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Jon Watts will visit SFMM on Sunday, January 15, at 1 p.m.

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Krista Barnard

Jan 7, 2023, 12:32:50 AM1/7/23
to Bay Area Quakers
Dear Friends –

You are invited to join Jon Watts for a conversation at the San Francisco meetinghouse at 1 p.m. on Sunday, January 15 (or join via Zoom—see details below). Jon is a singer, songwriter, media creator, and the founder of QuakerSpeak, for which he produced weekly videos for 6 years. Jon will be talking with us about what Quakerism might look like in the 21st century. He has come to clearness on his next steps, and has founded Thee Quaker Project. This new online venture invites us to “look to the next generation of Friends, innovate the way we tell our stories, and ensure that the torchlight of the Religious Society of Friends stays strong and visible, even and especially through times of upheaval.”

This will be Jon’s only stop in the Bay Area during this trip to California. Quakers in nearby meetings are welcome to come to the San Francisco meetinghouse at 65 Ninth Street (between Mission and Market Streets, near the Civic Center BART station) for this gathering. And everyone is welcome to attend by joining via Zoom (details below).

In Friendship,

Krista Barnard

Member, Ministry & Care Committee



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