can't help but feel that these course should be outlawed. They are
spreading a message of hate throughout academia.

If people only knew what kinds of messages are being taught in most
of these "women's studies" courses, they would have a fit. At
U-Vic for example, the students are asked to pretend to be a lesbian
for a week. People complained about it, but the school never lifted
a finger to stop it.

The basic instruction of the course is that men are solely to blame
for women's problems. Women are the superiour gender, and if not
for men, we would all be living a heaven on earth.

The similiarities to this sort of indoctrination are very
reminiscent of what the Nazis did to gain power in the 1930's.
Germans were regarded as the master race, and found several
scapegoats for why they were not the dominant class or rulers.

g > studied something that might have given her usable skills, she might
g > now be earning a better wage. Instead, it was her *choice* to
g > take Women's Studies courses, and now she is absolutely enraged at
g > all the male race

There are some 4-5 million women graduating from women's studies
classes in North American every year. Things will not get any
better. Men can look forward to a bleak future if they do not
oppose this hatemongering.

g > Ms. Amero's case would be just another soap-opera if it didn't
g > tell us so much about the way that feminists think.

The good news is their plans are out in the open. The bad news is
most men seem too disinterested to do anything about it. That spells
trouble for the future.

g > Ms. Amero unwittingly reveals an
g > awful lot about feminist ethos.

So does much of their literature. And the way they view any
questioning of their dogma.

I once tried to get a copy of Donna LaFramboise book from a feminist
bookstore, only to find out the book was banned.

You have to read Donna's book to truly appreciate how frightening a
prospect it is to see this book banned. Donna LaFramboise book is
one of the most intellegent and fair-minded books written by a
"feminist". She also happens to be a Canadian I might add. If
you havn't read this book you should.

"The Princess at The Window" by Donna LaFramboise. ISBN 0140256903

James H. Steiger

Dec 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/18/97

Mike Jebbett <> wrote:

>I once tried to get a copy of Donna LaFramboise book from a feminist
>bookstore, only to find out the book was banned.
>You have to read Donna's book to truly appreciate how frightening a
>prospect it is to see this book banned. Donna LaFramboise book is
>one of the most intellegent and fair-minded books written by a
>"feminist". She also happens to be a Canadian I might add. If
>you havn't read this book you should.
>"The Princess at The Window" by Donna LaFramboise. ISBN 0140256903

It is quite common for gender feminists to try to enact laws limiting
the freedom of speech of those who contest their ideas. Often, the
"Sexual Harassment" apparatus, composed largely of people with
a particular ideological background, will be invoked to deny a
person the right to speak. For example, at the University of Victoria,
Warren Magnusson tried to defend his department against the
(unfounded) accusations of Somer Brodribb, who had been making
various charges of "chilly climate," "racism" and "sexism" against
her department. [not coincidentally, Brodribb was about to be
evaluated for tenure at the time]

Magnusson made a simple, eloquent, pointed defense against the
charges, and was immediately charged with sexual harassment.
Immediately, various academicians participatated in the effort
to silence him [one of the participants in the condemnation
of Magnusson was Gillian Creese, later appointed to be
Chair of Women's Studies at UBC].

Magnusson was charged, vaguely, with things like "misogyny."
[translation, he disagreed with his accusers]. His life
was put on hold for several years, while the harassment
bureaucracy plodded along.

At UBC, a "Chilly Climate" campaign was started. One of the
behaviors indicative of a chilly climate [in an official
UBC publication] was denigrating feminist scholarship.
So, for example, if I think methodological standards are
very low [or virtually non existent] in certain areas
of feminist research, and I state this publicly, I
could be held accountable for making the climate chilly.

I spoke out against this, publicly. Many people, at the
time, thought my fears were far-fetched. They were whistling
a different tune a few years later, when the UBC Political
Science department was accused of sexism and racism, and a
well-known feminist lawyer, Joan McEwen, was chosen as
the sole reviewer of the allegations. [Talk about a
stacked deck!]

Freedom of speech is very fragile. Very few people have it.

Gender feminists are the biggest threat to freedom of speech
in North America. Their efforts to subvert freedom of speech
must be countered with vigor and suspicion at every turn.

Any time you see an "Equity" office staffed entirely with women
[where's the "equity" there?] of feminist ideological background,
any time an employer can "review" a harassment allegation using
only [the employer's] hand-picked "consultants," any time the
major spokesperson for an "Equity" office responds to all
criticisms by telling the critics they are "confused," you should
suspect strongly that freedom of speech is in danger.

Mike Harris

Dec 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/18/97

Could you tell us who the Author of "Cautionary Tales from the World of
Women's Studies" is? I'd like to pick up a copy.

James H. Steiger

Dec 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/19/97

"Mike Harris" <> wrote:

>Could you tell us who the Author of "Cautionary Tales from the World of
>Women's Studies" is? I'd like to pick up a copy.

Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge.

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