Correct last misspelled word using the keyboard

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Oliver Taylor

Jan 9, 2012, 4:16:02 AM1/9/12
When writing, I often misspell words. As I type these mistakes are underlined in red. To correct the word I just misspelled I need to move the cursor to the word, right-click on it, and chose a replacement. I'm wondering if I can, somehow, do this via the keyboard.

Is there a keystroke that mimics right-click? Can this be done via AppleScript?


Jan 10, 2012, 5:43:00 PM1/10/12
to BBEdit Talk
Hi Oliver

You can select the the next misspelt word using the keyboard shortcut
“ cmd + ; ” (Menu: Text --> Find Next Misspelt Word)

You may therefore need to move the cursor backwards first, so the next
misspelt word is the one you want to selected with “ cmd + ; ” I
don't know of any command to 'Find Previous Misspelt Word'

Once the word is selected use keyboard shortcut “ cmd + shift + ; ”
and the spelling correction window will open to allow you to make the
correction to the word.

You can of course move backward per word using the keyboard shortcut “
Alt + left arrow ”, or just jump back to the beginning of your current
line with the keyboard shortcut “ cmd + left arrow ”

So to summarise:

1) Use “ cmd + left arrow ” to move the cursor to be located before
the misspelt word

2) Use “ cmd + ; ” to select the misspelt word automatically

3) Use “ cmd + shift + ; ” to open the Spelling and Grammar
correction window to make the correction

The pop up Spelling and Grammar correction window does not get the
focus on my Mac - so the mouse is now need to get the focus, and then
select the correct spelling?

Hope that helps - if you can figure it out to only use the keyboard,
let me know too :)



NB Alt key is also called the Option key

Oliver Taylor

Jan 11, 2012, 1:03:08 AM1/11/12
Thanks wiremoons, but I was specifically wondering if there was a quick way to open the contextual menu via the keyboard or AppleScript so that I can automate the jump back to misspelled word, select it, and right-click on it process.


Jan 15, 2012, 3:51:49 AM1/15/12
to BBEdit Talk
Sorry. Just realized that Simon suggested that same thing. Duh.

On Jan 10, 8:03 pm, Oliver Taylor <> wrote:
> Thanks wiremoons, but I was specifically wondering if there was a quick way
> to open the contextual menu via the keyboard or AppleScript so that I can
> automate the *jump back to misspelled word, select it, and right-click on it
> * process.


Jan 15, 2012, 3:51:12 AM1/15/12
to BBEdit Talk
There's already a built in OS X shortcuts for triggering the spelling
suggestion. It might even be better than the right-click suggestion.
Checkout StackExchange's SuperUser:


On Jan 10, 8:03 pm, Oliver Taylor <> wrote:
> Thanks wiremoons, but I was specifically wondering if there was a quick way
> to open the contextual menu via the keyboard or AppleScript so that I can
> automate the *jump back to misspelled word, select it, and right-click on it
> * process.
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