On 10/24/17 at 4:04 PM,
earl.t...@gmail.com (Earl Thurston) wrote:
>Hi folks. I'm a newcomer to BBEdit 12, having recently migrated
>from the now-sunsetted TextWrangler.
>I came across a sudden and surprising issue while editing the
>text in one of my documents. When I pressed the TAB key on my
>keyboard, the page scrolled to and highlighted several lines of
>text some distance from where I was typing. Each press of the
>TAB key moved the highlight to other lines.
The selected range of text begins with "<#" and ends with "#>",
which makes it a "placeholder". You can read about these in the
user manual. The Tab key behavior can be controlled in the
Keyboard preferences.
Rich Siegel Bare Bones Software, Inc.
sie...@barebones.com> <
Someday I'll look back on all this and laugh... until they
sedate me.