Soft-wrap: Can I toggle it with a command key, some how?

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Rails Smith

Oct 11, 2023, 2:29:37 PM10/11/23

I read about 5 years of old posts mentioning soft-wrap. Gosh it must be a bugger to keep this feature to be bug free, release after release, considering all of a huge variety of content that must be wrapped combined with variations of what User's want to see. Amazing job with that, Rich and Patrick and the BBEdit team!

I checked pp 114-115 of User manual. Forgive me if I missed something. 

I wonder if there was a way I could use macOS features to toggle soft wrap on or off. I appreciate that I will only be able to toggle on and off, such that the selected method of wrap will be the same. Not expecting to toggle one of the 3 selectable different wrap methods. 

Thank you!

Patrick Woolsey

Oct 11, 2023, 3:04:17 PM10/11/23
On 10/11/23 at 2:24 PM, (Rails Smith) wrote:

>I checked pp 114-115 of User manual. Forgive me if I missed something.
>I wonder if there was a way I could use macOS features to toggle soft wrap
>on or off. I appreciate that I will only be able to toggle on and off, such
>that the selected method of wrap will be the same. Not expecting to toggle
>one of the 3 selectable different wrap methods.

Thanks very much for your kind words preceding, and in answer to
your question, you can obtain the desired behaviors within
BBEdit proper.

In order to do so, please open BBEdit's Preferences window,
select the Menus & Shortcuts pane, then select the View menu in
the center column, fold open the "Text Display" menu and finally
click in the "click to set" field for the 'Soft Wrap Text'
command and then type your desired shortcut. (I've assigned F4
to this command for myself. :-)

Please further note that you can also assign key shortcuts to
most other commands, such as the 'At Page Guide' or 'At Window
Width' wrap methods, or 'Show Invisibles, also a long-time
favorite of mine. :-)


Patrick Woolsey
Bare Bones Software, Inc. <>

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