August Community Update Follow-up

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Jason Dobies

Aug 18, 2022, 4:03:43 PM8/18/22
Awesome stream today, thank you to everyone who came to hang out with us. And obviously a huge thanks to our speaker Alex Eagle, as well as those of you who kept him on his feet with plenty of questions. Today's stream is very much in line with my vision of how I'd like to see these go, with a lot of back and forth between the speakers and attendees.

As always, if you have a topic you'd like to speak about, I'd love to hear about it. E-mail or reach out to me on Slack if you're interested.

Even if you weren't at the stream, I'd still very much appreciate you taking a quick 3 question survey. I'm trying to get a feel for which rule sets are of interest to the community, which is the main question in the form:

Here are (most of) the links that came up during the stream:

- Alex's slides (which contains many of the links he introduced):

- Alex's Twitter account:

See you in September :)


Jason Dobies

Developer Relations Engineer

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