支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論"

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david chou

Jan 31, 2024, 12:04:09 PMJan 31
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, psos, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating

支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (I) 

"疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政, 將不利台灣與美國在歐洲與亞洲的盟國論" 起自美國本土, 很快就傳到日本與韓國與歐洲, 這引起各國的憂慮, 特別是烏克蘭.

"疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政, 將不利台灣與美國在歐洲與亞洲的盟國論" 也傳到台灣與支那, 但支共與其在台同路人把 "川普再執政, 將不利台灣與美國在歐洲與亞洲的盟國論" 渲染成 "川普再執政, 將棄台論". 那些支那畜牲在嚇唬台灣人, 並要賴清德政府投降老共, 不可親美/ 抗支/ 保台.


(1) China Says Trump Could Abandon Taiwan If He Wins US Election

  • Taiwan might be a ‘discarded chess piece,’ China official says
  • Trump earlier avoided a question on whether he’d help island

By Bloomberg News
January 31, 2024 at 11:30am [GMT+8]
Updated on January 31, 
2024 at 4:45pm [GMT+8]
China said a victory by Donald Trump in the presidential election later this year could lead to the US abandoning Taiwan, comments intended to sow doubt over Washington’s commitment to the island.

“The US will always pursue America first, and Taiwan can change from a chess piece to a discarded chess piece at any time,” Chen Binhua, spokesman for the office in Beijing that handles matters related to the island, said at a regular press briefing on Wednesday.

(2) China says Trump may leave Taiwan if he wins US election

Kyiv  •  UNN

31 January 2024, 05:10 PM 



China believes that if Trump wins the US election, Taiwan will turn into a bargaining chip and the US will abandon its promises to protect the island from a potential military attack by China.

A Chinese official has said that Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election could lead to the US leaving Taiwan. UNN writes about this with reference to Bloomberg.


At a regular press briefing, Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Beijing office that deals with issues related to the island, was asked a question related to Trump's interview. In it, Trump avoided a direct answer to the question of whether he, as president, would defend Taiwan if China attacked it.


The United States will always defend America first and foremost, and Taiwan can turn from a chess piece to a discarded one at any time

- Chen Binhua commented.


When asked by Bloomberg about Chen's remarks, a Trump campaign spokesman referred to comments he made as president in which he recognized that China was a security threat.


Bloomberg notes that China often says that the United States is not a reliable partner for Taiwan. This line is aimed at undermining the island's confidence that it can withstand a possible Chinese invasion. China has promised that it will one day take over the island of 23 million people, even by force if necessary.




The United States has traditionally maintained a policy of strategic ambiguity, recognizing China's historical claims to sovereignty over Taiwan while maintaining only informal relations with Taipei and promising defense assistance. Nevertheless, President Joe Biden has repeatedly stated that the United States will defend Taiwan if it is attacked.


Washington is Taipei's main military supporter, and in late 2022 it authorized arms sales to Taiwan worth up to $10 billion over five years. Beijing reacted to the arms sales by striking back with symbolic sanctions on defense companies.

[to be continued]

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement

david chou

Feb 1, 2024, 3:38:13 AMFeb 1
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, psos, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating
支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (II)

[本欄原則上將持續到3/1/2025, 那時美國新的國安團隊就已成形.]

川普若再執政, 在他的第二個任期的台海政策/ 對支政策/ 對台政策將會是個什麼模樣 [假定台海沒有發生什麼驚天動地的大事, 如親支/ 舔共/ 反美/ 疑美/ 賣台的赤藍黨/ 赤黨/ 柯痞黨執政或聯合執政並啟動台灣被支那和平併吞或台支融合之程序, 如William政府宣佈台灣法理獨立, 如支共與支帝對台灣發動an unprecedented attack], 若根據若干指標來觀察, 那基本上或原則上將可預測, 但因為這不是科學的實驗或數學的演算, 所以無法百分之百的準確預測, 而且預測的人因為政治立場與觀察指標不同, 所以結論也會不同.

由於台灣需要仰賴美國的保護與協防, 才能在支那的威脅或侵略下, 在軍事上存活, 因此, 何人在華盛頓組建行政團隊, 何黨掌控國會山莊, 總統採納何種國家安全大戰略, 就會攸關台灣與我台灣族人的生死/ 存亡/ 興衰/ 榮辱, 也因此, 我正黃旗的台灣族人 [包括主流的台美人, 不包括赤藍營/ 赤營/ 柯痞營的人馬] 必須正視Old Donald是否會再執政/ 其台海政策是否能對我台灣與台灣族人有利的問題, 加以研究, 以便找出未雨綢繆之策, 以趨吉避凶.

在本欄內, 我將根據若干指標, 來研判再執政的川普未來或未來可能的台海政策是否能對我台灣與台灣族人有利, 不過, 我要先提醒我的台灣與台美鄉親們, 我要等到明年3月初才會做出結論, 即便在那之前, 我不排除會分階段做出階段性的結論.

我今天先以Dr. Mike Pillsbury為指標, 來觀察與預測未來的Trump administration是否會不利我台灣/ 台灣族人/ William administration.

根據我所得到的一項權威的訊息, 我們知道, 被川普重用的劃時代的美國國家安全戰略大師Mike Pillsbury已於1/19/2013從Hudson Institute轉到Heritage Foundation, 傳統基金會在2016-2017為川普組建了一個從歐巴馬的手上將政權轉移給川普的工作團隊 [這個團隊安排了TIW與川普的電話聯繫]. Heritage’s 2025 Presidential Transition Project也於去年提出, 準備要再為川普組建政權接收團隊, 若川普今年11月初再度當選. 白邦瑞已是這個團隊的成員, 他與其他人會負責國家安全事務這一個領域, 這個團隊的國安小組已在擘劃下一任的川普政府的國安戰略與政策, 並於3/28/2023發佈了 "Winning the New Cold War: A Plan for Countering China" 這項重要的文件. 這文件告訴我們, 下一任的川普政府的國家安全戰略將會延續他的第一任的國家安全戰略, 亦即將會繼續反制北京支共流氓政權與支那邪惡帝國對 "Pax Americana"或美國的世界領導權的挑戰與顛覆, 也因此, 我們可以合理預測, 下一個川普政權將會繼續保護或協防台灣.

為了讓我的鄉親/ 老友/ 盟友/ 工作夥伴/ 台灣建州運動的支持者 了解 "Winning the New Cold War: A Plan for Countering China" 這項重要的文件, 我現在把它的重點或與台灣直接有關的部分節錄下來, 讓大家閱讀, 我的LKK鄉親則僅需閱讀字體較大的部分, 以免頭大.

若你是赤藍營/ 赤營/ 柯痞營的意見領袖或公開的支持者, 請你ignore這份文件, 因為你讀它, 也是白讀 [你讀的書再多, 也是讀在背上, 對我台灣族人與美國均無益], 而且你的存在對我台灣/ 台灣族人/ 主流台美人/ 美國也沒有什麼正面的意義.

[to be continued]

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement



Winning the New Cold War: A Plan for Countering China

Authors: James CarafanoMichael PillsburyJeff Smith and Andrew Harding

March 28, 2023 

Winning the New Cold War: A Plan for Countering China



Kevin Roberts, PhD

The greatest existential threat facing the United States today is the People’s Republic of China (PRC), led and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Whether politicians and pundits in Washington care to acknowledge it or not, the United States is in a new Cold War with the PRC, an adversary even more capable and dangerous than the Soviet Union was at the height of its power.

Abroad, the PRC is increasingly determined to establish hegemony, supplant U.S. leadership, and intimidate its Indo–Pacific neighbors into submission. It is conducting mock blockades of Taiwan,--------.

These are not imagined sleights. This is the behavior of an adversary, not a competitor. A course correction is long overdue. To date, the U.S. government’s response has been inadequate.


It is time to acknowledge reality: The United States is in a New Cold War with the PRC. It is past time for a plan—for a whole-of-government and whole-of-society effort—that serves American interests and protects the American people and economy from malicious actions by the CCP. The Heritage Foundation’s “Winning the New Cold War: A Plan for Countering China,” a major research collaboration reflecting inputs by more than two dozen foreign policy, legal, military, economic, and energy experts from Heritage and other organizations, does just that. This is not the end of our work to combat the CCP threat, but the beginning.

Kevin Roberts, PhD, is President of The Heritage Foundation.


Executive Summary

Winning the New Cold War: A Plan for Countering China

While U.S. officials have been reluctant to frame the rivalry with China in these terms, their apprehension ignores a simple reality: China adopted a Cold War strategy against the U.S. long ago. 


Summary of Key Recommendations

To protect the U.S. homeland, the U.S. must:

Ban CCP Lobbyists. 

Ensure Reliable Semiconductor Supply Chains.


To diminish the CCP’s influence and hold it accountable, the U.S. must:


Expose CCP Influence Over U.S. Cultural Institutions.


To exercise global leadership, the U.S. must:

Diminish China’s Threat to Taiwan.


The measures outlined in this plan are comprehensive and ambitious. They will require coordinated action across multiple government agencies and Congress, state and local governments, and partner nations. Ultimately, however, China is foremost an Oval Office problem: The U.S. President must exercise leadership in directing a national plan, as the President’s predecessors did during World War II and the Cold War. The President must galvanize Congress to act.

Edited by James J. Carafano, PhD, Vice President of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy and E. W. Richardson Fellow at The Heritage Foundation; Andrew J. Harding, Research Assistant in the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation; Michael Pillsbury, PhD, Senior Fellow for China Strategy in the Davis Institute; and Jeff M. Smith, Director of the Asian Studies Center.


Introduction: The New Cold War

Part I. The Foundation of the Plan

Part II. The Plan to Counter China

Part II of the plan examines dozens of fault lines in China–U.S. relations and offers recommendations for policy action. Topics are divided into five categories of collective action:

A. Protect the Homeland

B. Safeguard and Advance U.S. Prosperity

C. Reorient America’s Defense Posture

D. Diminish the CCP’s Influence and Hold It Accountable

E. Exercise Global Leadership


B. Safeguard and Advance U.S. Prosperity

Strengthen the U.S. Economy.

Ensure Reliable Semiconductor Supply Chains.

Issue: Semiconductors, also known as microchips, are omnipresent, critical to the function of every electronic device from smartphones to fighter jets. As a result, semiconductors are vital to U.S. national security and economic prosperity. Secure supply chains of critical goods are especially vital during war time and war mobilization, including in any potential conflict scenario in the Taiwan Strait. Yet, semiconductor supplies are vulnerable to disruption. The geographic distribution of critical semiconductor supply chains is heavily weighted toward East Asia. Taiwan alone accounts for a disproportionate share of global semiconductor manufacturing capacity: Taiwanese company TSMC fabricates 92 percent of the world’s most advanced semiconductor chips, with South Korean company Samsung accounting for the remaining 8 percent.98

Katie Tarasov, “Inside TSMC, the Taiwanese Chipmaking Giant That’s Building a new plant in Phoenix,” CNBC, October 16, 2021, https://www.cnbc.com​/2021/10/16/tsmc-taiwanese-chipmaker-ramping-production-to-end-chip-shortage.html (accessed February 22, 2023).

The PRC, meanwhile, is investing considerable resources in expanding its own semiconductor production capabilities. Beijing’s Made in China 2025 plan sets goals for China to achieve 70 percent self-sufficiency in semiconductors by 2025, although to date Chinese companies have faced considerable challenges in realizing these ambitions. COVID-19-related disruptions demonstrated that fragile supply chains can threaten the resilience of many economic sectors. Although calls for more diversified and secure supply chains are increasingly bipartisan, effective solutions have been lacking. The Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) and Science Act passed in 2022, for example, fails to address this issue comprehensively.99

Dustin Carmack, “CHIPS Is a Missed Opportunity for Real Security,” Heritage Foundation Commentary, August 2, 2022, https://www.heritage.org/asia​/commentary/chips-missed-opportunity-real-security.

Action: The U.S. must ensure that developments in U.S. industrial policy address the national security and competitiveness shortcomings of the CHIPS and Science Act. The U.S. should increase American competitiveness by cutting red tape, removing regulatory burdens, reducing federal spending, reforming the tax code, and addressing delays at the federal, state, and local levels. In particular, the U.S. should remove punitive taxes on investments that expand the economy. Returning to allowing full and immediate expensing of R&D and capital expenditures would foster expanding opportunities to advance manufacturing and research and development in the U.S. In 2022, TSMC announced a new $40 billion investment to build a second semiconductor-chip plant in Arizona.100

Emma Kinery, “TSMC to Up Arizona Investment to $40 Billion with Second Semiconductor Chip plant,” CNBC, December 6, 2022, https://www.cnbc​.com/2022/12/06/tsmc-to-up-arizona-investment-to-40-billion-with-second-semiconductor-chip-plant.html (accessed February 15, 2023).

 Productive efforts such as this will be greatly facilitated by pursuing pro-growth tax reforms. An absence of reforms to remove burdensome and punitive taxation on investments and business operations will hinder any effort to stop offshoring of U.S. industrial capacity to China.

Implementation: Congress must eliminate security loopholes and add additional oversight mechanisms in the funding and execution of the CHIPS and Science Act. 101

Dustin Carmack, “With CHIPS on Table, Leave It to Congress to Drop Ball on Semiconductor Subsidies,” Heritage Foundation Commentary, July 22, 2022, https://www.heritage.org/technology/commentary/chips-table-leave-it-congress-drop-ball-semiconductor-subsidies.

Additional investments in counterintelligence education and capabilities will reduce insider threats and legal and illegal technology transfers that boost the PRC’s semiconductor industry. Congress should further improve the tax environment for capital investments for semiconductors where current recovery periods heavily disadvantage the construction of commercial infrastructure, such as chip fabricators. Pro-growth tax and regulatory reforms would incentivize semiconductor reshoring, encouraging companies to move manufacturing to the United States. Furthermore, Congress should instruct the Development Finance Corporation—an institution created ostensibly to promote strategic investments to counter the PRC—to prioritize foreign investment support in sensitive high-technology sectors where China is gaining ground, such as semiconductor supply chains.

Impact: Securing reliable semiconductor supply chains will mitigate a critical U.S. national security vulnerability and improve self-reliance and sustainability for strategic industries. It will prevent China from weaponizing semiconductor supply chains (as it did when it restricted rare-earth exports to Japan amid geopolitical tensions in 2010) and build resilience and flexibility in America’s industrial base while creating high-quality manufacturing jobs and facilities in the U.S.

Allies: The U.S. should pursue further bilateral and multilateral trade initiatives to enhance semiconductor supply-chain resilience. Encouraging allies and like-minded partners to harmonize export-control measures to deny the CCP advanced semiconductor technology with those of the United States should be a diplomatic priority. The U.S. government should further diversify the technology industrial base by pursuing arrangements with strategic partners, such as Germany, India, Japan, the Netherlands, and South Korea. Finally, Taiwanese firms should be encouraged to continue building more resilient industrial capacity and infrastructure, including through making new investments in semiconductor production capacity inside the United States.


C. Reorient America’s Defense Posture

Recalibrate America’s Defense Posture to Meet the China Threat.

Issue: China is building the capacity to diminish and overcome U.S. means of strategic and conventional deterrence.147

See, for example, Patty-Jane Geller, “China’s Nuclear Expansion and Its Implications for U.S. Strategy and Security,” Heritage Foundation Commentary, September 14, 2022, https://www.heritage.org/missile-defense/commentary/chinas-nuclear-expansion-and-its-implications-us-strategy-and​-security.

If successful, China hopes to “win without fighting,” deterring the use of U.S. military force in the Indo–Pacific or, if necessary, prevailing in a conventional conflict, including in the Taiwan Strait.148

Brent Sadler, “One Year After Indo–Pacific Command’s Prediction About Taiwan, Where Do We Stand?” Heritage Foundation Commentary, March 10, 2022, https://www.heritage.org/asia/commentary/one-year-after-indo-pacific-commands-prediction-about-taiwan-where-do-we-stand.

A regional conflict between China and the U.S. would be disastrous with significant human and economic costs, disrupting supply chains, the energy trade, and other critical economic activity. Deterring a regional conflict will require robust capability to operate in the maritime and air domains (subsurface, surface, and air) as well as conducting supporting operations in space and cyberspace and on land.

