is it possible to make a magicword for setup?

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Jul 22, 2019, 10:24:40 PM7/22/19
to Bayden
hey new here,

I wanted to ask is it possible to make a magicword for the slickrun setup ( instead of opening the context menu and selecting it)?

and something more, is there an option to make a magicword that will insert a specific string into the current textbox?
like lets say i want to make a magicword `INMAIL` that will insert my email address into the "user" prompt box in some site, is that possible?

btw - if there are some beginners guides somewhere i'd really appreciate a link to them.



Jul 22, 2019, 10:27:17 PM7/22/19
to Bayden
The default MagicWord for launching setup is setup. If you wanted to rename it for whatever reason, you'd do:

MagicWord: whatever you want
Filename: @MULTI@
Parameters: setup
Notes: launch slickrun's setup

SlickRun itself doesn't have the ability to write text into the textboxes of web browsers, although you could use SlickRun to launch utilities that do this. Having said that, sometimes times you can put the text you want into the URL parameter of a website and it will pull the text into the page.
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