BayesStripAlign feature requests

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André Jalobeanu

Mar 17, 2016, 3:58:10 PM3/17/16
to BayesMap software users
Use this topic to post feature requests


Apr 20, 2016, 10:31:12 PM4/20/16
to BayesMap software users
Feature Requests:

I would like to request some features that would make this an ever greater product!

1) Better statistic and reporting information, Most of the information generated is quite arbitrary to anyone who does not understand
    exactly what the numbers and information means.

2) information on the horizontal accuracy (lidar xy diff vs control xy, std, confidence ect) when a control file is included with gcp. 

3) a better way to view histograms, graphs, ect, Possibly output CSV files or something easy to import into excel, or just auto generate them as images, because its a HUGE job to view and check them all using the current system.

while these features may not be crucial to the workings of this software and may seem as a low priority,
i think for people who use the software on a day to day basis the logistics needs to be reasoned.


André Jalobeanu

Apr 25, 2016, 3:38:56 PM4/25/16
to BayesMap software users
Thank you for suggesting this.
  1. Are there any missing statistics that need to be included? All the absolute and relative quality text files are described in the documentation, however if it is unclear, it will be better explained.
  2. Currently, there is no horizontal accuracy checking. Control points are used individually to check the vertical accuracy, using an interpolation scheme to get the height from the LiDAR point clouds. To check horizontal accuracy, features (such as lines or planes) would be needed, and these features need to be matched against those extracted from the point clouds. If this capability is added to the software, it will require the user to input xy coordinates and the type of feature they refer to, for each point. 
  3. We need a few examples to work with, as each client has different ways to present spreadsheets of histograms and statistics. We'll be happy to provide easier to use formats, such as csv, to help display all this information at once. To all interested, please provide example spreadsheets, and any information that could help us add a useful feature!


Jul 25, 2016, 1:30:55 PM7/25/16
to BayesMap software users
Hi Andre,

I have been using Bayes Strip Align for the past few months and have been very impressed so far. The program currently has trouble with strips touching water, but I believe that the next release will address this problem.
Feature Requests:

1. The ability to choose which classes to include/ignore. Currently the program ignores a set list of classes.
2. Ability to set horizontal & vertical cutoff and nearest point or TIN option for vertical accuracy check against ground control. Currently the ground control check is quite "closed box", but some flexibility would be useful.
3. Legends on the plots generated by the QC module.


Jul 4, 2018, 9:51:48 AM7/4/18
to BayesMap software users
Feature request:

I am always haveing problems with the -pofiles and the projections. is it possible to incoperate EPSG codes into the software instead of -utm of -wkt files?


André Jalobeanu

Aug 16, 2019, 12:19:21 PM8/16/19
to BayesMap software users
If you have gdal installed, it's easy to convert any EPSG code into a WKT file using the command line:

gdalsrsinfo "EPSG:32721" -o wkt >file.wkt

Then you can input the generated WKT file into the StripAlign or WavEx command line.

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