2024 summer programming classes

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Springlight Office

May 23, 2024, 5:58:21 PMMay 23
to SpringLight Education, bay...@googlegroups.com

Java programming classUSACO Bronze class and USACO Silver class are enrolling!!

SpringLight Education started USACO training in 2013. Our students received great results on USACO at all levels including finalists. Some of them had been admitted into many top colleges like MIT, Harvard, Stanford, CalTech, Harvey Mudd, UC Berkeley and more other colleges.

Most of the students who attended our USACO training classes and finished the homework qualified the next level like silver, gold level and platinum. Many of them got the perfect score of 1000.

Instructor Mr. Felix Huang has taught computer science, math, and physics for high school students for 10+ years. He has helped many students to advance from USACO Bronze, Silver, or Gold to Platinum. He is passionate about helping students overcome their barriers and reach challenging goals. He helped students gain profound understanding on these subjects. He works as a software engineer in multiple areas including Java, C++, Python programming, backend data, and optimization problems. Mr. Huang received his MS in Math from U of Washington, MS in Computer Science from U of Arizona, and BS in Math from National Taiwan University.

Register for 2024 Summer Programming Classes: https://goo.gl/azs8AU

The classroom is online @Zoom
Contact: spring.l...@gmail.com, 408-480-2505

Check more coding classes details at SpringLight http://springlighteducation.com/courses/computer-science/
We offer the first class as a free trial. If you are not satisfied after the trial, you may cancel and are not required to pay tuition for that one class. If you would like to continue, you must pay for all classes, including the first class. We also record every class for students to review later.

Programming Class Schedule

ClassDateTime (California)PriceClass DayNotesTeacher
Java Programming6/23 – 9/15/20247:00-9:30pm$960/12 lessonsSundaysno class on 9/1Mr. Huang
USACO Bronze6/22 – 8/24/20241:00-3:30pm$1100/10 lessonsSaturdays
Mr. Huang
USACO Silver6/22 – 8/24/20247:00-9:30pm$1200/10 lessonsSaturdays
Mr. Huang

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