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Running UWP (Univeral Windows Platform) applications from Slickrun

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Ricky Cormier

May 7, 2020, 12:48:48 PM5/7/20
to Bayden
Has anyone come up with a standard and consistent way to add a magic-word to run UWP applications that don't involve digging into the internals of Windows to find out application IDs and so on?



May 14, 2020, 10:51:48 AM5/14/20
to Bayden
Sadly, no, not that I know of.

Ricky Cormier

May 14, 2020, 11:40:56 AM5/14/20
to Bayden
I've previously written code (for work) to do just this sort of thing. If I coded up a sort of example solution, is it something that would be of interested?
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Karl Brown

Jun 21, 2020, 5:51:06 AM6/21/20
to Bayden
This is probably just an example of "digging into the internals of Windows" like you mentioned, but here's my process for creating UWP MagicWords:

Create a MagicWord where the Filename is 'explorer.exe' and the Parameter contains the following:

Determine what the variable [TARGET] should be replaced with by doing the following:

1. In SlickRun (or the Windows Run dialog box) open: shell:appsfolder
2. Find the app you are interested in, right-click on it & create a shortcut.
3. Look at the properties of the shortcut and replace [TARGET] with the entire contents from the Target field in the shortcut properties.

Mark McClelland

Jul 29, 2020, 8:42:12 AM7/29/20
to Bayden
It would be nice if the SlickRun eye-dropper could detect a modern UWP app and build out the explorer.exe or start command with Package Name, Publisher ID, and Application ID needed to run it from the command-line. I wrote a blog post the other day about what's involved in getting this info:

On Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 11:48:48 AM UTC-5, Ricky Cormier wrote:
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