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Slickrun: Problem launching chrome:// urls

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Dec 25, 2018, 8:00:09 PM12/25/18
to Bayden
In slickrun there is an issue where it cannot launch chrome urls such as chrome://bookmarks/#9 or chrome://extensions/ since it doesnt know its a url for chrome and windows doesnt let you select chrome for a program either.   
How about putting the text you enter in notes for a magicword in a bubble above the bar as it matches what you type against the magicwords and also pop in up when you are hovering over a magicword using the magicword list. This may allow more shorter magicword launch names. For example AM to launch amazon or AMO to launch amazon orders AMS to launch subscribe & save. The difference is that you may forget what they are and the text notes popup will help remind people using it like that. Otherwise you would have long names possibly like Amazon Order and Amazon Subscribe.  If you put just Order or subscribe it again could forget what its for with hundreds of these.

Thank you for this program.  


Dec 29, 2018, 12:30:58 AM12/29/18
to Bayden
For security reasons, Chrome does not accept chrome:// URLs for navigation (e.g. typing chrome.exe chrome://flags will not open the flags page).

While showing Notes is an interesting idea that I'll have to think about, you shouldn't be afraid to create long MagicWord names. Instead create names that are meaningful to you and let SlickRun's autocomplete logic work for you. 

If you have a set of similar MagicWords (e.g. the "Amazon category" and you don't have meaningful names for them that are distinct, put a slash in the MagicWord's name so you can use the tab key to jump beyond the category name; e.g. create magicwords named AMAZON/ORDER and AMAZON/SUBSCRIBE. Then, you can just type e.g. "A" and whichever one you used more recently will appear as the suggestion. If it's not what you want, you can then just hit tab to get beyond the slash, then you can type the first letter of the next word, e.g. "S" and the relevant subitem will be autocompleted. 


Dec 29, 2018, 4:22:56 PM12/29/18
to Bayden
Hi Eric, 
Slickrun I think should then look to see if you have additional sub magic words saved after the /, and if so, should just only bring up matches to the main keywords only but if you hit TAB it should then put the / with the autocomplete and show the last used sub magic word entry.  So if typing A or AM would only bring up the main keyword match like Amazon and not Amazon/Order or Amazon/Subscribe, but if hit tab after typing AM it will then show Amazon/Order if thats the last one you used. Perhaps hitting tab again or the backspace or left arrow should remove the / and show only the full term like Amazon without the / afterward, right now it would show amazon/ which doesnt match the keyword due to the /.

The other idea to show the note text line would also work well as people could put like amo and above the bar it would say amazon orders which is what I put in that single note line. It needs to know where there is $W$ to not show it, or make a different text entry different then notes for this. More flexibility in how people decide to use it. Maybe entering amo is easier for some the typing AM hit tab then O but due to the short name people would likely forget with many and why I suggested to show the note above the bar as well as in the list. 

Another adding hotkeys to magicwords, again allowing people flexibility as many do like the 5 or so they can remember which is fastest to launch things and showing them next to the magic words list.


Jan 2, 2019, 9:11:21 AM1/2/19
to Bayden
Slickrun I think should then look to see if you have additional sub magic words saved after the /, and if so, should just only bring up matches to the main keywords only but if you hit TAB it should then put the / with the autocomplete and show the last used sub magic word entry.  So if typing A or AM would only bring up the main keyword match like Amazon and not Amazon/Order or Amazon/Subscribe, but if hit tab after typing AM it will then show Amazon/Order if thats the last one you used. Perhaps hitting tab again or the backspace or left arrow should remove the / and show only the full term like Amazon without the / afterward, right now it would show amazon/ which doesnt match the keyword due to the /.

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, but if you type A, SlickRun offers Amazon/Order (if that's what you last used); if you wanted that, you hit Enter. If you don't, you hit Tab and hit S and you're offered Etc. If you want a "directory" view, after hitting Tab, hit Alt+M to see the list of Matches that are prefixed with the Amazon/ text.


Jan 2, 2019, 1:59:25 PM1/2/19
to Bayden

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, but if you type A, SlickRun offers Amazon/Order (if that's what you last used); if you wanted that, you hit Enter. If you don't, you hit Tab and hit S and you're offered Etc. If you want a "directory" view, after hitting Tab, hit Alt+M to see the list of Matches that are prefixed with the Amazon/ text.

