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Status of #12823 and the associated proposal

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Lukács T. Berki

Mar 31, 2023, 4:39:11 AM3/31/23
to Chi Wang,, bazel-dev
Hey Ed and Chi,

What is the status of the "Remote Output Service" proposal?

I am doing some house cleaning in the bazelbuild/proposals repository and this one has been under review for more than two years now, so it would be nice to come to a conclusion.

Ordinarily, I would just close it as "Dropped, obsolete", but it appears that the pull request #12823 still sees some interest, so I don't think that's appropriate, at least without asking y'all.

Lukács T. Berki | Software Engineer | | 

Google Germany GmbH | Erika-Mann-Str. 33  | 80636 München | Germany | Geschäftsführer: Paul Manicle, Halimah DeLaine Prado | Registergericht und -nummer: Hamburg, HRB 86891

Lukács T. Berki

Apr 3, 2023, 3:07:24 AM4/3/23
to Chi Wang,, bazel-dev, Tobias Werth
Given the lack of answers over the weekend and on Friday, I sent out a pull request to mark it as "dropped" ( Please do chime if you think that's the wrong thing to do! (or approve the pull request if it is)

ツ Sven Tiffe

Apr 3, 2023, 5:48:13 AM4/3/23
to Lukács T. Berki, Chi Wang, Tobias Werth, bazel-dev,
Please do not consider weekends in this way. Nobody is expected to react on a Friday email on a Saturday or Sunday.

I think moving the discussion to the PR is fine, but I am concerned about the messaging.

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Lukács T. Berki

Apr 3, 2023, 6:21:56 AM4/3/23
to ツ Sven Tiffe, Chi Wang, Tobias Werth, bazel-dev,
Apologies for the wording prone to be misunderstood!

I wanted to send this e-mail one workday after the previous one, it's just that there happened to be a weekend in between.
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