I’m very much looking forward to working together this semester in our Bayesian statistics seminar.
Meeting "00" will just be the “Vorbesprechung” (pre-Semester meeting). For anyone who would has questions about the course or about the semester, we can meet at this link https://unimeet.uni-graz.at/b/cla-gru-xu4-48a.
For following weeks, the plan is to meet as usual at 15.30 in seminar room 32.11 (to floor of Holteigasse 6). If possible, please bring a laptop with R already installed.
Just for basic preparation: we will be using this book as a rough guide for the course: https://www.amazon.de/Richard-Mcelreath/dp/036713991X/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=24ZFNTQV3DKGG&keywords=statistical+rethinking&qid=1696190575&sprefix=statistical%2Caps%2C276&sr=8-1
You don’t need to buy the book, though of course feel free to buy a copy of you want to (versions are also available from the Uni Library). I’ll always provide all the material that we need for the course separately, though.
In addition to the book, the author also has a really nice collection of YouTube lectures and code resources available here: https://github.com/rmcelreath/stat_rethinking_2023#calendar--topical-outline.
Note, we will roughly be following the course plan that he suggests over the next ten weeks.
Regarding grades: these will be based on small projects at the end of term, ideally meant to include some aspect of your own research. We can work on and present these in the last three meetings in January (which, as you can see on UGO, will also be held online).
For anyone who still has questions, please let me know by email, or we can talk in class.