Jupyter Notebooks

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James Reynolds

May 12, 2024, 1:44:30 AMMay 12
to bbe...@googlegroups.com
I hate to say this because I'm 99% sure what the answer will be. It would be awesome if BBEdit could support python notebooks. The only reason I even thought of it was because it looks like VSCode supports it. I absolutely can't stand using VSCode though. https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/datascience/jupyter-notebooks

I can't stand the "once a web browser, now a text editor" turn the industry took. Web browser editor fields suck. Now that I think about it, the fact that Jupyter was written for web browsers is probably why VSCode supports it.

James Reynolds

Johnny Ragadoo

May 15, 2024, 9:32:28 AMMay 15
to BBEdit Talk
Have you seen BBEdit's Notebook format? It's like Scrivener for plain text. When I write for Affinity Publisher, I often use a BBEdit notebook for my copy editor. That's "copy" as in what people used to call what they wrote for publication in newspapers and magazines.

Todd Ingalls

May 15, 2024, 12:34:22 PMMay 15
to BBEdit Talk

the Jupyter notebook support is the only reason I eve use VSCode. would love to not have to do that. 

James Reynolds

May 15, 2024, 3:49:12 PMMay 15
to bbe...@googlegroups.com
I use the Notes feature of BBEdit and I'm grateful for it so that I don't have dozens of Untitled Text documents all over. But the Python Notebook format is a JSON file with a list of "cells". Each cell can be code or markdown. You can run the code in the editor by just pressing modkey+return. The results are shown directly below the cell.


Jupyter Notebooks are used heavily by the AI community. I don't know the history so I could totally be wrong about this, but I *think* this happened because AI educators (at universities) used Jupyter Notebooks to teach because you could mix the markdown that explains the code with the actual code and the ability to run it, so the instructors didn't need to make slides, the just made Notebooks. You can also run Jupyter Notebooks on the cloud easily and so I know Google Colab uses Jupyter Notebooks.

Mixing Markdown/HTML cells with code would probably require a lot of changes in BBEdit, which is why I am 99% sure the answer to my question would be no.

James Reynolds
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Rob Russell

May 16, 2024, 3:47:39 AMMay 16
to BBEdit Talk
On Thursday 16 May 2024 at 07:49:12 UTC+12 James Reynolds wrote:
I use the Notes feature of BBEdit and I'm grateful for it so that I don't have dozens of Untitled Text documents all over.

OMG!!! 🙀 How did I miss that feature? I usually have 2-3 dozen untitled documents holding snippets (which, I might add, BBEdit never loses). Nice way to organise them!


Johnny Ragadoo

May 16, 2024, 1:33:07 PMMay 16
to BBEdit Talk
BBEdit plus Affinity Publisher is a pleasant combination. I have a word processor of magically intense capability (Mellel). If I lost Mellel, my second choice "word processor" would be BBEdit for composition, Affinity Publisher for output.

I'm not a Word fan.

For more BBEdit love, Mellel documents are zip archives and based on XML, much like docx. BBEdit will directly open and modify them in place. Nice future proofing, courtesy BBEdit.

James Reynolds

May 17, 2024, 10:55:04 AMMay 17
to bbe...@googlegroups.com
I should clarify, the reason why I am hoping for Jupyter notebook support is because these ipynb files are only editable by opening JupyterLab. Even VSCode requires JupyterLab to be running I think. It's kind of a pain.

James Reynolds
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Brian Quirt

May 19, 2024, 3:50:19 PMMay 19
to bbe...@googlegroups.com, James Reynolds
I actually do a lot of Jupyter notebook editing in BBEdit, you just have to edit them as a text file. I still find the ability to do multi-file searches and grep useful enough to deal with not being able to run the notebooks or see the active formatting. It can especially be useful if you have a notebook whose metadata has somehow gotten into a state that causes Jupyterlab to be unable to load it.

I would love it if BBEdit could run notebooks, but I also feel as if it would be far outside of the core way that BBEdit works. Being able to start up a Jupyter server and run the notebook that I currently have open, or tell the server that it’s changed and reload it after making edits in BBEdit, feels like something closer to the spirit of BBEdit as best I understand it, and would definitely make my life easier, if not necessarily everyone’s.

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