Paper final version and workshop attendance

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Robert Bossy

Sep 18, 2019, 9:50:16 AM9/18/19
to BB 2019
Dear participants,

you now should have received the notification for your paper submission.

We, as BB task organizers, will cite the accepted papers in the overview paper.

Please cite the overview paper in your final version. We provide the following BibTeX entry for the citation:

  title={{B}acteria {B}iotope at {B}io{NLP} {O}pen {S}hared {T}asks 2019},
  author={Bossy, Robert and Del{\'e}ger, Louise and Chaix, Estelle and Ba, Mouhamadou and Nedellec, Claire},
  booktitle={{P}roceedings of the {B}io{NLP} {O}pen {S}hared {T}asks 2019 {W}orkshop},

Schedule reminder

Camera ready version due the 26th September.
Workshop held the 4th November in Hong Kong.

For those who have a paper accepted with oral presentation, we would be grateful if you could confirm that one author will be able to attend the workshop and present the work.
If you cannot attend, please notify us as soon as possible.

Best regards,
Robert Bossy
on behalf of the organizers
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