As the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) rapidly modernizes, the U.S. Navy remains unprepared for protracted great-power conflict, with an aging fleet of fewer than 300 ships.149

On the U.S. Navy’s state of unpreparedness, see Wood, ed., 2023 Index of U.S. Military Strength, pp. 16 and 17. On the Navy’s aging warship problem, see Megan Eckstein, “Heritage Report: Aging Navy Fleet Complicates Tradeoff Between Buying New Ships, Fixing Old Ones,” U.S. Naval Institute News, October 4, 2018, https://news.usni.org/2018/10/04/heritage-foundation-index-aging-navy-fleet-complicates-tradeoff-between-spending-on-new​-ships-maintaining-old-ones (accessed February 15, 2023).

The PLAN’s expanding fleet, by contrast, already exceeds 350 ships, even as the CCP enjoys an advantage over the U.S. in enlisting civilian or commercial vessels and its “maritime militia” for quasi military activities. As a result, the credibility of U.S. conventional deterrence in the Western Pacific is fading. This is not a problem that can be solved only by “pivoting to Asia.”150

See discussion in James Jay Carafano, “Getting a Game Plan for the Guardian of America’s Global Interests,” The National Interest, September 12, 2021, https://nationalinterest.org/feature/getting-game-plan-guardian-america%E2%80%99s-global-interests-193480 (accessed February 15, 2023).

The preponderance of U.S. Navy assets, more than 70 percent by some estimates, are already positioned in the Indo–Pacific. However, U.S. Air Force assets, particularly fighter, bomber, and air-refueling squadrons remain in short supply in the region.

Action: China has an advantage in purchasing power parity and a robust defense industrial base.151

See Frederico Bartels, “China’s Defense Budget in Context: How Under-Reporting and Differing Standards and Economies Distort the Picture,” Heritage Foundation Special Report No. 225, March 25, 2020, https://www.heritage.org/sites/default/files/2020-03/SR225.pdf.

The U.S. must adopt a cost-imposing strategy that pairs significantly expanding asymmetric U.S. and allied naval and air capabilities with greater efforts to outcompete China economically. Preparing for regional contingencies and deterring China from taking provocative military actions will require additional warships, aircraft, and munitions, paired with an effective deterrence strategy. The U.S. will also require a more capable industrial base to enhance the U.S. naval fleet’s performance at sea, as well as increasing production of the F-35 and B-21 aircraft.

Implementation: The U.S. government must make it a priority to reduce the longest lead time for delivery, enhancing naval warfighting capacity through expanded shipbuilding. To leverage the savings inherent to making large block purchases and economies of scale, Congress should craft a Naval Act of 2023. This one-time legislation would authorize and appropriate the funds necessary for a large block purchase of naval assets for a total of $152.3 billion before anticipated savings.152

Brent D. Sadler, “A Modern Naval Act to Meet the Surging China Threat,” Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No. 3732, October 24, 2022, pp. 5 and 6, https://www.heritage.org/sites/default/files/2022-10/BG3732.pdf.

Ships covered by this purchase would only be those with approved, stable designs and that are in production today at numbers already stipulated in the current approved Future Years Defense Program that runs through 2027.

Impact: Establishing a modern Naval Act would provide industry with the predictability to make needed infrastructure investments and increase the workforce, creating a virtuous cycle of follow-on effects in improving maintenance and repair capacity. As a discrete legislative act, it would draw attention to a vital national security priority while not competing directly with other military service budget needs. A modern Naval Act, echoing the nation’s historic success in preparing for war in the Pacific during World War II, would galvanize meaningful action.

Allies: Effective deterrence with an undersized U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force necessitates allied support and combined action as the U.S. rebuilds its naval and air forces. This will include greater access to each other’s shipyards for repairs and sustainment of deployed operations. At a minimum, other key allies in Pacific warfighting scenarios include Japan, and potentially the Philippines, as well as Pacific Island nations to secure critical transpacific sea and air lines of communication.


Restore Conventional Deterrence in the Indo–Pacific.

Issue: The unquestioned military advantage that the U.S. enjoyed in the Indo–Pacific for decades following World War II has atrophied significantly. Today, it is uncertain whether the U.S. military can present a credible conventional deterrent against the PLA in the near future. Indeed, there are growing concerns among U.S. defense planners and experts that the U.S. military may prove unprepared to win a regional conflict with the PRC, including a conflict over the Taiwan Strait. The next several years—before the U.S. delivers critical military platforms to Taiwan—present an elevated risk for the U.S. and Taiwan. Preparedness acts as the strongest deterrent against Chinese aggression, yet the PLA’s modernization has left U.S. forward-deployed and rotational forces potentially overmatched in the first island chain.

Action: The United States should immediately adopt and resource a strategy of deterrence by denial against the PLA.153

Mike Gallagher, “Battle Force 2025: A Plan to Defend Taiwan Within the Decade,” Foundation for Defense of Democracies, February 17, 2022, https://​www.fdd.org/analysis/2022/02/17/battle-force-2025/ (accessed February 15, 2023).

This will require disciplined prioritization, advantaging improvements to U.S. military capabilities in the Indo–Pacific over competing objectives in other theaters. This strategy must also account for the possibility that attempts to deter an invasion could fail, providing adequate resources and capabilities to sustain and win a longer-term conflict if necessary.

Implementation: The Administration and Congress should prioritize providing the U.S. Indo–Pacific Command with the funding and capabilities identified as requirements in the Commander’s annual independent assessment under the Pacific Deterrence Initiative. Additionally, the Pentagon should prioritize the Indo–Pacific for rotational deployments necessary to backfill any capabilities removed from the region, a need highlighted recently by congressional concern over the removal of F-15 squadrons from Okinawa.154

Bryant Harries, Stephen Losey, and Joe Gould, “Republicans Push Back on Okinawa F-15 Withdrawal,” Defense News, November 1, 2022, https://www​.defensenews.com/congress/2022/11/01/republicans-push-back-on-okinawa-f-15-withdrawal/ (accessed February 15, 2023).

The Pentagon and State Department should make the realization of a more distributed and resilient force posture a primary goal of U.S. foreign policy.

The Pentagon should accelerate efforts to expand basing in the Freely Associated States of the Pacific Islands, and the State Department should undertake a major effort to solidify America’s alliance with the Philippines, with the goal of regaining the ability to operate from the Philippines in a regional contingency, which will prove invaluable in any China conflict scenarios. To counter the PLA’s massive advantage in ground-based missiles,155

Marco Rubio et al., letter to The Honorable Lloyd Austin, July 20, 2022, https://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/5fe164ff-9745-49e1-b727​-05e5d5ece8f0/A1894459F41C49ED976B27FF41D09818.07.20.22-rubio-letter-to-secdef-re-ground-based-missiles.pdf (accessed February 15, 2023).

The U.S. government must make determined efforts to develop and regionally deploy ballistic and cruise missiles formerly prohibited by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

Impact: Apart from reducing near-term risks of conflict, the decades of stability and peace in the Indo–Pacific underwritten by U.S. military strength not only served American and allied interests, but also helped China enrich to itself. Restoring conventional deterrence in the Indo–Pacific is the surest way to extend this peace dividend and avoid a PLA fait accompli over Taiwan, or any armed conflict with China, for that matter.

Allies: A more credible U.S. conventional deterrent would reassure U.S. partners and allies in the region. While allied forces cannot replace the need for the United States to implement a strategy of deterrence by denial, the U.S. should lean on allied capitals to complement and enhance this strategy, particularly through expanded access to local military and logistics facilities and through the hosting and deployment of ground-based missiles.


Urgently Increase Munition Production and Arm Taiwan.

Issue: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has demonstrated that America’s defense industrial base is not currently capable of producing munitions at a sufficient rate or quantity. This failure is most concerning for Taiwan’s defense, as it has rendered the foreign military sales (FMS) process—the only mode of U.S. military support to Taiwan beyond training––unreliable. While successive Administrations have continued to announce high-profile sales to Taiwan, few of the capabilities that Taiwan has purchased in recent years have actually been delivered.162

Bryant Harris, “Document Reveals $14 Billion Backlog of US Defense Transfers to Taiwan,” Defense News, April 14, 2022, https://www.defensenews​.com/pentagon/2022/04/14/pandemic-delays-spark-14-billion-backlog-of-us-defense-transfers-to-taiwan/ (accessed February 15, 2023).

Many of the most critical capabilities to defend against PLA aggression, such as Harpoon missiles, are still years away from delivery. Taiwan’s Harpoon purchase likely will not be fully delivered until at least 2029.

Action: The Administration must deliver critical munitions to Taiwan as soon as possible, as current delivery timelines stretch beyond when the PLA will reach a 2027 deadline reportedly set by General Secretary Xi to be prepared to wage a successful invasion of Taiwan. In the medium term and the long term, a whole-of-government effort will be necessary to revitalize the defense industrial base and ensure that the United States is able to produce munitions at the levels required for great-power competition.

Implementation: When the Administration sends capabilities that are backlogged for Taiwan to other places, it should be required to justify the decision to Congress with full transparency about the trade-offs to deterrence in the Taiwan Strait. Suggestions that future military aid to Ukraine will not impact Taiwan163

Kathleen H. Hicks (@DepSecDef), “#America’s support to #Ukraine is in no way negatively affecting our ability to support #Taiwan. Lessons learned out of Ukraine will be critical to our ability to continue to support the Taiwan Relations Act—as well as our allies & partners. @AspenSecurity,” Twitter, December 15, 2022, https://twitter.com/DepSecDef/status/1603448093290250241 (accessed February 15, 2023).

Ignore the additional stresses on the defense industrial base and obscures the higher opportunity costs of arming Taiwan with depleted U.S. stocks. The executive branch should use the drawdown authority in the Taiwan Enhanced Resilience Act to arm Taiwan with critical munitions to fill the gap left until delayed FMS platforms are delivered.

Impact: Failure to deliver munitions that Taiwan has purchased undermines U.S. credibility as a defense partner and can heighten the threat of PLA aggression across the Taiwan Strait. Addressing the shortcomings of U.S. munitions productions with short-term and long-term solutions would help to repair the damage and enhance deterrence of the PLA.

Allies: U.S. allies and partners manufacture defense systems relevant to Taiwan’s defense that may not be available from U.S. sources. They should be encouraged to sell or otherwise transfer such capabilities to Taiwan without regard to PRC opposition. In some cases, it may be appropriate for the U.S. to purchase the defense material from third parties and sell or transfer it to Taiwan.

david chou

Feb 1, 2024, 4:30:06 AMFeb 1
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, psos, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating

支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (III)

"疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政, 將不利台灣與美國在亞洲及歐洲的盟國論" 起於美國本土, 其中有一位是十分親台與護台的John Bolton, 他在川普第一個任內, 曾短暫擔任白宮國家安全顧問這個要職, 我現在請鄉親們閱讀一篇文章.

我們台灣族人(包括台美人) 雖然無需接受John的預測與警告, 但也不能掉以輕心.

原來就支持Old Donald的台美人鄉親, 就繼續支持他, 而且這種支持要讓他看得到, 且要讓他印象深刻, 讓他感受到部分台美人支持他的熱誠 [部分台美人則持續支持Old Joe].

TIW政府對包括The Heritage Foundation在內的幾個美國智庫有給予財務支持, William-Bikhim政府當然要持續經營.

[to be continued]

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement



John Bolton Issues Dire Warning on What Exactly Another Trump Term Would Bring

Tori Otten/

January 31, 2024/12:33 a.m. ET



The former Trump appointee is sounding the alarms about what could happen if Donald Trump returns to the White House.

Donald Trump’s former national security adviser has some chilling warnings about what could happen if the former president is elected back into office.

John Bolton laid out his terrifying predictions in the foreword to a new paperback edition of his book The Room Where It Happened, which comes out Tuesday.

“A mountain of facts demonstrates that Trump is unfit to be President,” Bolton wrote. “If his first four years were bad, a second four will be worse.”

“Trump really cares only about retribution for himself, and it will consume much of a second term.”

Bolton’s biggest concern is that Trump will drill down hard on isolationism. This could include pulling the United States out of NATO, cutting support to Ukraine as it battles the Russian invasion, and emboldening China to invade Taiwan. Trump could also seek to reunite with North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un or strike some sort of deal with Iran—no matter how bad—to prove his own negotiating skills.

“It is a close contest between Putin and Xi Jinping, who would be happiest to see Trump back in office,” Bolton said.

Bolton served as Trump’s national security adviser from 2018 to 2019. Since leaving the White House, Bolton has become an outspoken Trump critic, particularly regarding Trump’s indictment for hoarding classified documents.

When the indictment was announced in June, Bolton called the case “devastating” and said it should mark the “end of Donald Trump’s political career.” A few weeks later, Bolton said that any 2024 Republican presidential candidates who say Trump shouldn’t be prosecuted for keeping classified material don’t deserve to be president.

This stance is a surprise from Bolton, an Iraq War architect, radical nationalist, and neocon [neoconservative, 美國新保守派] who seemed all too happy to support Trump while the latter was in office. Trump’s campaign seized on this shift in position.

“For someone who professes to have such great disdain for President Trump, ‘Book Deal Bolton’ sure has found a way to grift off the relationship,” Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller told Axios.

MAGA’s Ugly New “Civil War” Fantasy Should be Taken Seriously On some of the biggest stories of the moment, MAGA personalities are forcing the GOP into unbridgeable differences with Democrats.

david chou

Feb 1, 2024, 6:35:12 AMFeb 1
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, psos, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating
支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (IV)

"疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政, 將不利台灣與美國在亞洲及歐洲的盟國論" 的authors之一是亞太戰略與安全議題的專家Denny Roy, 我現在請鄉親們閱讀他寫的一篇文章. 他說:

"Taiwan’s unfortunate fate is that it will always be vulnerable to a sellout by the United States. This danger may be increasing. In that sense, Republican Party politicians who style themselves as China hawks and Taiwan supporters are backing the wrong presidential candidate."

"Taiwan’s unfortunate fate is that it will always be vulnerable to a sellout by the United States. This danger may be increasing." 既然如此, 台灣加入美國就是solution. 

Denny提到 "Trump is uninterested in promoting or defending a liberal international order." 這對台灣建州運動與我而言, 的確是很大的遺憾, 但這問題現在還不是a pressing issue or problem.

[to be continued]

David Chou


Formosa Statehood Movement



Donald Trump Could Betray Taiwan

Taiwan’s unfortunate fate is that it will always be vulnerable to a sellout by the United States. This danger may be increasing. In that sense, Republican Party politicians who style themselves as China hawks and Taiwan supporters are backing the wrong presidential candidate in Donald Trump.

by Denny Roy 

January 24, 2024 


Presumptive Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump’s latest statement about Taiwan is another indication that U.S. foreign policy could substantially change course if Trump, who famously sees foreign relations as economic transactions, wins a second term as the chief executive.

In an interview with Fox News on January 21, Trump declined to say whether or not he would order U.S. forces to intervene if China attacked Taiwan. With the interviewer having raised the topic of Taiwan, the next thing out of Trump’s mouth was an economic grievance: “Taiwan did take all of our chip business,” he said. “They took our business away. We should have stopped them.”Trump’s thinking calls into question the argument made by observers such as Harvard University international relations professor Stephen M. Walt that “U.S. policy toward China isn’t going to change very much no matter what the outcome is next November.” Walt notes that some official policy documents released during the Trump administration named China a challenger to American pre-eminence. The Biden administration similarly treats the U.S.-China relationship as defined by increasingly sharp competition.

Trump’s approaches to China and Taiwan, however, are atypical in the policy-making community and would bend U.S. policy toward an orientation substantially different from the approach that either of Trump’s main rivals, President Joe Biden or alternative Republican contender Nikki Haley, would likely pursue.


In addition to being transactional, Trump is uninterested in promoting or defending a liberal international order. He has always been unduly fixated on the trade deficit with China, saying less about either the geostrategic competition between China and America or the negative effect of Chinese global influence on international rules and norms. 

Trump seems to think that addressing, if not actually fixing, the trade deficit makes the relationship right. At the signing ceremony for the “Phase One” deal in January 2020, Trump said he and his “very, very good friend” Xi Jinping were “righting the wrongs of the past and delivering a future of economic justice and security for American workers, farmers, and families.” Never mind that the preceding so-called “trade war” with China hurt Americans without significantly improving the systemic inequalities in the bilateral relationship and that China did not meet its commitments as part of the Phase One deal to buy more American-made goods.

