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BBEdit Talk idea

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Rick Yentzer

Jul 3, 2024, 8:59:35 AM7/3/24
to BBEdit Talk
I was chatting on the Indie web slack channel the other day and I noticed that they have events where they hop on zoom and discuss topics of interest within the sphere of indie web. This gave me an idea.

I, along with several others here, have been long time BBEdit users. I think it could benefit all of us here if we did something similar, because even though I'm a long time user, I use a small fraction of what BBEdit is capable of doing and I'm in awe of some of you on this board and your knowledge and expertise!

I just wanted to throw this out there as a BBEdit fanboy.

James Reynolds

Jul 3, 2024, 4:08:59 PM7/3/24
Awesome idea. I'd attend. I could show the weird way I use BBEdit and why I'm now dependent on it. I don't recommend people do what I do though. I'd just be a fyi.

James Reynolds
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