Expand make variables depricated?

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Sergey Vlasov

Jun 30, 2024, 7:04:13 PM6/30/24
to bazel-discuss
I saw in the document:


that ctx.expand_make_variables is depricated and "Use ctx.var to access the variables instead". 

But ctx.var is only a dictionary... 

Now I need implement expanding function myself?

Alex Humesky

Jul 1, 2024, 5:09:47 PM7/1/24
to Sergey Vlasov, bazel-discuss

This is the relevant github issue: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/5859
It's a P4 and I don't think anybody has thought about it seriously in a couple years, so I think it will be fine for a while.
You could go with the suggestion in the github issue and instead of using the "$(var)" syntax, you could use "{var}" and use the built-in format function:


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