Trump disdains America’s alliances, seeing allies as free riders and Washington as a sucker, paying the defense costs of states that are rich enough to defend themselves. He reportedly wanted Japan and Korea to increase their host nation support for U.S. bases fourfold and fivefold, respectively. He may have intended these demands as provocations that would lead to the abrogation of the alliances. If that is his agenda, we can expect it to resume in a second Trump term. Trump’s approach suggested he measures the value of alliances only in terms of financial profit and loss, not considering the indirect economic and security benefits of enhanced U.S. leadership in the region that stem from healthy alliance relationships.

Trump does not aspire to liberalize international politics, in contrast to recent U.S. presidents from both major parties who have extolled the advantages of promoting democratization abroad. On the contrary, Trump clearly admires authoritarian leaders, particularly Xi. Trump has frequently expressed admiration both for Xi personally and for his authoritarian governance methods, including during the COVID-19 Pandemic. During his campaign for another term as president, Trump has said Xi is “top of the line” and “brilliant,” adding proudly that “we had a great relationship.”

Therefore, It is unsurprising that Taiwan’s strategic and ideological value to the United States is not top of mind for Trump. Taiwan is the largest and most important piece of the “first island chain” that potentially hinders China’s ability to project power eastward into the Pacific Ocean. Japan, a close U.S. ally, considers the possibility of a PRC takeover of Taiwan as a dire security threat. Many U.S. security partners in the Asia-Pacific region would lose confidence in U.S. leadership if it failed to help defend Taiwan. As a consequence, some would likely decide to accommodate Beijing. 

Taiwan is also an example of successful democratization under U.S. encouragement and a beacon of inspiration for Asian societies currently under authoritarian rule. 

Nevertheless, the possibility of Washington sacrificing Taiwan in a deal with China that would benefit the United States financially would rise significantly under another Trump administration. John Bolton, Trump’s former national security advisor, described his boss more than once belittling Taiwan as relatively unimportant. Bolton said Trump compared the difference between China and Taiwan to the size differential between the large desk in the Oval Office and the point of a Sharpie pen.

At the same time, Trump has been known to brush aside U.S. national security concerns to reach an agreement with China. In April 2018, the U.S. government announced a ban on American companies selling components to Chinese telecom corporation ZTE, which had exported U.S. technology to North Korea and Iran in violation of trade sanctions. The ban nearly destroyed ZTE, but Trump reversed it in May 2018. Trump tweeted that he was working with Xi to get ZTE “back into business” because “Too many jobs in China [have been] lost.”

It's true that some of Trump’s advisors got the White House to characterize China as a systemic global rival during his first term. In a second term, however, Trump would be more experienced in the powers and functions of the presidency. He would also remember his disappointment with foreign policy professionals such as Bolton and former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly. Therefore, Trump 2.0 would likely rely more heavily on his own inclinations and de-emphasize professional expertise in the selection of his appointees.

Taiwan’s unfortunate fate is that it will always be vulnerable to a sellout by the United States. This danger may be increasing. In that sense, Republican Party politicians who style themselves as China hawks and Taiwan supporters are backing the wrong presidential candidate.

About the Author: Denny Roy 

Denny Roy is a Senior Fellow at the East-West Center in Honolulu, specializing in Asia-Pacific strategic and security issues. He holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Chicago. He is the author of Return of the Dragon: Rising China and Regional Security (Columbia University Press, 2013), The Pacific War and its Political Legacies (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2009), Taiwan: A Political History (Cornell University Press, 2003), and China’s Foreign Relations (Macmillan and Rowman & Littlefield, 1998), co-author of The Politics of Human Rights in Asia (Pluto Press, 2000), and editor of The New Security Agenda in the Asia-Pacific Region (Macmillan, 1997). He has also written many articles for scholarly journals such as International Security, Survival, Asian Survey, Security Dialogue, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Armed Forces & Society, and Issues & Studies.

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david chou

Feb 2, 2024, 7:52:47 PMFeb 2
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, psos, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating
支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (V)

我前天為鄉親們介紹Dr. Mike Pillsbury等人撰寫的 Winning the New Cold War: A Plan for Countering China”. 

我今天繼續談它, 這份很重要的文件裡頭有這麼一段:

The most effective way to prevent a Chinese invasion of Taiwan is to convince Beijing of U.S. military superiority and its strong commitment to defending Taiwan without changing Taiwan’s official status.

從這一段文字來看,   在川普第二個任內當然會繼續保護台灣但也不會讓William的政府來改變台灣的地位.

可笑的支共為了報復The  Hudson Institute & Reagan Library & Museum在去年四月初接待訪美的TIW, 所以在4/7/2023對這兩個機構與智庫進行制裁. 原來在Hudson的Mike則在1/19/2023就已加入The Heritage Foundation, Mike因而在去年10月去北京訪問與交流 [欺善怕惡的支共不敢制裁Mike, 按理說, 老共要制裁美國人, Mike應該是頭號對象, 但老共制裁Mike Pompeo. Pompeo卸任國務卿後, 與他的顧問Dr. Miles Yu加入Hudson].

Dr. Pillsbury在北京時, 有一些發言, 根據支那人的報導, 其中有一段如下:


//Secondly, the One China principle, or the One China policy, used to be the foundation - China called it 政治基础 (political foundation) of the US-China relations. Now, recently, the PLA [People's Liberation Army], I think correctly - Joe [Nye], correctly - PLA said "America is distorting and stretching beyond belief the one China principle". Right now, this week, House and Senate are discussing a proposal, with strong bipartisan support, to put American weapons and ammunition on Taiwan, to station them there permanently, then to set up a strategy group between the American Pentagon and Taiwan's military to do joint military planning, then to continue the American special forces troops already placed on Taiwan two years ago. This should not be happening. The One China policy or principle should not be violated. The Heritage Foundation recently published a study about a new Cold War with China. We explicitly said we support continuing the One China Policy, but our fellow conservative think tank Hudson Institute Henry used to visit - now it's been sanctioned - Hudson Institute's position, they sent 我们以前的国务卿 (our former Secretary of State) Pompeo, he flew to Taipei 两次 two times, proposed diplomatic recognition of Taiwan. This never happened in the last 50 years.//

倘若這一段報導真實, 那就表示Dr. Pillsbury對美台軍事交流與合作是有意見的, 這表示他頭殼有問題, 或表示他不願在支共的地頭上強壓地頭蛇, 所以把調子放軟. Dr. Pillsbury也在北京談到Pompeo曾在台北提外交承認台灣一事, 他顯然是反對Pompeo的主張.

[to be continued]

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement


Appendix I

Winning the New Cold War: A Plan for Countering China

Part II. The Plan to Counter China

E. Exercise Global Leadership

Diminish China’s Threat to Taiwan.

Issue: Nowhere else in the world do the interests of China and the United States collide as directly or dangerously as they do in the Taiwan Strait. In recent years, the CCP has increased coercive military activities around the self-governing island, including live-fire military exercises, provocative missile testing, and encroachments into Taiwan’s EEZ. Since 2022, the PRC’s belligerence has reached new heights, conducting ballistic missile launches over Taiwan and conducting a mock blockade. If China’s stated goal of “reunification” with the island was to be realized, it would cement the PLA’s control of the Western Pacific, threaten critical interests of the U.S. and key allies, disrupt the global supply of semiconductors, and give the CCP unprecedented leverage over vital sea lines of communication and, therefore, the global economy. U.S. credibility among its regional allies and partners would be dealt a mortal blow, as would broader U.S. efforts to thwart China’s global ambitions.246

Dean Cheng, “Why Taiwan Matters to Beijing,” Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No. 3725, September 23, 2022, https://www.heritage.org/sites​/default/files/2022-09/BG3725.pdf.

An armed conflict over Taiwan, whether the United States is directly involved or not, would be distinct from any conflict that generations of younger Americans have experienced, as it would inflict economic harm on every American household. Deterring the CCP’s aggression toward Taiwan must be an apex priority for U.S. foreign policy.

Action: The U.S. must deter China from any attempt to take Taiwan by force by expanding U.S. military capabilities in the Indo–Pacific and by providing robust political, diplomatic, and military aid to Taipei. The U.S. must demonstrate the resolve—and above all the capability—to support Taiwan against a Chinese invasion, up to and including direct U.S. military intervention. Further, the U.S. must work in partnership with the Taiwanese government to increase its own capacity to deter Chinese military adventurism and defend its territory. Finally, it must seek to persuade and incentivize Taipei to pursue the optimal strategies and military platforms necessary to defend the island.

Implementation: The U.S. government should push back on China’s efforts to distort the United States’ one-China policy and undermine the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. While avoiding any change in U.S. policy on the diplomatic status of Taiwan, the U.S. government should have a declaratory policy that unambiguously states its commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes across the Taiwan Strait while demonstrating the capacity to support the defense of Taiwan. In addition to providing robust military support as required by the Taiwan Relations Act, the U.S. should deepen economic ties with the island, including by negotiating a free trade agreement to help Taiwan gradually to become less dependent on its trade with China and open more business opportunities for U.S. companies.247

For additional constructive recommendations on support for Taiwan, see U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission, 2022 Report to Congress, pp. 734 and 735; McCaul, “China Task Force Report,” pp. 18 and 19; and Cheng and Carafano, “Responding to the China Challenge: Blueprint 2.0.”


Following the authorization of up to $10 billion of military aid to Taiwan over five years in the 2023 U.S. National Defense Authorization Act, the U.S. government must ensure that those funds are actually appropriated and are used to bolster Taiwan’s defense by focusing on those capabilities that are most likely to be effective.

Impact: The most effective way to prevent a Chinese invasion of Taiwan is to convince Beijing of U.S. military superiority and its strong commitment to defending Taiwan without changing Taiwan’s official status. This will secure a vital U.S. interest by denying China control of the first island chain and some of the world’s most vital sea and air lines of communication that sustain global trade and supply chains.

Allies: The more that Taiwan enjoys the diplomatic space and engagement commensurate with its economic and geopolitical clout, the more the CCP will fear the international consequences of any reckless military intervention. The United States, along with other democratic states, should therefore ensure that Taiwan’s diplomats can participate in discussions of relevant transnational issues. Taiwan should have meaningful participation at various international organizations, such as the International Civil Aviation Organization, the WHO, Interpol, and other entities that help to create and monitor international standards. The U.S. should also encourage other free nations to enhance their bilateral diplomatic and economic engagements with Taiwan, including establishing representative offices and free trade agreements where applicable. The Administration should set an example by accepting Taiwan’s long-standing request to update the name of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Relations Office to the Taiwan Representative Office.


Appendix II


Michael Pillsbury defends One China Policy in Beijing, slams Pompeo's proposal to formally recognize Taiwan

Donald Trump's "leading authority on China" lists recent U.S. provocations on Taiwan that "should not be happening" in a public CCG forum on Monday.





October 23, 2023




The following is the transcript of Michael Pillsbury's speech at the 8th China Global Think Tank Innovation Forum in Beijing on Monday, October 23, 2023. The forum is co-organized by the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) and the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC).


Michael Pillsbury is Senior Fellow for China Strategy at The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. Former U.S. President Donald Trump said Pillsbury was “The leading authority on China” in September 2018.


One of the worst crises in US-China relations happened when Joe Nye and I were in the Pentagon, 1995, 1996. China fired missiles over or near Taiwan. Very much upset our Secretary of Defense. And slowly, this crisis was healed or completed. And it resulted in the President Clinton going to visit China. And some cooperative agreements began.


So 有一个教训 the lesson I draw from that is even when we get into a US-China crisis, there's still optimistically, there's usually a way out. Sometimes it's the role of think tanks. I have been a fan and admirer of Henry [Huiyao Wang] and Mabel [Lu Miao] coming to America so often that they know the exact differences, the debate, between the different American, let's say, top ten think tanks.


One time I saw the schedule of Henry and Mabel visiting the US, I think it was 14 think tanks in 2 days, and you and your wife you knew exactly the differences between Hudson Institute, and Heritage, and Brookings, Carnegie. It's very impressive. I don't think we have an American, maybe Joe Nye had somebody at Harvard who can do this. But think tanks have a special role to be optimistic to identify the problems, but then try to think of solutions or at least a channel for dialogue. And Henry was a channel for dialogue with President Trump on the trade talks. People as economists at CCG, and Professor Chen [Wenling] here and others had specific ideas: China will agree to this in the trade talks, and not that. And this was outside regular channels, but very helpful.


Now I only have one or two points to make today. One is I'm deviating from the role of a think tank person to be optimistic. I'm relatively pessimistic that relations between US and China and our friends on both sides, Chinese friends, American friends - the situation is getting worse 越来越恶化. It's not a time for optimism. Some of the reasons are lack of communication. No Congressional delegation came here for four years until Chuck Schumer and his bipartisan delegation. By their account, there's a lot of argument going on. The meeting with Xi Jinping was not an optimistic meeting.


There were up to 50 channels in US-China relations between government departments until President Trump cut them all off - cut them all off, his first year. So you would think President Biden would restore all the channels. How many people think Biden restored all the channels that Trump cut off? Put your hand up? Biden at first restored no channels, and now it's roughly five. And there are very thin discussions between 部长, between cabinet ministers.


Secondly, the One China principle, or the One China policy, used to be the foundation - China called it 政治基础 (political foundation) of the US-China relations. Now, recently, the PLA [People's Liberation Army], I think correctly - Joe [Nye], correctly - PLA said "America is distorting and stretching beyond belief the one China principle". Right now, this week, House and Senate are discussing a proposal, with strong bipartisan support, to put American weapons and ammunition on Taiwan, to station them there permanently, then to set up a strategy group between the American Pentagon and Taiwan's military to do joint military planning, then to continue the American special forces troops already placed on Taiwan two years ago. This should not be happening. The One China policy or principle should not be violated. The Heritage Foundation recently published a study about a new Cold War with China. We explicitly said we support continuing the One China Policy, but our fellow conservative think tank Hudson Institute Henry used to visit - now it's been sanctioned - Hudson Institute's position, they sent 我们以前的国务卿 (our former Secretary of State) Pompeo, he flew to Taipei 两次 two times, proposed diplomatic recognition of Taiwan. This never happened in the last 50 years. So I can give you a long list. There's actually quite a long list. Both sides have 红线 red lines. Each side has been crossing these red lines in the last few years. So I hope I'm wrong. I hope all think tanks who came today will be optimistic and come up with some solutions. But just to make a list, Henry, of the conflicts, 我们必须避免的冲突 (the conflicts we have to avoid) we need a good list of what are the conflicts that think tanks could be innovative about. 我讲完了,谢谢,各位。 (I'm done talking, thank you.)



Seashon Chen

Feb 2, 2024, 11:01:42 PMFeb 2
to david chou, Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, psos, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating

To Honorable Seniors,


Cognitive Warfare and Sense of Mission


    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) defines cognitive warfare as an operation in which actors use information means to influence the perception, attitude, and even behavior of specific objects. Shape strategic environmental conditions that are favorable to the initiators. Another definition is that cognitive warfare is comprehensive influence warfare that combines multiple fields and various technologies and methods. Its goal is to influence the way an individual, group or country thinks about a certain issue, event or situation and puts it into practice to achieve its goals.

    The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used cognitive warfare to intervene in the 2024/01/13 presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan (ROC). There are hundreds of known illegal cases, involving thousands of people. The CCP used its affiliated Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) to successfully control Taiwan (ROC) Legislative Yuan with more than half of the seats and chairman and vice-chairman of the Legislative Yuan on (2024/02/01). When the Legislative Yuan convenes on February 23, the pro-communist political parties that recognize the 1992 Consensus and support one country, two systems will propose and vote on any bizarre, anti-democratic, and betrayal of Taiwan bills. This is really worrying.

    The strategy to counter cognitive warfare is to reveal the truth and spread the word. Although it is difficult to change the perceptions of some people whose political ideologies have been finalized, most people who have faith, humanity, rationality and a sense of mission will recognize falsehood and right from wrong and implement their correct actions. What normal and legitimate individuals and groups should be looking for in their hearts is not passion, but a sense of mission. What is a sense of mission? Purpose is the will or determination to do things right and well. That is what President Ronald Reagan said during his inauguration: In order to safeguard tomorrow, we must act today, with idealism and an aboveboard attitude, to build a strong and prosperous country.

    The key task of today’s cognitive warfare is to maintain information security and smooth flow, to block the intrusion of malicious software and websites, and to prevent the brainwashing of the people by the cult (Chinese Communist Party) and its inhumane materialism. Promote all love for humanity, freedom and democracy, and inspire the sense of mission of each person or group. The sense of mission is our spiritual leader and mentor. Obedience to the inner sense of mission can enable us to unswervingly complete tasks that benefit ourselves and others in various situations and environments.