The other idea to show the note text line would also work well as people could put like amo and above the bar it would say amazon orders which is what I put in that single note line. It needs to know where there is $W$ to not show it, or make a different text entry different then notes for this. More flexibility in how people decide to use it. Maybe entering amo is easier for some the typing AM hit tab then O but due to the short name people would likely forget with many and why I suggested to show the note above the bar as well as in the list. 

Another adding hotkeys to magicwords, again allowing people flexibility as many do like the 5 or so they can remember which is fastest to launch things and showing them next to the magic words list.

Hi Eric, If you have amazon and amazon/order and amazon/subscribe for example and you hit A but last used amazon/order it will come up as amazon/order not amazon and hitting tab or backspace or left arrow also doesnt go back to just amazon without the / ready to hit enter to launch amazon. 

What I was saying is I was thinking when hitting A - to autocomplete first only to the item before the / such as amazon, then only if you hit tab it should then autocomplete whatever you used last after the /.  So a shows amazon the main term without / after ready to launch with an enter, hitting a + tab shows amazon/order or whatever I used last, hitting tab again (or backspace or left arrow) would go back to just amazon without the / (right now it keeps the /), and then hitting say s would change the amazon/order to amazon/subscribe for example.  2) it would also be good to allow remap a hotkey different then alt-m to bring up the directory if that didnt match and maybe you dont remember the choices, For example I'd prefer something like down or right arrow which would be much faster as alt-m on my keyboard is small and awkward. Cycle through autocomplete as you have now  and pull up that directory could be both user selectable hotkeys.


Jan 2, 2019, 2:15:33 PM1/2/19
to Bayden
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, but if you type A, SlickRun offers Amazon/Order (if that's what you last used); if you wanted that, you hit Enter. If you don't, you hit Tab and hit S and you're offered Etc. If you want a "directory" view, after hitting Tab, hit Alt+M to see the list of Matches that are prefixed with the Amazon/ text.
Hi Eric, If you have amazon and amazon/order and amazon/subscribe for example and you hit A but last used amazon/order it will come up as amazon/order not amazon and hitting tab or backspace or left arrow also doesnt go back to just amazon without the / ready to hit enter to launch amazon. 

It would be helpful if you showed exactly what MagicWords you have, but if you hit Tab when "A" autocompleted to "Amazon/order", you can hit backspace twice to get "Amazon", although naming a MagicWord to the same thing that a category is named probably isn't the best approach.

Without using Alt+M you can use up/down to scroll through any matches you've executed previously.


Jan 2, 2019, 8:15:43 PM1/2/19
to Bayden
When I type A and last used was amazon/order it will fill amazon/order, and when I hit backspace even once it goes back to just a not amazon. What I suggested was when typing A it autocompletes only to the main magicword item before a / such as amazon, and then only if you hit tab it should then add the / and autocomplete whatever last used sub magicword under that you have (Hitting A + TAB for example). At that point the functionality would be the same such as hitting s to change from amazon/order to amazon/subscribe. But also if you have amazon/order, hitting tab or backspace should go to just the main magicword amazon without the /.  The magicwords for this example I use are amazon to my main order page that donates to charity but otherwise the same as using amazon, amazon/order showing my orders, amazon/profile showing my profile, amazon/review showing items to review, amazon/search to do a general search, amazon/subscribe to see my subscribe and save and could add other categories like amazon/dvd such as to search only dvd category, amazon/music. I also have two amazon credit cards I have to add, one is their store card and the other is the amazon visa. I also have netflix launching my queue of netflix and netflix/search to search it because using dvd alone for several sites for example. Again, if it showed note line when the magicword doesnt use $w$, then I could have amazon/sd for search dvd instead of amazon/searchdvd and wont have to remember them since it will show a single line note what it is, or even just use asd then or amo for amazon order. I do that now with the google search bar but cant remember all the short terms for the dozens I use such as yt to search youtube. 
Again it would be good to be able to map the hotkey to bring up the directory like you have for alt-m and if you hit the alt-m with a blank bar it should show all the magicwords. I'd rather use down arrow to bring that up and right/left arrow to cycle the past autocomplete for example.   And somepoint being able to add selectable hotkeys to individual magicwords, that is the fastest without even launching the bar if hidden but likely many would just use 5 or so and why you made the program.

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