Schedule, evaluation, and workshop submissions

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Robert Bossy

Jun 26, 2019, 12:17:13 PM6/26/19
to BB 2019
Dear participants,

this is a message that contains important information about the schedule, predictions evaluation, and workshop submissions.


July 22-29
Test data release and evaluation

August 19
Workshop paper submission
Sept. 16
Paper acceptance notification
Sept. 30
Camera-ready papers due
Nov. 3 or 4
BioNLP-OST workshop

EMNLP workshop submissions

The BioNLP-OST workshop will be accepting short papers submissions (4 pages plus references) from task organizers and participants. We strongly encourage all participants to submit papers. The papers will be reviewed by the workshop scientific committee and acceptance will be decided on the merits of the paper. This means that participation, or good results does not entitle to a paper on the workshop. Accepted papers will published in the workshop proceedings of the EMNLP conference. A subset of the accpeted paper will be selected for oral presentations.

There will be only ten days between the end of the test phase and the paper submission deadline. You may want to start right away writing the parts of the paper that are independent of the results.


Prediction evaluations

When the test data is released, you will have a couple of days to produce predictions and send them to us. We will evaluate your predictions and publish on the website a leaderboard.

Note that OST tasks are committed to openness of science, data, and software. We, at Bacteria Biotopes will take actions to encourage openness and reproducible science:
  • Prediction evaluations will be published and teams identified, we will not provide evaluations of anonymous submissions.
  • We will not focus on the ranking with a single score, we provide a variety of metrics in order to better characterize your system predictions.
  • We will highlight teams that will share with an open license their predictions, their code, their resources, and their hyperparameter sets. We recommend a FOSS approved license for the code, and the CC-BY 4.0 license for data.

Best regards,
Robert Bossy for the Bacteria Biotope organization team

Robert Bossy

Jul 9, 2019, 3:23:47 AM7/9/19
to BB 2019
Dear participants,

here's some additional information and a slight corrections.


Take note that camera-ready papers are due the 26th September 2019.

EMNLP workshop submissions

Papers can be either short (4 pages + references) or long (8 pages + references).
Reviewers will recommend either oral or poster presentation for your work.

The paper submission site is open: please refer to the paper submission instructions page.

Predictions submissions

Detailed instructions are available on the prediction submission instructions page.

Robert Bossy

Jul 25, 2019, 8:58:49 AM7/25/19
to BB 2019
Dear participants,

as pointed out by Usama Yaseen, some files had duplicate or triplicate entities. This was clearly a mistake that we have corrected.

We have updated the data archives on the Dataset page. Please download the updated data. Also you might want to pull the latest version of the evaluation tool.

We apologize for the inconvenience this update entails, however we reckon that the influence on the training and evaluation on most task would be limited.

Good luck!

Robert Bossy
on behalf of the organizers.

Robert Bossy

Aug 19, 2019, 5:02:34 AM8/19/19
to BB 2019
Dear participants,

this is a reminder that the deadline for workshop paper submissions is today 19th August. Be sure to submit your paper en the SoftConf page.

See the paper submission page for further details about formatting and review process.

Best regards,
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