Seashon Chen, Ph.D.

Taiwan (Formosa) International Volunteers Regiment, 2024/02/03.

'david chou' via Bay Area Taiwanese American <bay-area-taiw...@googlegroups.com> 於 2024年2月3日 週六 上午8:52寫道:
This is the Bay Area Taiwanese American E-Mail Group. Our main objective is to provide open communication channel for the Taiwanese American community, let the Taiwan Spirit grow and pass down to the future.
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Seashon Chen, Ph.D.

david chou

Feb 12, 2024, 8:05:33 PMFeb 12
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, psos, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com

支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (V) 

我今天接著為鄉親們介紹傳統基金會 [若川普當選, 這個智庫的團隊將會如2016-2017一樣, 負責處理接收政權的事務] 的一份重要文件, 我把這份900多頁的聯結附在後面. [不過, 我相信, 應該不會有人跟我一樣, 有興趣與耐心把它讀完. 讀完一份900多頁的文件, 太瘋狂了, 不是嗎?]

我已為我的LKK鄉親與老友們把最重要的部分摘錄出來, 大家讀完後, 應該可以放心, 因為這份文件有關台灣的部分都顯示, 美國要保衛台灣. 我應該可以這麼說: 若川普再執政, 它的政府會保衛台灣.

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement



The Heritage Foundation

Project 2025 (Presidential Transition Project)

Policy | Project 2025

Policy Agenda

Section 2: The Common Defense


P. 91




Department of Defense 

Christopher Miller


P. 92


DOD Policy


By far the most significant danger to Americans’ security, freedoms, and prosperity is China. China is by any measure the most powerful state in the world other than the United States itself. It apparently aspires to dominate Asia and then, from that position, become globally preeminent. If Beijing could achieve this goal, it could dramatically undermine America’s core interests, including by restricting


P. 93


U.S. access to the world’s most important market. Preventing this from happening must be the top priority for American foreign and defense policy.


Beijing presents a challenge to American interests across the domains of national power, but the military threat that it poses is especially acute and significant. China is undertaking a historic military buildup that includes increasing capability for power projection not only in its own region, but also far beyond as well as a dramatic expansion of its nuclear forces that could result in a nuclear force that matches or exceeds America’s own nuclear arsenal.


The most severe immediate threat that Beijing’s military poses, however, is to Taiwan and other U.S. allies along the first island chain in the Western Pacific. If China could subordinate Taiwan or allies like the Philippines, South Korea, and Japan, it could break apart any balancing coalition that is designed to prevent Beijing’s hegemony over Asia. Accordingly, the United States must ensure that China does not succeed. This requires a denial defense: the ability to make the subordination of Taiwan or other U.S. allies in Asia prohibitively difficult. Critically, the United States must be able to do this at a level of cost and risk that Americans are willing to bear given the relative importance of Taiwan to China and to the U.S.


The United States and its allies also face real threats from Russia, as evidenced by Vladimir Putin’s brutal war in Ukraine, as well as from Iran, North Korea, and transnational terrorism at a time when decades of ill-advised military operations in the Greater Middle East, the atrophy of our defense industrial base, the impact of sequestration, and effective disarmament by many U.S. allies have exacted a high toll on America’s military.


This is a grim landscape. The United States needs to deal with these threats forthrightly and with strength, but it also needs to be realistic. It cannot wish away these problems. Rather, it must confront them with a clear-eyed recognition of the need for choice, discipline, and adequate resources for defense. In this light, U.S. defense strategy must identify China unequivocally as the top priority for U.S. defense planning while modernizing and expanding the U.S. nuclear arsenal and sustaining an efficient and effective counterterrorism enterprise. U.S. allies must also step up, with some joining the United States in taking on China in Asia while others take more of a lead in dealing with threats from Russia in Europe, Iran, the Middle East, and North Korea. The reality is that achieving these goals will require more spending on defense, both by the United States and by its allies, as well as active support for reindustrialization and more support for allies’ productive capacity so that we can scale our freeworld efforts together.


Needed Reforms


Prioritize a denial defense against China. U.S. defense planning should focus on China and, in particular, the effective denial defense of Taiwan.


P. 94


This focus and priority for U.S. defense activities will deny China the first island chain.


1. Require that all U.S. defense efforts, from force planning to employment and posture, focus on ensuring the ability of American forces to prevail in the pacing scenario and deny China a fait accompli against Taiwan.


2. Prioritize the U.S. conventional force planning construct to defeat a Chinese invasion of Taiwan before allocating resources to other missions, such as simultaneously fighting another conflict.

david chou

Feb 13, 2024, 7:15:51 AMFeb 13
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, psos, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com
支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (VI)

在 "支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (III)" 之中, 有一則附錄, 該附錄文原來刊登在The New Republic 之上, 它報導親台的John Bolton對Old Donald的批判以及他對Old Donald的可能的第二個任期的政策走向.

我今天再為John Bolton的觀點與預判post一篇路透社的報導.

John認為川普的第二個任期對台灣/ 烏克蘭/ 美國在東亞與歐洲的盟友都不利, 反會對支那與俄羅斯有利.


//Taiwan and others along China's periphery "face real peril in a second Trump term," Bolton adds, suggesting that the risks of China under President Xi Jinping manufacturing a crisis over Taiwan - perhaps by blockading the island - would rise.//

希望John的預言不會成真, 如果川普贏得第二個任期. 

[to be continued]

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement




Bolton says Trump 'unfit' to be President in new memoir intro

By Arshad Mohammed and Steve Holland

January 30, 2024 10:34 PM GMT+8 


[John Bolton, a former White House national security adviser, speaks to journalists at a forum in Taipei, Taiwan April 29, 2023. REUTERS/Ben Blanchard/File Photo ]


WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) - Former U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton excoriated former President Donald Trump as an utterly self-interested man who would punish personal enemies and appease adversaries Russia and China in a new edition of his memoir released on Tuesday.

Bolton, who served in Trump's White House in 2018 and 2019, accused the Republican presidential frontrunner of having no political philosophy or coherent policy outlook. If re-elected, Trump could leave the NATO security alliance, curb support to Ukraine despite Russia's 2022 invasion, embolden China to blockade Taiwan and generally pursue isolationism, Bolton warned.

"Trump is unfit to be president," Bolton wrote in the new foreword to "The Room Where it Happened," his account of the 17 months he spent as Trump's national security adviser. "If his first four years were bad, a second four will be worse."

While Trump casts himself as the underdog's champion, once saying "for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution," Bolton argues he is fundamentally self-regarding.

"Trump really cares only about retribution for himself, and it will consume much of a second term," he wrote in the forward to the paperback edition of his memoir, which painted a bleak picture of America during a second Trump term.

Trump senior advisor Jason Miller said: “For someone who professes to have such great disdain for President Trump, ‘Book Deal Bolton’ sure has found a way to grift off the relationship".

Bolton said before serving Trump he mistakenly believed the burdens of office would discipline the president. In the event, he found the former president consumed by self-interest.

"He cares almost exclusively about his own interests," Bolton writes, suggesting Trump would want to be surrounded by "a White House of serfs" to execute his orders unquestioningly.

He also makes a case that Trump, revered by the right for appointing Supreme Court justices who overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that recognized women's constitutional right to abortion, may not pursue conservative policies if re-elected.

Bolton said Trump's inability to run for a third term under the U.S. Constitution means "the political constraints around him are much looser, and the real 'guardrail' of voter opinion will be minimized."

Bolton saves some of his harshest words for foreign policy, writing Trump sent an "isolationist virus" coursing through the Republican party and that "in no arena ... has the Trump aberration been more destructive than in national security."

He also argued Trump could withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a prospect likely to please Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding that "it is almost inevitable that a second-term Trump policy on Ukraine will favor Moscow."

Taiwan and others along China's periphery "face real peril in a second Trump term," Bolton adds, suggesting that the risks of China under President Xi Jinping manufacturing a crisis over Taiwan - perhaps by blockading the island - would rise.

"It is a close contest between Putin and Xi Jinping who would be happiest to see Trump back in office," he writes.

Reporting By Steve Holland in Washington and by by Arshad Mohammed in Saint Paul, Minn.; Writing by Arshad Mohammed; Editing by Michael Perry


david chou

Feb 17, 2024, 1:04:00 AMFeb 17
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com, Johnny Huang PSOS
支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (VII)

我前幾天, 已開始為我的老友們與鄉親們介紹了傳統基金會一份重要文件, 我先介紹與國防有關且與台灣有關的部分. 從雷根時代起, 這個基金會總是從保守主義出發, 以 "拯救美國" 為立基點, 在詮釋他們所理解與期待的美國與美國的國家利益, 並為可能執政的共和黨與共和黨總統候選人撰寫Policy Agenda, 以便做為共和黨總統候選人執政與制訂政策的參考依據. 這期間可能只有兩個例外, 一個是Bill Clinton時代, 共和黨的政策指導係來自Newt Gingrich的 "Contract with America", 另一個是從Bush II開始到John McCain到Mitt Romney時期的政策指導係來自美國新保守派的 "Project for a New American Century". 傳統基金會意在建立或維繫 "Pax Americana", 而新保守派要建立的是 "US-led Liberal International Order" (Rules-based International Order). 我的政治哲學與理念最接近美國的新保守派 [我與新保守派的第一代宗師個別發展出政治哲學與理念, 雖個別發展, 但卻有很大的相似之處], 美國民主黨內主流的Liberal Interventionalists也是如此.

傳統基金會雖欲維繫 "Pax Americana", 但它力挺的Donald Trump若再度執政, 卻也有可能傷害 "Pax Americana" 的建立或維繫. 不過, 對我而言, 我無需在Liberal Interventionalists主導的民主黨與Trumpist Republican Party之間做選擇. 我不選邊站, 是因為我沒有理由認為Trumpist Republican Party不保護台灣. 一個主張與信持 "America First" 與 "Make America Great Again" 的Old Donald諸多發言雖然會讓人驚愕或側目, 行事雖然會有點瘋狂, 但他的政府必然會正視與面對老共對美國的世界霸權的挑戰, 也因此, 我台灣族人必然會間接或直接受益, 這是我帶領的建州運動必須在共和黨與民主黨之間保持中立的原因. 我不選邊, 就是不樹敵, 這是為我台灣族人與建州運動的發展前景著想, 但我這樣做, 也會遭致我在美國的盟友的不滿. 我的盟友中就有一人因為我不願在J6國會山莊暴動後一項譴責川普的文件中聯名簽署而對我十分不滿.

我今天要為老友與鄉親介紹的是傳統基金會這份文件有關外交與可能對我台灣族人的利益產生影響的部分. 大家讀完之後, 應該不會對第二任的Old Donald的未來國安與外交團隊感到太憂心, 即便Old Donald這個人實在有點瘋狂.

[to be continued]

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement

P. 171





Kiron K. Skinner


P. 176


Respond Vigorously to the Chinese Threat. 


The State Department recently opened the Office of China Coordination, or “China House.” This office is intended to bring together experts inside and outside the State Department to coordinate U.S. government relations with China “and advance our vision for an open, inclusive international system.” Whether China House will streamline U.S. government communication, consensus, and action on China policy—given the presence of other agencies with strong competing or adverse interests—remains to be seen. The unit is dependent on adequate and competent staff being assigned by other bureaus within the State Department.


Nonetheless, the concept is one a Republican Administration should support mutatis mutandis. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been “at war” with the U.S. for decades. Now that this reality has been accepted throughout the government, the State Department must be prepared to lead the U.S. diplomatic effort accordingly. The centralization of efforts in one place is critical to this end.


P. 179


The People’s Republic of China 


The designs of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Chinese Communist Party, which runs the PRC, are serious and dangerous. This tyrannical country with a population of more than 1 billion people has the vision, resources, and patience to achieve its objectives. Protecting the United States from the PRC’s designs requires an unambiguous offensive-defensive mix, including protecting American citizens and their interests, as well as U.S. allies, from PRC attacks and abuse that undermine U.S. competitiveness, security, and prosperity.


The United States must have a cost-imposing strategic response to make Beijing’s aggression unaffordable, even as the American economy and U.S. power grow. This stance will require real, sustained, near-unprecedented U.S. growth; stronger partnerships; synchronized economic and security policies; and American energy independence—but above all, it will require a very honest perspective about the nature and designs of the PRC as more of a threat than a competitor. The next President should use the State Department and its array of resources to reassess and lead this effort, just as it did during the Cold War. The U.S. government needs an Article X for China, and it should be a presidential mandate. Along with the National Security Council, the State Department should draft an Article X, which should be a deeply philosophical look at the China challenge.


Many foreign policy professionals and national leaders, both in government and the private sector, are reluctant to take decisive action regarding China. Many are vested in an unshakable faith in the international system and global norms. They are so enamored with them they cannot brook any criticisms or reforms, let alone 


P. 180


acknowledge their potential for being abused by the PRC. Others refuse to acknowledge Beijing’s malign activities and often pass off criticism as conspiracy theories.


For instance, many were quick to dismiss even the possibility that COVID-19 escaped from a Chinese research laboratory. The reality, however, is that the PRC’s actions often do sound like conspiracy theories—because they are conspiracies. In addition, some knowingly or not parrot the Communist line: Global leaders including President Joe Biden, have tried to normalize or even laud Chinese behavior. In some cases, these voices, like the global corporate giants BlackRock and Disney, directly benefit from doing business with Beijing.


On the other hand, others acknowledge the dangers posed by the PRC, but believe in a moderating approach to accommodate its rise, a policy of “compete where we must, but cooperate where we can,” including on issues like climate change. This strategy has demonstrably failed.


As with all global struggles with Communist and other tyrannical regimes, the issue should never be with the Chinese people but with the Communist dictatorship that oppresses them and threatens the well-being of nations across the globe.12 That said, the nature of Chinese power today is the product of history, ideology, and the institutions that have governed China during the course of five millennia, inherited by the present Chinese leaders from the preceding generations of the CCP. In short, the PRC challenge is rooted in China’s strategic culture and not just the Marxism–Leninism of the CCP, meaning that internal culture and civil society will never deliver a more normative nation. The PRC’s aggressive behavior can only be curbed through external pressure.


david chou

Feb 24, 2024, 1:34:45 AMFeb 24
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com
支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (VIII)

今天(2/24/24)這一則po文, 主要目的在做兩件事的追蹤.


第一則追蹤, 是起自我的主張與概念--- "種族意義的台灣族人"/ "政治意義的台灣人 (相對於 "政治意義的在台支那人") 的政權"/ 台灣建州運動的對美外交或工作必須在民主黨與共和黨之間保持中立與等距, 要對兩者都保持親善與友好. 如果台灣人與台美人的領導/ 菁英/ 意見領袖連這個簡單的道理都不懂, 那就最好去eat shit and die [台美人與台美人的黨派或團體當然可以有政黨取向, 也可以呼籲其他台美人鄉親在美國兩大黨之間選邊站,  但不宜要求 "種族意義的台灣族人"/ "政治意義的台灣人 (相對於政治意義的在台支那人) 的政權/ 台灣建州運動必須在共和黨與民主黨之間公開選邊].

今天, 自由時報有一則報導 [Appendix I] , 其中一段說:
//蕭 [美琴] 提醒,對美外交的重要精神,就是台灣千萬不能捲入美國兩黨競爭激烈過程,要用團結美國各界支持台灣的力量,讓台美關係愈來愈強,不要被任何政治干擾影響。//

蕭美琴如此提醒 "台美國會議員聯誼會" 的成員是正確的. 不過, 我很懷疑這個 "US Caucus" 到底要如何運作, 因為親美/ 反支的DPP要 "抗支保台", 而假親美 & 真反美/ 疑美/ 和支/ 親支/ 舔共的支那國民黨則是要降共與投共的敗類, 雞兔同籠的聯誼會要如何運作, 實在很令人好奇.


在我開始談論傳統基金會所發表的兩項重要文件後, 赤藍黨的戰略家也開始注意與談論這兩個會成為未來可能的第二任川普政府的政策制訂的指導或參考文件. 單從這兩個文件來看, 你很難得出一個 "未來的川普會與老共進行一項犧牲台灣族人的利益/ 犧牲美國在台灣的核心利益/ 讓出美國在印太的地緣政治的利益/ 以換取美國民生經濟的利益的Grand Bargain.

