proposal: More accurate cquery

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Greg Estren

Mar 17, 2023, 9:12:03 PM3/17/23
to bazel-dev, John Cater, Lukács T. Berki, Eric Haugh, Joe Le-Ba
Hi all.

Please see More accurate cquery: a proposal to make cquery output more clear and accurate by better handling aspects and toolchains.


Lukács T. Berki

Mar 20, 2023, 10:15:11 AM3/20/23
to Greg Estren, bazel-dev, John Cater, Eric Haugh, Joe Le-Ba
On the surface, it seems reasonable. I have asked some questions on the doc that may result in significant changes, but not in a ground-up redesign.

The main question in my mind is when to do this. Looking at the OKR drafts, it looks like the Configurability team will have a busy quarter and I'd much rather get fewer tasks done than more tasks half-done.
Lukács T. Berki | Software Engineer | | 

Google Germany GmbH | Erika-Mann-Str. 33  | 80636 München | Germany | Geschäftsführer: Paul Manicle, Halimah DeLaine Prado | Registergericht und -nummer: Hamburg, HRB 86891

Greg Estren

Mar 20, 2023, 9:50:34 PM3/20/23
to Lukács T. Berki, bazel-dev, John Cater, Eric Haugh, Joe Le-Ba
Thanks Lukacs.

I'm interested in this as a side project when I need a break from prioritized work. It's been bugging people for a long time. It'd be nice to at least remove the current correctness problems, which is my primary motivation. And why I wouldn't want to get fancy with --output=build support and other extras: leave those to their own efforts and at least lift us up from the status quo (and extra support load from diagnosing bad queries).

Lukács T. Berki

Mar 21, 2023, 8:25:19 AM3/21/23
to Greg Estren, bazel-dev, John Cater, Eric Haugh, Joe Le-Ba
On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 10:50 PM Greg Estren <> wrote:
Thanks Lukacs.

I'm interested in this as a side project when I need a break from prioritized work. It's been bugging people for a long time. It'd be nice to at least remove the current correctness problems, which is my primary motivation. And why I wouldn't want to get fancy with --output=build support and other extras: leave those to their own efforts and at least lift us up from the status quo (and extra support load from diagnosing bad queries).
Yeah, that makes total sense, a low-priority personal sanity enhancer project is very useful :) 

On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 6:15 AM Lukács T. Berki <> wrote:
On the surface, it seems reasonable. I have asked some questions on the doc that may result in significant changes, but not in a ground-up redesign.

The main question in my mind is when to do this. Looking at the OKR drafts, it looks like the Configurability team will have a busy quarter and I'd much rather get fewer tasks done than more tasks half-done.

On Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 10:11 PM Greg Estren <> wrote:
Hi all.

Please see More accurate cquery: a proposal to make cquery output more clear and accurate by better handling aspects and toolchains.


Lukács T. Berki | Software Engineer | | 

Google Germany GmbH | Erika-Mann-Str. 33  | 80636 München | Germany | Geschäftsführer: Paul Manicle, Halimah DeLaine Prado | Registergericht und -nummer: Hamburg, HRB 86891
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