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Using functions keys as shortcut key for SLICKRUN.

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litosoft onedrive

Oct 9, 2019, 11:14:33 PM10/9/19
to Bayden
I've been using a similar software for years as the SLICKRUN.. its called RUNFAST. Unfortunately there has been no more updates so I want to to change to SLICKRUN. Is there a possibility to just use functions keys example F11 to launch SLICKRUN? Sometimes we prefer one key instead of combination of two keys. Other than this, I find SLICKRUN very helpful. Thanks very much.


Oct 15, 2019, 11:43:44 AM10/15/19
to Bayden
I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. SlickRun generally runs all the time in a small window on your screen. You can set focus to it using a hotkey selected on the SETUP screen (I use Ctrl+Q).

SlickRun is not designed to map other hotkeys to launch other programs; instead you type MagicWords to invoke those other programs.
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