赤藍黨的國安事務專家與戰略家林中斌在他在赤藍媒發表的文章說: //今年二月四日,川普對福斯新聞說:他回白宮將對中國進口加六十%以上的關稅。無言的意涵是川普將與中國謀求利益交換,他將讓出國外地緣政治的利益,以獲取中國有利美國民生經濟的讓步。// [Appendix II]

資歷與閱歷都十分傲人的林中斌此言差矣, 我認為他對川普的觀察不夠全面, 也不深入.

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement



「台美國會議員聯誼會」成立 蕭美琴:團結美國各界挺台力量

2024/02/24 05:30

「美國兩黨競爭激烈 台灣不能捲入」






韓:美軍事、外交相挺 台灣安居樂業




Appendix II

林中斌/川普政策 醞釀成型

聯合報/ 林中斌

2024-02-22 02:17 



川普是災難!不只美國民主黨視他為夢魘,許多共和黨財團大老(如Charles Koch、Stanley Druckenmiller、Kenneth Griffin等)也設法另推前南卡州州長海莉(Nikki Haley)為總統候選人。

但一月兩次共和黨初選(Iowa & New Hampshire),川普得票由五十一%躍升至五十四點三%。紐約時報二月一日說,這些金主只好接受當頭大勢。十一月大選共和黨由川普出馬,應成定局。


美國橫跨兩黨的前國防部長蓋茲(Robert Gates),見解超然銳利,在二月八日《外交事務》播客中說:「不可預測」是川普政策的特性。即使如此,川普若再進白宮,不同於他首任缺乏準備,其政策已在積極規畫中,名為「二○二五計畫」(Project 2025)。他決策不可預測性雖無法全免,但執政大方針已浮現。

美國保守智庫傳統基金會(Heritage Foundation)自二○二二年開始負責協調八十個保守組織著手勾勒川普未來施政藍圖。一般外傳的報導偏重其對政府組織幾乎是翻天覆地的衝擊—如廢除聯邦調查局、教育部、國土安全部,而忽略其對國防花費的批評與克制。目前拜登外交下烽火四起的局面將漸式微。蓋茲所說的「美國過度軍事化的外交」將開始轉變。



川普任內的代理國防部長米勒(Christopher Miller)在「二○二五計畫」中寫道:「(美國)國防部是個問題嚴重的組織(deeply troubled institute)…政策瘋狂擺盪,執行計畫上紀律非常鬆散」。


美國眾議院是審查政府經費的重鎮。川普在眾議院中的支持者哥羅門(Glenn Grothman)眾議員在去年七月強調國防部被會計稽查時遭遇的麻煩。這觀點和民主黨自由派的眾議員相同。意味若川普當選,克制國防經費有跨黨派的支持者。擔任眾議院國家安全委員會主席的哥羅門特別點出國防部連續六次稽查都沒通過。


一九八七年川普出書《交易的藝術》(The Art of the Deal)敘述他幫某寡婦請銀行免沒收房子,銀行不理。他威脅告銀行逼死寡婦丈夫,銀行退讓。川普說:「有時野蠻點反而奏效」。




david chou

Feb 24, 2024, 1:51:07 AMFeb 24
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com


Appendix I

「台美國會議員聯誼會」成立 蕭美琴:團結美國各界挺台力量

2024/02/24 05:30

david chou

Feb 25, 2024, 1:42:56 AMFeb 25
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com
支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (IX)

今天赤藍媒有一則報導---“蓋拉格:台高層憂美棄烏 ( 聯合報/ 編譯高詣軒、記者張文馨/綜合報導2024-02-25 03:29,  蓋拉格:台高層憂美棄烏 | 聯合新聞網 ) 報導指出:

隨同美國眾議院 The Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party的主席Mike Gallagher前來台灣訪問的副主席Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi  (D, IL-08, 克利什納穆希) 說,"台灣正緊盯美國最新援烏法案,並認為烏克蘭持續抗俄在對中共發出訊息上極其重要。在共和黨籍前總統川普今年有可能當選下,台灣高層擔心美國對台支持可能生變。"

我的看法是: 就目前已出現的若干指標 [我還沒說完. 有兩三個觀察指標要等川普的國安顧問/ 國務卿/ 國防部長的人選出現後才能談] 來看, 未來的William-Bikhim政府無需擔心可能的川普第二任政府會出賣或放棄台灣, 但也不能神經太大條, 漠視John Bolton等人的警告. 目前可做的是, 好好經營共和黨與民主黨背後的智庫的關係, 特別是要加大與加深對Heritage Foundation的關係的經營.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

david chou

Feb 26, 2024, 8:55:00 AMFeb 26
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com

支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (X)

我這幾天一直都在談The Heritage Foundation, 今天, TIW & William已分別接見了傳統基金會的訪問團.

說第二個任期的Old Donald會棄台賣台的人[包括支共/支帝與牠們的在台同路人], 多半就跟柯痞與韓痞那樣無厘頭 [不過, 我們也不能漠視John Bolton這類親台人士的善意警告, John他們可不是小丑, 不是無厘頭, 也不是居心叵測之人].

William說,  "台灣面臨的挑戰仍然很多,不論是來自中國的直接威脅,或--------等,都非常需要國際社會的指教及支持,請「傳統基金會」持續協助。"

傳統基金會Roberts會長則表示, 基金會將持續支持台灣。

David Chou


Formosa Statehood Movement



接見美智庫傳統基金會 賴清德重申:堅定捍衛和平現狀


2024/02/26 12:25



傳統基金會會長羅凱文(Kevin Roberts率團訪問台灣, 訪團成員包括創辦人佛訥(Edwin J. Feulner, Jr.)博士 [他幾乎每年都會訪台, 他走訪台灣, 就像走灶腳]、副會長蔻薇(Victoria Coates)及資深政策顧問布拉克(Bryan Burack)等。

david chou

Mar 3, 2024, 2:22:40 AMMar 3
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com

Hal Brands 是著名的 Bloomberg Opinion columnist 以及 the Henry Kissinger Distinguished Professor at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies. 他在2/ 28/ 24在Bloomberg發表了一篇有關川普第二任政府對美日關係可能的影響 [這類的文章當紅],  他與其他多數的觀察家與評論家不同, 他並不悲觀, 不過, 他暗示, 日本的政治領袖要有靈巧的政治與外交手腕, 跟Shinzo Abe一樣.

但他對美台關係則比較悲觀, 跟跟其他多數的觀察家與評論家一樣. 他說:

//Officials in Washington and Tokyo are aware that they must urgently strengthen their defense posture — and spur Taiwan, Beijing’s most likely target, to rapidly enhance its own. But as new Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te, whom China despises, takes power the US must also avoid rhetorical or diplomatic missteps that unnecessarily drive up tensions. Trump, who tends to shoot from the hip, and seems to see Taiwan more as a bargaining chip than as a strategic partner, may well fail to get this balance right.//

[to be continued]

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement



Japan Isn’t Panicking About a Possible Trump Return

By Hal Brands

Bloomberg Opinion

February 28, 2024

As former President Donald Trump rolls toward the Republican nomination, countries everywhere are preparing for what a Trump restoration might mean. Few have more at stake in the matter than Japan, which is on the front lines of a febrile region and has long sought security through its alliance with the US.

Japan, it is worth remembering, came through Trump’s first presidency in comparatively fine form. To be sure, Trump’s conduct — talking down US alliances, ditching the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, veering between confrontation and appeasement with North Korea, and palling around with the world’s dictators — was often damaging or simply mystifying. There was also bilateral tension over trade and burden-sharing within the US-Japan alliance.

But thanks to Abe, who made an art of staying off Trump’s bad side, Tokyo avoided the high-profile blowups that tormented US allies in Europe. Abe also kept a modified TPP, with 11 members, alive after the US withdrawal. He even nudged the Trump administration to adopt two of his signature initiatives as pillars of US strategy in the region — the concept of a “free and open Indo-Pacific” and the reinvigorating of a “democratic security diamond” linking America, Japan, Australia and India.

A common refrain in Tokyo — and other allied capitals — is that the margin for diplomatic error is shrinking as the dangers to international peace and stability grow. But whatever happens in America’s upcoming election, the quiet revolution in Japanese foreign policy will continue. Indeed, if Trump does complete his comeback, Japanese power will only become more critical to the fortunes of the free world.


david chou

Mar 3, 2024, 2:44:10 AMMar 3
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com

支持Old Donald的Sen. William Hagerty [前美國駐日大使] 不認為川普是一名孤立主義者, 他認為世人都誤讀川普的 "America First Doctrine." 請鄉親們閱讀 "京都新聞" 一則報導的前三段:

Trump is not isolationist, former U.S. envoy to Japan believes

 KYODO NEWS - Mar 1, 2024 - 10:22



//Former U.S. President Donald Trump will not be an isolationist if he returns to the White House given his overriding goal is to strengthen his country, Sen. William Hagerty, a strong backer of the likely Republican nominee, suggested Thursday.

Hagerty, a Republican who served as U.S. Ambassador to Japan under Trump, said he talked to the former president last week about the importance of the relationship with Tokyo in maintaining stability in the Indo-Pacific, including in dealing with China and North Korea.

"People misinterpret the term America first" as a byword for a Trump administration seeking to disregard cooperation with the United States' longtime allies, Hagerty said in a group interview with several Japanese media outlets.//

[to be continued]

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement

Message has been deleted

david chou

Mar 12, 2024, 9:47:08 PMMar 12
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com

支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (XI)

請鄉親閱讀日本一名政論家在Nikkei Asia發表的一篇評論 [Appendix] , 看起來, 美國的亞洲與歐洲盟國都很擔心Old Donald 再度執政.

看起來, 只有David Chou還有其他極少數政治觀察家與政治工作者不擔心. 話雖如此, 我們台灣人/ 台美人/ 台灣人的政權也不能掉以輕心, 要做避險的工作. 我已指出要怎麼做, 而緊接著, 我們已看到TIW-William政府還有The Heritage Foundation在做這個工作, 這完全符合我的想法.

Trump未來新的國安與外交團隊成員將會陸續浮出檯面, 有的在他第一任內擔任要職, 這些人絕大多數十分親台, 我們要繼續加強聯繫, 在他們有機會上任前, 就邀請他們訪問台灣. 有的將會是非典型的政治工作者 [即有些人士所指的所謂 "深層政府" 之外的政治人物], 這些人可在參議院行使同意權的任命聽證會上, 由親台的共和黨或民主黨參議員對他們進行 "靈魂拷問", 讓他們對國會做出保衛台灣的承諾.

[to be continued]

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement



U.S. allies in Indo-Pacific tremble at prospect of Trump return

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, left, meets with Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. in Canberra on Feb. 29. The two countries are enhancing security cooperation. (AAP via Reuters)

HIROYUKI AKITA, Nikkei commentator 

March 9, 2024 14:36 JST


TOKYO -- The U.S. presidential election is still eight months away but Western countries are trembling at the prospect of Donald Trump's return to power.

If Trump, who regards allies as burdens rather than assets, wins in November, basic assumptions about national security could radically change.

He would attempt to withdraw the U.S. from NATO. According to European diplomats, security officials are holding increasingly intense, closed-door discussions on possible measures that could be taken to deal with the potentially devastating security policy implications of a second Trump administration.

Asian allies of the U.S. are no less concerned about the potential shockwaves if Trump returns.

According to a memoir by Mark Esper, who served as defense secretary during the Trump administration, the president was fixated on the idea of withdrawing U.S. troops from South Korea. He was talked out of taking the drastic action by close aides but decided to make it a "priority for the second term." As such, it is unclear how much he would allow U.S. forces to get involved in the event of a security crisis in Taiwan.

Against this backdrop, about 40 politicians, government officials, diplomats and journalists from the U.K. and Japan gathered in Odawara, near Tokyo, on Feb. 2-4 to discuss global affairs in private. The gathering was the annual meeting of the U.K.-Japan 21st Century Group.

The most heated discussions were on the U.S. presidential electionParticipants from both Japan and the U.K. concurred that policymakers should swiftly map out responses to a Trump presidency.

The proposed measures during the meeting included three points: First, promptly rebuild connections not only with the Democratic Party but also with the Republican Party, where Trump is gaining influence. Second, reach out to other U.S. allies and like-minded countries to establish a network of diplomatic and security cooperation among middle powers. At the same time, many participants called to enhance their collective defense capabilities.

One notable trend emerging is the middle powers' move to step up their joint security cooperation. In the Indo-Pacific region, U.S. allies and friendly nations are already moving in this direction at a quickening pace.

For example, in August 2023, Japan and Australia signed a Reciprocal Access Agreement -- a bilateral defense arrangement that facilitates the movement of military personnel and equipment between two countries -- to make it easier for the armed forces of each nation to conduct joint training exercises, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations on each other's soil.

Japan and Australia have also started exploring ways to boost cooperation between their defense industries. In October 2023, Mitsubishi Electric signed a contract with the Australian Department of Defense for a joint development project of defense equipment. The project is focused on creating prototypes of alert and surveillance systems using laser technology intended for installation in fighter jets and vehicles. This is the first time a Japanese company has directly contracted with a foreign government in the defense field.

The Philippines, which faces military pressure from China in the South China Sea, is also expanding security cooperation beyond the U.S.

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. met with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on Feb. 29 and signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen cooperation in maritime security and defense against cyberattacks. Last November, the armed forces of the Philippines and Australia conducted their first joint naval patrol in waters including the South China Sea.

In addition, this year, the Philippines plans to deploy land-based anti-ship missiles for the first time, supplied by India, which is increasingly wary of China's maritime expansion. Earlier this year, Indian military personnel visited the Philippines to instruct their counterparts on the operation and maintenance of the missile system.

A Philippine security official says Manila will expand defense cooperation not just with the U.S. but also with other friendly nations such as Japan, Australia, India and major European countries. A security expert based in Manila explained that the moves are designed to broaden the scope of security cooperation beyond the U.S., assuming that the nation may have to face the ramifications of a Trump comeback.

Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Richmond, Virginia on March 2.   © Reuters

Unlike Europe, which has NATO, there is no multilateral security framework in the Indo-Pacific region. Bilateral alliances between the U.S. and Japan, Australia, South Korea and the Philippines have supported regional stability. But if Trump returns, the foundations of these vital alliances may be shaken to their cores.

The rush among these Indo-Pacific nations to beef up security cooperation is driven not only by the growing threat from the Chinese military but also by the urgent need to reduce the potential risks stemming from the possibility of an unpredictable and erratic Trump presidency.

However, it will take years for these efforts to produce tangible results. Moreover, cooperation among middle powers is not taking the form of security treaties committed to mutual defense in times of crisis. That means such cooperation cannot replace the security umbrella provided by the U.S. to its allies.

Therefore, policymakers in these countries who fear Trump's second term are secretly hoping that he will be slowed down by the four criminal trials he faces or barred from running.

Separate from the criminal trials, legal battles over his eligibility to run for president are also underway. In December 2023, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Trump could not participate in the state's primary due to his role in the Jan. 6., 2021 Capitol riot in the U.S.

This month, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Colorado court decision barring Trump from the state's primary ballot, saying that individual states could not bar presidential candidates under the Constitution's insurrection provision.

Similar disputes are ongoing in about 20 states. However, such legal battles forcing him to lose by default or lose the election will not serve the interests of either the U.S. or the world. It could be the most dangerous scenario in the long run.

Trump could then claim that the election was stolen again due to a witch hunt and urge his supporters to rise up. This could risk violence spreading in various places, as Trump's claim would anger radical supporters and incite them to violent protests.

The most desirable outcome of the U.S. presidential election for the U.S. and the world is a clear, undeniable decision through a fair election. U.S. allies' best interests lie in an indisputable victory for Biden, who values international cooperation.

However, there are no ways for other countries to influence the choice of American voters.

U.S. allies and friendly nations must brace themselves for the risk of a Trump return. It is unclear whether long-term measures, such as cooperation among middle powers and enhancement of their own defense capabilities, can absorb the impacts of Trump's security policy agenda. That is why these nations would be best advised to accelerate their efforts to protect themselves from the risk.

david chou

Mar 12, 2024, 10:40:21 PMMar 12
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com
支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (XII)

Old Donald是美國政壇的怪胎, 他這種類型的政治人物在美國歷史上屢見不鮮, 只不過沒有當上總統而已.

政論家與政治觀察家多半已認為川普是在搞孤立主義, 所以我今天建議鄉親們閱讀一篇文章 [Appendix].

美國總統搞孤立主義, 當然會危害或重創我奉持的 "Pax Americana" or "U.S.-led Liberal International Order" [會破壞我對美國的定義, 也會破壞許多世人對美國的期待]. 不過, 我無法期待一個可能有機會再執政的Old Donald來維護 "Pax Americana" or "U.S.-led Liberal International Order", 我只能合理地期待, 他若再執政, 他能繼續遵循Dr. Michael Pillsbury所introduced的大戰略, 即要執行並打贏支那邪惡帝國與北京支共流氓政權要挑戰美國的supremacy的世紀爭霸戰. 在這樣的大戰略與大戰之下, 我台灣與台灣人就有在 "反支那侵略與併吞的戰爭" 中獲勝或不敗的機會.

在川普這類的人士執政時或成為美國政壇的主流時, 我得首先照顧到我台灣族人的生存與發展, 暫時不高舉我數十年來所cherish的"Pax Americana" or "U.S.-led Liberal International Order" 大旗.

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement



Isolationism 2.0: Donald Trump and the Future of the Liberal Order

Donald Trump recently disparaged NATO and joked about future Russian aggression, increasing doubts around the world about the future of American foreign policy. With isolationism and protectionism rising and revisionist powers challenging a Western-dominated international order, many hear echoes of the 1930s.

by Gideon Rose

March 5, 2024 




Donald Trump recently disparaged NATO and joked about future Russian aggression, increasing doubts around the world about the future of American foreign policy. With isolationism and protectionism rising and revisionist powers challenging a Western-dominated international order, many hear echoes of the 1930s. Fighting has already erupted in multiple regions, and as the political scientist Hal Brands notes, “the world could be as little as one mishandled crisis away from pervasive Eurasian conflict.”

Thankfully, the odds of another world war are tiny, because nobody has an interest in fighting it. In the eight decades since the last great power struggle ended, nuclear weapons have increased the cost of conflict, globalization has increased the benefits of cooperation, and dictatorships have become less extreme. Putin is not Stalin, Xi is not Mao, and neither of them is Hitler. So even if regional conflicts like those in Ukraine and Gaza fester, there is every reason to believe the long peace at the top of the international system will continue to hold.

Where the 1930s analogy does work well, however, is in the domestic politics of American foreign policy. Back then, military disappointments produced a powerful isolationist movement that hobbled the country’s foreign policy and prevented Washington from responding effectively to an increasingly challenging international environment. That same pattern is repeating itself now. The real danger to be worried about today is not foreign aggression escalating into World War III. It is the continued decay of the liberal international order thanks to home-grown American fecklessness.

The First America First

American entry into World War I represented a dramatic change from the country’s traditional approach to foreign policy. To justify it, President Woodrow Wilson cast the conflict as a noble crusade to defeat evil aggressors and make the world safe for democracy. But as the postwar era failed to live up to expectations, many Americans developed a strong case of buyer’s remorse. In retrospect, they came to see participation in the war as a giant mistake—one so obviously misguided, in fact, that it must have been driven by some nefarious conspiracy. Arms manufacturers had pushed the country into war for the profits to be made, people said. Bankers had done it to protect their loans to the Allies. The lesson seemed obvious: never let the country be suckered into foreign intervention again.

As storm clouds gathered across Europe and Asia during the 1930s, therefore, isolationists in Congress passed a series of laws barring American help to any nation fighting anywhere. The Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937 banned arms sales and loans to all foreign belligerents, prohibited travel by Americans on belligerent ships, and forbade the entry of American ships into foreign war zones. The idea was to create a geopolitical firebreak against the spread of war—so that even if the rest of the world burned down, at least the Western hemisphere would remain safe.

As international order continued to disintegrate, the world’s strongest power sat on the sidelines. Washington watched Japan invade China, Italy invade Ethiopia, and Nazi Germany threaten Europe, and did nothing. President Franklin Roosevelt was no fan of intervention himself, but he grudgingly came to realize that isolating the United States from Europe and Asia was only increasing the risk of a general war while hindering American preparedness for it. He tried to persuade Congress and the public to allow him greater policy flexibility to help friendly nations in danger, but to no avail. Only after the Nazi and Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939 did the constraints begin to loosen, and even then, not by much. In 1940, hard-core isolationists banded together in the America First Committee, and it took the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in late 1941 to make their voices go silent.

Once in the war, Roosevelt sought to defeat the Axis and achieve a more modest version of Wilson’s liberal vision. He thought it would be possible for the victors to maintain harmony and prosperity through a combination of democratic peace, great-power concert, multilateral cooperation, and free trade. And he created a wave of new institutions to carry out his plan, including the United Nations, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization.

But once again, however, the postwar era failed to live up to its billing. Britain turned out to be much weaker than expected; Europe, more devastated; and the Soviet Union, more truculent. After two years of drift, the Truman administration decided to shift course. Alongside FDR’s grand universal framework for global governance, it set up an American sphere of influence run along liberal lines, supplementing the UN and Bretton Woods institutions with the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO.

The administration sold this new course, along with a permanent American military presence abroad to enforce it, to the public as a response to the increasing Soviet threat, and in some ways it was. But the threat being countered was not to the U.S. homeland. It was to the new, broader international order American policymakers had already decided to build, one in which a community of nations would cooperate and trade peacefully with one another under Washington’s guidance and protection. During the Cold War, this system developed and deepened in the West. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it spread to the rest. And by the 21st century, it reached almost everywhere.

In practice, the postwar order consists of a dense web of voluntary interactions and institutions designed to enmesh countries and guide them to security, prosperity, and liberalization. Over its eight decades of existence, it has worked well in some ways and less well in others. It has not served everybody equally nor lived up to its own boasts or aspirations. But on balance, it has produced astonishing peace, growth, and human flourishing—more so on all counts than any other period in history.

The New Isolationism

It was easier to defend the order at the turn of the millennium, when American power was at its peak and its hegemony was generally welcomed or at least accepted. A series of military misadventures and economic problems in the new century, however, tarnished Washington’s reputation for wisdom, morality, and competence. Eventually rising powers such as Russia and China challenged American leadership abroad, while populists at home demanded protectionism and retrenchment. Once again, popular dissatisfaction with the results of an active, global foreign policy have spurred buyer’s remorse, bitter recrimination, and conspiracy theories. Nefarious elites lied the country into unnecessary wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, people say; they got rich from trade with China at the cost of other people’s jobs. Donald Trump rode this wave of anger and frustration to power in 2016, and since then has vigorously preached the old-time isolationist religion.

The postwar order was based on one basic insight policymakers drew from the failures of the interwar years: In the modern world, foreign policy was a team sport, not an individual one. As a dying Roosevelt explained in his Fourth Inaugural:

"We have learned that we cannot live alone, at peace; that our own well-being is dependent on the well-being of other nations far away. We have learned that we must live as men, not as ostriches, nor as dogs in the manger. We have learned to be citizens of the world, members of the human community. We have learned the simple truth, as Emmerson said, that “The only way to have a friend is to be one.”

Roosevelt and Truman actually believed that, and infused enough of it into their behavior, and into the system they created, that other countries were glad to join the effort. In return for joining the team, they got not just protection but membership in a shared collective enterprise, the development of a stabler, richer, more open world. Over the decades since, the United States has not always lived up to its own ideals or abided by its own rules. But it has remained remarkably devoted to the general project. Until now, that is.

In contrast to all other presidents since 1945, Trump rejects the postwar order’s basic assumptions. He believes in protectionism rather than free trade, competition rather than cooperation, and authoritarianism rather than democracy. Trump has no appetite for positive-sum games because he lives in a zero-sum world. He resurrected the old America First label for his foreign policy because he agrees with its ideology. For him, the United States has no real connection to the world beyond its borders; everything is cash and carry.
Ukraine’s Finest Hour

Trump’s first term in office was something of an accident. Neither he nor anybody else expected him to win, and no real preparations had been made for what to do if that happened. Once in the White House, Trump displayed various isolationist tendencies, but their impact was kept in check by inattention, inertia, and resistance from professional staff. When Trump left office in disgrace, his successor returned American foreign policy to something resembling its previous course, and it seemed that the danger of an isolationist America had largely passed.

When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, for example, Washington responded by leading an international coalition to support Kyiv and help it resist and survive. Through the delivery of relatively modest amounts of military and economic aid to a friend in desperate need, Russian aggression was checked and NATO gained new members and a new sense of purpose—a rare popular, bipartisan foreign policy achievement.

But during 2023, Ukrainian forward progress stalled and Trump regained his hold on the Republican party. He turned support for Kyiv into a partisan wedge issue, demanding that his followers accommodate Moscow and sell out America’s partner. The more his political fortunes revived, the more his attempt to set a new party line gained traction. And now, thanks to the opposition of his minions, aid is about to be cut off.

At this point, therefore, Ukraine is facing its “Battle of Britain” moment—a period in which it must find a way to survive with limited American involvement even as it endures brutal attack, just like the United Kingdom did in 1940. Kyiv and its remaining friends need to stay in the fight, crouching and counterpunching and hanging on until the American presidential election in November. Trump and his isolationism will be on the ballot, and the result will send the world in one of two dramatically different directions.

If Trump loses, more active American global engagement will once again become possible. Further aid would be sent to Ukraine, Putin’s hopes of outlasting his enemies would be dashed, and the liberal international order would get a new lease on life.

If Trump wins, however, all bets are off, and not just for Ukraine. It is likely that in a second term, an angry and empowered Trump would move more quickly, forcefully, and effectively to achieve his goals, among which be a more isolationist foreign policy. Self-interested transactionalism would be everything; gone would be any sense of teamwork or partnership with others on equal terms in collective endeavors.

Trump is better at breaking things than creating them, and he has no plausible vision of international order to put in place of the existing system. Nor does he want real crises, only the appearance of them. So, his foreign policy is likely to produce decline and entropy, rot rather than revolution. The webs of benign international enmeshment will continue to fray, and the trust that underlies a sense of global community will continue to erode. “There is a great deal of ruin in a nation,” Adam Smith once said, and the same is true of an international order, especially one as comprehensive and deeply rooted as the Pax Americana has been to date. It is not at all clear what a post-American world would look like.

But astonishingly, we may start to find out soon enough.

About the Author: Gideon Rose, Former Editor of Foreign Affairs 

Gideon Rose is adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Previously, he was editor of Foreign Affairs from 2010 to 2021, prior to which he was managing editor from 2000 to 2010. He has also served as associate director for Near East and South Asian affairs on the staff of the National Security Council and deputy director of national security studies at CFR, and has taught American foreign policy at Princeton and Columbia. He is the author of How Wars End (Simon & Schuster, October 2010).

david chou

May 6, 2024, 9:52:46 AMMay 6
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com

Old Donald令盟國與NATO國家很不放心, 因為他的談話完全沒有美國外交傳統中的一個很重要以及很可貴的色彩或要素---以天下為己任的情懷.

不過, 我認為, 他對盟國與NATO國家把國防預算提高的要求是很合理的.

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement


Appendix I

Trump considering new 3 per cent Nato defence spending target

Former president also thinks accounting rules should change so that spending on military aid for Ukraine is not counted towards the increase

Tony Diver, US EDITOR and Rozina Sabur, DEPUTY US EDITOR3

May 2024 • 1:16pm



[Donald Trump has repeatedly threatened to withdraw US support for Nato allies if member states do not increase their defence budgets CREDIT: Yuki Iwamura/AP]  


Donald Trump is considering plans to push Nato members to increase defence spending to 3 per cent of GDP if he wins a second term in the White House, The Telegraph understands.

The former president thinks member states should be asked to contribute more to the alliance’s collective defence in light of threats from Russia and China.

He also believes the accounting rules should be changed so that spending on military assistance for Ukraine is not counted towards the target – a policy that would push several countries below the current target of 2 per cent of GDP.

A source close to Mr Trump said he has been considering lobbying the alliance for an increase for some time, but was further convinced after meeting Andrzej Duda, the president of Poland, last month.

“His thinking is evolving towards 3 per cent, especially after speaking to Duda – and that’s not including money for Ukraine,” said the source.

Mr Trump’s meetings with Mr Duda were reportedly also key in persuading the former US president to drop his opposition to a long-delayed $60 billion aid package for Kyiv.

Mr Trump has repeatedly threatened to withdraw US support for Nato allies if member states do not increase their defence budgets.

Last year, just 11 of the alliance’s 32 members, including the UK, reached the current target. The others were the US, which is by far the largest overall contributor, alongside Poland, Greece, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Latvia, Hungary, Slovakia and Denmark.

Luxembourg, which had the smallest budget for defence compared to its GDP, spent just 1 per cent, while Belgium and Spain spent 1.2 per cent.

Mr Duda has previously argued that 3 per cent – a level reached only by Poland, the US and Greece – is required to defend against “growing threats” including Russia launching a “direct confrontation with Nato”.

On Tuesday, Timo Pesonen, a senior EU defence official, said a 3 per cent target was already under discussion among some member states behind closed doors.

“When the Nato allies are increasing their budget to at least one per cent of GDP, some people speak about 3 per cent already,” he said.

The UK spent 2.28 per cent of GDP on defence in 2023, and plans to increase its spending to 2.32 per cent in the 2024-25 fiscal year.

Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister, last week announced that Britain’s spending would increase to 2.5 per cent of GDP by the end of the decade – an increase of £75 billion overall.

Labour has refused to match the pledge if it wins power in a general election later this year.

However, the current Nato rules allow Britain to include the £2.3 billion it has spent on aid for Ukraine in both 2022 and 2023 as part of its defence contributions, plus money for the intelligence services.

On Thursday UK government sources expressed cautious support for a reassessment of the Nato spending target, but suggested it should increase to 2.5 per cent of GDP, and that spending on Ukraine should still be included.

“There is a discussion to be had about the 2 per cent target and whether it is at the right point, but the UK has been clear that 2.5 per cent is the target we want other nations to get to,” said one insider.

“Ukraine is critical to both the UK and allies’ defence. That’s why we include it in our defence spending.”

On Wednesday, Grant Shapps, the Defence Secretary, said that all Nato countries should try to reach the UK’s new funding level of 2.5 per cent to meet the demands of a “more dangerous world”.

Some Nato leaders have expressed concerns about Mr Trump’s potential return to the White House re-election bid, warning that he would endanger the alliance and sabotage Ukraine’s war effort by withdrawing US military support.

The presumed Republican nominee has said that he would end the war “in one day” and that he would encourage Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to allies that do not spend enough on their own defence.

‘Trump will stop the killing’

A source close to Mr Trump said he had developed a detailed plan for how to end the war peacefully, but that it would not be revealed before the election.

“There is a plan, but he’s not going to debate it with cable news networks because then you lose all leverage,” the source said.

Instead, they said he would focus on a simple message that he would end the war in an attempt to win over US voters hoping for peace.

“He wants to stop the killing,” said the source. “That’s the bumper sticker: Trump will stop the killing.”

In an interview with Time Magazine published on Tuesday, Mr Trump said his message to Nato allies was: “If you’re not going to pay, then you’re on your own.”

Mr Trump said Europe has “taken advantage of us, both on Nato and on Ukraine”.

“If Europe is not going to pay, why should we pay?” he said. “Because they’re much more greatly affected. We have an ocean in between us [and Russia]. They don’t.”

He added: “I’m going to try and help Ukraine but Europe has to get there also and do their job.”

A spokesman for Joe Biden’s campaign said Mr Trump was “threatening to abandon our allies if they are attacked and allow Putin to do whatever he wants, making Americans less safe”.



Appendix II


The Telegraph: Trump will demand that NATO raise defense spending to 3% of GDP, excluding aid to Kyiv

Kyiv  •  UNN

May 4 2024, 10:17 AM  



If elected president, Trump plans to demand that NATO allies increase defense spending to 3% of GDP, excluding aid to Ukraine.


US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, if elected, may put pressure on NATO allies to raise the minimum threshold for defense spending to 3% of GDP, sources told The Daily Telegraph, UNN reports .




It is noted that the calculation should not take into account military aid to Ukraine, as is currently the case.


According to the British newspaper, Trump had previously considered raising the minimum threshold for defense spending. He became more firmly committed to this idea after talks in New York with Polish President Andrzej Duda.




In 2023, only 11 of NATO's 32 members will have reached the 2% defense spending target currently facing the allies. These are the United States, the United Kingdom, Poland, Greece, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Latvia, Hungary, Slovakia, and Denmark. Poland, the United States, and Greece spend more than 3% of their GDP on defense.


The European Union has previously confirmed that some members of the alliance are discussing raising the target to 3% of GDP. However, for example, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said last week that the country's defense spending would increase to 2.5% of GDP by the end of the decade.


david chou

May 10, 2024, 6:07:41 AMMay 10
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, 台灣日報編輯部, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, Martin Tsai, Tek-Khiam Chia, John 2 Hsieh, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Raymond Chuang, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, Kuochih Hong, Stephenlin0314, Carl Yang, Dr. JC Fann, Taitzer Wang

前Old Donald政府的官員們 [這些人士將可望再被川普任用, 若他重返白宮] 應該已發現, 世界許多國家的 "疑川論" 將不利川普的選情, 所以, 已開始在設法爭取美國的盟國與security partners的支持, 包括開始告訴這些國家: 川普再執政後, 並不會背棄這些盟邦. 

最近訪台的James Gilmore就告訴台灣人: 他相信川普會支持台灣. [這種保證應該由川普本人來說, 但川普這老油條至今仍在故弄玄虛, 表演玄疑的戲碼, 吊足台灣各方的胃口. 顯然, 他覺得這樣很好玩.]

//James Gilmore, Trump's ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, told reporters in Taipei that Trump was not an isolationist but was trying to get U.S. allies to take their own defence more seriously.//

//"I believe that President Trump will be supportive of Taiwan when he becomes president. He was in his first term," said Gilmore, visiting Taipei to speak at the Taiwanese think tank the Center for Asia-Pacific Resilience and Innovation.//


除了James, 還有其他一些前川普政府的官員也聯手發表一項報告, 目的是要排除美國的盟邦與安全夥伴的 "疑川論". 這份報告的作者們說, "疑川論" 是被敵人炮製的/ 用來打擊川普的 "陰謀論". 我尚未讀到這份有涉及台灣的報告.

David Chou


Formosa Statehood Movement



Taiwan will have Trump's support if he wins, ex-appointee says

By Reuters
May 4, 20246:11 PM GMT+8Updated 5 days ago
Taiwan will have Trump's support if he wins, ex-appointee says

TAIPEI, May 4 (Reuters) - A former U.S. ambassador appointed by Donald Trump said on Saturday he believed the former president would again support Taiwan if he wins back the White House.
Taiwan, claimed by China as its own territory despite Taipei's objections, received strong backing from Trump's 2017-2021 administration, including arms sales, which have continued under the government of President Joe Biden.
Trump spoke to Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen in 2016 shortly after he won the election, prompting anger in Beijing - as the United States does not officially recognise Taiwan's government - and glee in Taipei.

James Gilmore, Trump's ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, told reporters in Taipei that Trump was not an isolationist but was trying to get U.S. allies to take their own defence more seriously.
"I believe that President Trump will be supportive of Taiwan when he becomes president. He was in his first term," said Gilmore, visiting Taipei to speak at the Taiwanese think tank the Center for Asia-Pacific Resilience and Innovation.
Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, is set to face Biden, a Democrat, in a rematch in November's presidential election.
Gilmore will meet Tsai on his trip though not President-elect Lai Ching-te, who takes office on May 20, due to scheduling issues.
He said he would report back to Trump on his visit, and pass on any messages from Taiwan if given them.
"I fully expect to write a memorandum and submit it to President Trump. What he does with these memos people send him we do not know," he said. "But I have made up my mind that I can be helpful."
Gilmore, the Republican governor of Virginia from 1998 to 2002, added he thought lines of communication between Taiwan and the United States were already strong and he did not think he needed to serve as a messenger.
The United States is democratically governed Taiwan's most important international backer and arms supplier, to the frequent anger of China, which has ramped up military and political pressure against the island.
Taiwan has hosted several Republican lawmakers this year as part of bipartisan delegations visiting the island, including in February Mike Gallagher, then-chair of the House of Representatives select committee on China.
Gallagher said on that trip that no matter who wins the elections, the U.S. would continue to support Taiwan.

Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by William Mallard

在 2024年5月10日 星期五 上午08:34:08 [GMT+8], david chou<davidch...@yahoo.com> 寫道:

This is the Bay Area Taiwanese American E-Mail Group. Our main objective is to provide open communication channel for the Taiwanese American community, let the Taiwan Spirit grow and pass down to the future.
這是 Google 網路論壇針對「Bay Area Taiwanese American」群組發送的訂閱通知郵件。
如要取消訂閱這個群組並停止接收來自這個群組的郵件,請傳送電子郵件到 bay-area-taiwanese-...@googlegroups.com

david chou

May 10, 2024, 8:48:35 AMMay 10
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, 台灣日報編輯部, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, Martin Tsai, Tek-Khiam Chia, John 2 Hsieh, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Raymond Chuang, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, Kuochih Hong, Stephenlin0314, Carl Yang, Dr. JC Fann, Taitzer Wang

回鍋的川普老條是否會保衛台灣? 川普的前國家安全顧問H. R. McMaster告訴日經亞洲新聞說: //The U.S. will remain committed to defending Japan and Taiwan even if Donald Trump returns to the White House after the November election, -------."

Gen. McMaster自己對這個問題的看法與答案也是正面的: //Successive American administrations have maintained a policy of "strategic ambiguity" regarding the U.S. response to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. When asked whether he thought the U.S. would deploy troops in defense of Taiwan, McMaster replied, "I think the answer is 'yes.'"//

對於美國的盟國關切的 "美國新孤立主義", 他認為不足為慮: //Though he acknowledged a strain of "neo-isolationism" among some members of the Republican Party, McMaster said those members represented a vocal but small minority within the party. //

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement



U.S. will defend Japan, Taiwan if Trump wins election: H.R. McMaster

Former security adviser thinks Trump would be 'convinced' of need for troops in region

[H.R. McMaster, a former U.S. national security adviser, talks with Nikkei about his expectations for American foreign policy in East Asia if Donald Trump wins the November presidential election. (Screenshot by Yukihiro Sakaguchi)]


May 9, 2024 23:23 JST


WASHINGTON -- The U.S. will remain committed to defending Japan and Taiwan even if Donald Trump returns to the White House after the November election, former national security adviser H.R. McMaster tells Nikkei, saying he thinks the former president would be "convinced of the strategic importance" of American forces in Japan for deterring China.

McMaster, a retired lieutenant general who served the Trump administration as national security adviser for just over a year beginning in February 2017, spoke with Nikkei in an online interview May 3.

"Oftentimes, what President Trump asks is ... 'What is the U.S. interest? Why does the United States have to do this? And can others do more?'" McMaster said, explaining that Trump's foreign policy philosophy is based on ideas of burden-sharing and reciprocity.

When asked whether Trump would retaliate against an adversary that attacked Japanese territory, including a strike on the Senkaku Islands, McMaster cited the U.S.-Japan security treaty.

"I think he would adhere to the treaty," McMaster said, adding that "the Senkakus are certainly part of Japan and would fall into our defense treaty." The uninhabited Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea are controlled by Japan but claimed by China and Taiwan.

McMaster asserted that the winner of the U.S. presidential election would recognize the importance of maintaining the American military presence on Japan's Okinawa island.

He said that "whoever wins" -- whether it is Democratic incumbent Joe Biden or Trump, a Republican -- "will be convinced of the strategic importance of Okinawa" to ensuring the security and sovereignty of Japan and other countries in the region.

"It's much cheaper to prevent a war than it is to have to fight one," he said.

The former national security adviser called the U.S.-Japan alliance crucial to deterring aggressive action by China.

"If we are strong, in terms of our alliance -- militarily, but also diplomatically -- ... that will send a strong message to would-be aggressors -- in particular, the People's Republic of China and the People's Liberation Army -- that they can't accomplish their objectives in the Indo-Pacific region through the use of force," he said.

Successive American administrations have maintained a policy of "strategic ambiguity" regarding the U.S. response to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. When asked whether he thought the U.S. would deploy troops in defense of Taiwan, McMaster replied, "I think the answer is 'yes.'"

But McMaster said a presidential decision as critical as entering a war with China should need to obtain congressional approval.

"I think the American people have to have a say in that, through Congress," he said.

McMaster stressed the importance of the U.S., Japan and other allies accelerating the delivery of arms to Taiwan, arguing that the best way to avoid a major war over Taiwan is for the Taiwanese military to demonstrate its "ability to inflict huge costs on the [People's Republic of China]."

"We want [Chinese President] Xi Jinping and his military leaders to understand that they cannot accomplish their objectives on Taiwan through force at an acceptable cost," he said.

Senior U.S. military officials have warned that China aims to be ready for an invasion of Taiwan by 2027. Communist China has never ruled Taiwan but claims the island as part of its territory.

China's regional ambitions also should worry Association of Southeast Asian Nations members and other Indo-Pacific countries, McMaster said.

"This is not a choice between Washington and Tokyo on one side and Beijing on the other. It's really a choice between sovereignty and servitude," he asserted. "What the Chinese Communist Party expects from other countries in the region is servitude."

McMaster expects U.S. policy toward Beijing to remain consistent under Biden or Trump, saying there would be "more continuity on the approach to China between administrations than, maybe, any other area."

McMaster said if Trump returned to power, he expected "strong and rapid action ... against Chinese unfair trade and economic practices." Trump has discussed levying tariffs of 60% or more on Chinese imports.

The U.S. has expressed concerns about heavily subsidized Chinese firms flooding the American market with underpriced products. McMaster said he would not be surprised if Trump imposed "something like 200% tariffs on Chinese cheap electric cars."

Others who held senior roles in the Trump administration have expressed concerns about U.S. relations with allies if the former president wins the election.

John Bolton, another former national security adviser, suggested to Nikkei that Trump might seek to amend the U.S.-Japan security treaty or withdraw the U.S. from NATO. Mark Esper, who served as defense secretary, wrote in a memoir that Trump was fixated on the idea of withdrawing U.S. troops from South Korea.

McMaster described comments made by Trump about a potential U.S. withdrawal from NATO as "irresponsible," adding that the remarks were encouraging to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who wants to drive a wedge between Washington and its European allies.

It is important for any president to recognize that "what the president says can either advance U.S. interests and protect against Russian subversion, or it can aid and abet it," he said.

McMaster maintained that the U.S. would not withdraw from NATO, even if Trump returned to the White House.

Though he acknowledged a strain of "neo-isolationism" among some members of the Republican Party, McMaster said those members represented a vocal but small minority within the party. He noted that a major U.S. foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan passed Congress in April over the objections of those members.

McMaster also said he expected a second Trump administration to expand sanctions pressure on Iran, including "secondary sanctions on banks that are engaged in facilitating financial transactions for Iran and its terrorist organizations and proxy forces."


Trump may press Japan to defend U.S. in security treaty: John Bolton


Carmen Lin

May 10, 2024, 9:43:17 PMMay 10
to Lin Wencheng, david chou, Freeman Huang, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, 台灣日報編輯部, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, Martin Tsai, Tek-Khiam Chia, John 2 Hsieh, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Raymond Chuang, Jerome F. Keating, Kuochih Hong, Stephenlin0314, Carl Yang, Dr. JC Fann, Taitzer Wang

david chou

May 11, 2024, 5:12:35 AMMay 11
to Lin Wencheng, Carmen Lin, Freeman Huang, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, 台灣日報編輯部, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, Martin Tsai, Tek-Khiam Chia, John 2 Hsieh, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Raymond Chuang, Jerome F. Keating, Kuochih Hong, Stephenlin0314, Carl Yang, Dr. JC Fann, Taitzer Wang

[Carmen鄉賢:] //我認爲除非川普沒有再用龐培歐為國務卿,否則,他一定會支持台灣,因為我不久前才在推特上面看到龐培歐提到一定要支持台灣的話。//



川普這老條已親口向外界證實, Mike Pompeo已回到他的陣營 [在此之前, 已有傳聞], 他若回鍋, 將如何安排Mike, 我仍無法預測, 我猜可能是白宮幕僚長/ 國安顧問/ 國防部長.


Read the Full Transcripts of Donald Trump’s Interviews With TIME

Photograph by Philip Montgomery for TIME



Only four of the 44 people who served in your cabinet the last time are endorsing you in this election. [Editor’s note: Roughly half a dozen Trump cabinet members had endorsed him at the time of this interview.] A number, as you know, have come out and said they won't support you in this election. 

Trump: I don’t know. Like who? I’ve gotten many. I got Mnuchin!

Your former chiefs of staff, your former secretary of defense—

Trump; Well, I don’t know. Look, I mean—

The question, though, is why should voters—

Trump: Well, wait. Even this week, Mnuchin endorsed me. Pompeo endorsed me. Who are the people that? I mean, some didn’t because I didn't think they were very good. Look, when people think you don't like them and you're not going to bring them back. I'm not going to bring many of those people back. I had some great people. I had some bad people. When they think they are not in favor and they're not coming back, they're not inclined to endorse. 


在川普前幾年執政時, 他的重要部會首長與重要幕僚多半是五日京兆, 椅子都還沒坐熱, 就換人或走人, 原因是他們不願執行川普的政策或指令或者川普認為他們沒有執行他的政策或指令, 所以, 據聞川普若回鍋, 他已準備要任命一批他認為將會執行他的政策或指令的人.

以此觀之, 我會對Carmen //我認爲除非川普沒有再用龐培歐為國務卿,否則,他一定會支持台灣,因為我不久前才在推特上面看到龐培歐提到一定要支持台灣的話// 這項推斷持保留的態度.

川普至今對於台灣議題都仍故弄玄虛, 他也在出兵保衛台灣這個議題上, 持戰略模糊的態度, 他且認為這招可以奏效, 所以, 我認為, Pompeo若再擔任國安要職, 他已不可能再公開對 "台灣獨立" 表示支持, 除非他先得到川普的同意或授權, 我不曾聽過Mike曾說過要出兵保衛台灣的話 [這種話只能由總統說], 他若要說, 也必需先得到回鍋的川普的同意或授權.


david chou

May 30, 2024, 8:11:20 AMMay 30
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, 台灣日報編輯部, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, Martin Tsai, Tek-Khiam Chia, John 2 Hsieh, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Raymond Chuang, Jerome F. Keating, Kuochih Hong, Stephenlin0314, Carl Yang, Dr. JC Fann, Carmen Lin

支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (XII) 

根據Kyiv Post的報導 [它又是根據WaPo的報導] Old Donald 日前在一個募款餐會上說: "He would have bombed Beijing and Moscow if they invaded Taiwan and Ukraine under his presidency."

川普這老條此項發言與他過去一段時期的發言的反差不小, 讓人看了霧煞煞. 在他上個任期中若Putin就入侵烏克蘭他是否真會轟炸莫斯科我認為應該不會若在他上個任期中共軍就入侵台灣他是否真會轟

[to be continued]

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement



Trump Allegedly Suggested He Would Have Bombed Beijing and Moscow


In a shock to donors, the former US president is reported to have suggested he would have bombed the two capitals if they invaded Ukraine and Taiwan during his presidency.

by Kyiv Post | May 29, 2024, 1:06 pm



Former US President and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump reportedly suggested he would have bombed Beijing and Moscow if they invaded Taiwan and Ukraine under his presidency.

According to the Washington Post, Trump made the comment during an unspecified leg of his nationwide fundraising tour, a statement which reportedly shocked some of his donors.

“Oftentimes, his comments at the events are about foreign policy and topics he discusses at rallies, such as inflation and immigration.

“For example, at one event, he suggested that he would have bombed Moscow and Beijing if Russia invaded Ukraine or China invaded Taiwan, surprising some of the donors,” Josh Dawsey the writer of the report commented without further elaboration.

The publication said it reached out to the Trump Campaign with “detailed questions about his fundraising requests” but only received “a statement in support of his efforts.”

Trump has been known, and at times scrutinized, for his ambiguous position on Ukraine.

In February 2022, following Russia’s full-scale invasion, he praised Russian President Vladimir Putin as being a “genius” and “savvy,” a comment preceded and followed by a longstanding skepticism over aid to Ukraine.

However, in February this year, Trump alleged current US President Joe Biden – who has officially called for more aid to Kyiv – to be a weak leader who will “give” Ukraine to Putin, suggesting that he would do more for Ukraine.

Trump also accused Europe of “not paying their fair share” in support of Ukraine compared to Washington, a statement that was debunked in a Kyiv Post analysis earlier this month.

In a comment made in September 2023, Trump also said he would end the war in Ukraine within 24 hours without providing details of how he would go about it. An April Washington Post report claimed that Trump’s plan would require Ukraine to cede Donbas and Crimea, which would be a strategically significant departure from Washington’s current policy.

Kyiv Post

The Kyiv Post is Ukraine's English-language newspaper and proud winner of the 2014 Missouri Honor Medal for Distinguished Service in Journalism. The newspaper's first print edition came out on Oct. 18, 1995, and went online in 1997.


david chou

May 30, 2024, 8:22:02 AMMay 30
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, 台灣日報編輯部, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, Martin Tsai, Tek-Khiam Chia, John 2 Hsieh, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Raymond Chuang, Jerome F. Keating, Kuochih Hong, Stephenlin0314, Carl Yang, Dr. JC Fann, Carmen Lin

支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (XII) 

根據Kyiv Post的報導 [它又是根據WaPo的報導] Old Donald 日前在一個募款餐會上說: "He would have bombed Beijing and Moscow if they invaded Taiwan and Ukraine under his presidency."

川普這老條此項發言與他過去一段時期的發言的反差不小, 讓人看了霧煞煞. 在他上個任期中, 若Putin就入侵烏克蘭, 他是否真會轟炸莫斯科? 我認為應該不會. 若在他上個任期中, 共軍就入侵台灣, 他有能可會出兵護台, 但應不會轟炸北京.

Dennis Peng

May 30, 2024, 1:17:17 PMMay 30
to david chou, Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com, Johnny Huang PSOS
David 兄

君不妨看看 郭倍宏或其他喜樂島任何人 有人在追論文門嗎?
其次 我不是喜樂島黨員 我是媒體人 不黨不私不賣不盲 不藍不綠
對的事就堅持 不對的事六親不認
還有 台灣社會還有很多像我這樣的人
不是只要反對民進黨就是支共 只要支持國會改革就是支共
另外 我樂於去任何台派社團演講 就像過去十年一樣 
不拿一毛車馬費 不拿一分演講費 也不募款 一路走來始終如一
歡迎大家邀請 我一定到 不論聽眾有多少1450 

'david chou' via Bay Area Taiwanese American <bay-area-taiw...@googlegroups.com> 於 2024年2月16日 週五 下午10:04寫道:
This is the Bay Area Taiwanese American E-Mail Group. Our main objective is to provide open communication channel for the Taiwanese American community, let the Taiwan Spirit grow and pass down to the future.
這是 Google 網路論壇針對「Bay Area Taiwanese American」群組發送的訂閱通知郵件。
如要取消訂閱這個群組並停止接收來自這個群組的郵件,請傳送電子郵件到 bay-area-taiwanese-...@googlegroups.com

david chou

May 30, 2024, 6:56:55 PMMay 30
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, 台灣日報編輯部, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, Martin Tsai, Tek-Khiam Chia, John 2 Hsieh, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Raymond Chuang, Jerome F. Keating, Kuochih Hong, Stephenlin0314, Carl Yang, Dr. JC Fann, Carmen Lin


支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (XII) 

根據Kyiv Post的報導 [它又是根據WaPo的報導], Old Donald 日前在一個募款餐會上說: "He would have bombed Beijing and Moscow if they invaded Taiwan and Ukraine under his presidency."

川普這老油條此項發言與他過去一段時期的發言的反差不小, 讓人看了霧煞煞. 在他上個任期中, 若Putin就入侵烏克蘭, 他是否真會轟炸莫斯科? 我認為, 他不但不會出兵護烏, 更不會轟炸莫斯科. 若在他上個任期中, 共軍就入侵台灣, 他有可能會出兵護台, 但應不會轟炸北京.

[to be continued]

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement

david chou

May 31, 2024, 1:24:21 AMMay 31
to Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, 台灣日報編輯部, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, Martin Tsai, Tek-Khiam Chia, John 2 Hsieh, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Raymond Chuang, Jerome F. Keating, Kuochih Hong, Stephenlin0314, Carl Yang, Dr. JC Fann, Carmen Lin
Old Donald 的"轟炸北京說" 被與Old Donald不對盤的WaPo披露後, 台灣若干媒體的反應與用字遣詞

Old Donald "轟炸北京說" 被與Old Donald不對盤的WaPo披露後, 我在第一時間就在我在Allen鄉賢創辦與經營的BATA Forum已開的欄發表了一篇post. 之後, 我當然會觀察我台美人與台灣人鄉親還有支美人的反應, 也會觀察台灣的綠媒/ 赤藍媒/ 赤媒/ 柯痞營的報導與反應.

台灣的赤藍媒與赤媒, 如我所料, 一定會反映支共與支帝的批判與觀點, 它們當然會稱老川的 "轟炸北京說" 為 "狂言", 且凸顯共軍的發言人批老川為 "喪心病狂".

綠媒中一聽到老川的 "轟炸北京說" 而雀躍且最受到鼓舞的當然是 "天字第一號台妹" 陳凝觀與她主持的政論節目, 我台灣族人這種真情流露的反應是正確的.

自由時報以頭版頭條來報導,  這份媒體說: 老川 "日前在募款活動中語出驚人, 聲稱------."

說老川 "語出驚人", 是得體的, 但說老川 "聲稱" 什麼, 則不得體, 應說 "表示".

民視新聞報導的跑馬燈訊息是: 川普 "爆炸性" 狂語對付流氓國家?

民視指老川的 "轟炸北京說" 是爆炸性的言論, 是得體的, 指 "支共國" 為流氓國家, 也是正確的. 但指該說為 "狂言", 則是與老共/ 老共的在台同路人/ 老共的useful idiots一個鼻孔出氣. 台派人士與FTV的高層最好查一下, 是否有老共/ 赤藍黨/ 赤黨/ 柯痞黨人混在FTV新聞部?

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement

david chou

May 31, 2024, 3:56:34 AMMay 31
to Dennis Peng, Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com
Dennis :

您是 TIW LSE博士論文與學位   訴訟案/ 爭議一造的靈魂人物或主角. 這宗訴訟案與爭議則是 前喜樂島聯盟   與前總統和前民進黨主席TIW之間因台灣前途解決的路線鬥爭或矛盾的餘緒, 由於後來又夾雜權力鬥爭 [諸位先推William來挑戰TIW, 後來又欲推Annette來挑戰TIW] FTV的經營權之爭, 而導致今天您與PHK處境的艱難, 還有您的self-exile.


我讀到您給我的message, 我就開始想您與PHK的處境, 我開始想我是否可以去拜訪一個人 [他在某人面前說得上話], 請他開始啟動改善您與PHK的處境的程序. 我不敢說我有什麼陳平/ 諸葛孔明/ 劉伯溫的奇計, 但我相信我的想法應該會work. 我的想法不會損害或威脅FTV Leadership的既得利益, 不會威脅到TIW, 也不會損害TIW & William的友善關係. 這件事當然不宜在網路上公開談論與處理, 值得一試, 成功了, 對大家都好, 不成功, 也無損您們的面子, 因為這想法完全出自我.



Hwan C. Lin

May 31, 2024, 4:08:54 AMMay 31
to david chou, Dennis Peng, Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授, Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com


Hwan C. Lin, PhD
Professor of Economics | Professor of Mathematical Finance
UNC Charlotte | Belk College of Business
9201 University City Blvd. | Charlotte, NC 28223
If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution, or other use of any of the information in this transmission is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this transmission in error, please notify me immediately by reply email.  Thank you.

On May 31, 2024, at 9:56 AM, 'david chou' via Bay Area Taiwanese American <bay-area-taiw...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

david chou

May 31, 2024, 6:16:53 AMMay 31
to Hwan C. Lin, Dennis Peng, Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授, Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com
[Hwan (Dr. Lin) 說:] //調查蔡英文的假博士學歷,跟喜樂島聯盟或民進黨內部鬥爭都完全無關。您的説法與實情完全背離,請提出您的根據。//



赤藍黨對TIW的博士論文與學位也有興趣, 因為這可做為政治鬥爭的工具.

我印象中, 諸君是在前喜樂島的政治議程被TIW無情打壓 [我始終認為, 在這件事上, TIW實在有夠笨. 要是我, 我會跟AIT, , 這件事我不能處理, 你們來處理. 你們來處理, 我們的獨派弟兄沒話說, 若我處理, 我會被恨死] 之後, 特別是在FTV經營權的競爭全面挫敗後, 才開始對TIW的博士論文與學位產生興趣, 這個矛盾與鬥爭最終導致Dennisself-exile.

我沒有時間也沒有興趣對諸君與TIW之間的鬥爭與矛盾進行深入的研究 [因為我有更重要的事要照顧], 我只知道我或許可以去拜訪一個人, 若他被我說服, 由他出面去找一個有力人士 [我想去拜訪的人在那名有力人士的面前像, 絕對說得上話], 或許可以啟動改善Dennis的處境的程序, 這樣比較實際, 也對大家都好.

david chou

May 31, 2024, 6:20:17 AMMay 31
to Hwan C. Lin, Dennis Peng, Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授, Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com

我沒有時間也沒有興趣對諸君與TIW之間的鬥爭與矛盾進行深入的研究 [因為我有更重要的事要照顧], 我只知道, 我或許可以去拜訪一個人若他被我說服由他出面去找一位有力人士   [我想去拜訪的人在那名有力人士的面前絕對說得上話], 或許可以啟動改善Dennis的處境的程序這樣比較實際也對大家都好.

Hwan C. Lin

May 31, 2024, 9:27:28 AMMay 31
to david chou, Dennis Peng, Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授, Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com
David Chou:



Hwan Lin

Hwan C. Lin, PhD
Professor of Economics | Professor of Mathematical Finance
UNC Charlotte | Belk College of Business
9201 University City Blvd. | Charlotte, NC 28223
If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution, or other use of any of the information in this transmission is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this transmission in error, please notify me immediately by reply email.  Thank you.

On May 31, 2024, at 12:20 PM, david chou <davidch...@yahoo.com> wrote:


May 31, 2024, 1:37:27 PMMay 31

[Hwan Lin] 教育的目的是:使受教育者有能力辨識誰在胡説八道。

è 台美人出國留學受教育的目的是:

1) 要有獨立於一般島內台灣人之外的思考能力, 不要人云亦云.

2) 要跳脫以藍綠為區分的狹窄思考範疇, 而以美國公民的寬廣角度去思考.

3) 要能提出有建設性的前瞻計劃, 而不只是檢討及抱怨過去.

4) 要有行動力, 而非只是空談.


新的美台政局, 要有新的格局!

昨天跟一位有實力的親談了很久, 擬成立一個組織以取代目前已腐朽不堪而隨著蔡大媽走入歷史的 FAPA.

Any inputs?



Allen Kuo

david chou

Jun 1, 2024, 12:56:25 AMJun 1
to Hwan C. Lin, Dennis Peng, Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授, Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com
[在本欄不談 "疑川普論",  是離題]

Dr. Lin:


我已讀到你的回應 [Appendix I].


你以如此的argument/statement與我對話或跟我說話, 是沒有幫助的/ 沒有建設性的.


連在 前喜樂島聯盟 TIW的路線鬥爭 [台灣人的內戰] , 受害最深的與現在處境最艱難的Dennis都能保持風度, 都能以適當的語言和我對話 [Appendix II], 這很值得你效法.


我台灣族人 [正港台灣人, 包括認同台灣的新台灣人跟支共還有支共的在台同路人早已進入戰爭狀態, 我們正港台灣人會同主流台美人/ 美國與美國的盟國/ 全世界同情我台灣族人的人士早已在打一場 抗支保台的戰爭. 我現在總是以一個標準來檢視與看待所有台灣人與台美人的黨派與菁英: 您是我台灣族人在打一場 抗支保台戰爭   的資產or負債/ 助力or阻力/ 盟友or敵人or  Neutral?


我因此一方面在台灣人內鬥的有關各方保持中立, 一方面竭盡棉薄, 協助台灣境內外各方勢力組成 抗支保台的 United Front. 在這個過程中, 當然有人要求我選邊站, 否則就要割袍斷義或不再支持台灣建州運動, 但我都不為所動, 因為我堅持只站在正港台灣人 [相對於附共投共的在台支那人/ 已投共的蔣該死流亡統治集團餘孽/ 老共的在台useful idiots/ 赤藍黨的同路人(柯痞黨)useful idiots] 與主流台美人這一邊.


全美台灣人權協會   頒獎給盧主義前輩, NATPA撤銷頒給黃國昌的 廖述宗紀念獎, 這兩個events都足以讓BATA Forum中的若干鄉賢 [他們的立場/ 主張/ 論述不代表BATA, 只有MR. Allen Kuo的發言才能代表BATA的官方立場] 深思.


David Chou


Formosa Statehood Movement




Appendix I


[Dr. Hwanl Lins Email]


David Chou:



Hwan Lin


Appendix II


[Dr. Dennis Pengs Email]

Dennis Peng

Jun 1, 2024, 4:59:01 AMJun 1
to david chou, Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com
Dear David
蔡騙子和民進黨集體包庇的醜聞 即將真相大白
現在要找台階下的 是賴清德和民進黨

david chou <davidch...@yahoo.com> 於 2024年5月31日 週五 上午12:56寫道:

david chou

Jun 1, 2024, 6:56:33 AMJun 1
to Dennis Peng, Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, BATA Group, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com

Dear Dennis,

有些事以及事涉敏感的事, 我不能也不會在網路論壇上明說或公開說, 我也不會跟第三人或無關的人說. 要懂得時然後言, 懂得在對的時間與地點跟對的人說話, 懂得有些事永遠不能跟任何無關的人說, 才能成就大事或辦成極為敏感的事.

您一定知道, 我雖然在您與TIW鬥爭的事上保持中立, 可是我卻也常說: (a)您們的主張是legitimate的, 您們與TIW之間的政治鬥爭與法律抗爭 [TIW的博士論文與學位爭議] 是可以被理解的, (2)我其實很同情被TIW打壓的一方, 我現在可以說得更清楚些, 我所謂的 "被打壓的一方" 其實指的就是受害最深的您與PHK. 但比起財力雄厚的PHK, 您的處境就相對地糟, 也因此, 我與我幾名台獨大老前輩常會談起您的處境, 他們一致認為, 應該由我出面, 去拜訪與說服一位人士A [他與我有淵源], 再由A去拜訪一位有力人士B. 由於A在B的面前說得上話, B就會同意並委託一名心腹專案處理您的問題, 目標就是要改善您的處境 [我們已設定了具體可行的目標].

由於我們已多次就您的問題私下與秘密交換過意見, 所以我們早已理清了一些策略與原則, 只待適當的時機發動, 其中一個原則就是這項行動不是要尋求您與TIW之間的和解, 因為一來此事牽涉其他人士, 他們不會同意您與TIW和解, 二來尋求和解是 a fool's errand, 所以根本就不要去設想以及尋求和解的事.

在我讀到您在本欄給我的message之後, 我就立即與我幾位大老朋友商量, 他們都認為, 我們開始行動的時機似乎已到, 他們已責成我要擇期拜訪與說服A. 倘若您不贊同我們去試一試, 您就在BATA論壇說, 倘若您贊同, 就與我私下聯繫, 我們會以您私下同我一人聯繫的為準. 我們的信永不公開.

此事事涉敏感, 我們不宜再在論壇上談論, 宜私下交換意見.


P. S. 您說: "'蔡騙子' 和民進黨 '集體包庇的醜聞' 即將真相大白, 現在 '要找台階下' 的是賴清德和民進黨". 我們不贊同您這項判斷與說法, 您且莫相信赤藍黨與柯痞黨立委的能耐與給您的承諾.



Jun 1, 2024, 8:15:32 AMJun 1
to BATA Group, Dennis Peng, Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com


阿扁 & P你都有這個 Guts "不食嗟來食",

不會去接受 DPP 傲慢的施捨!


特赦告吹 扁:因不認「犯罪所得」將公布扁案金流



Allen Kuo


From: Dennis Peng <youma...@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2024 1:59 AM
To: david chou <davidch...@yahoo.com>
Cc: Lin Wencheng <wen...@gmail.com>; Freeman Huang <free...@gmail.com>; 台灣日報編輯部 <davidy...@gmail.com>; Martin Tsai <taiw...@hotmail.com>; 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ) <cdk...@gmail.com>; Key Wu <aki...@verizon.net>; Raymond Chuang <raysc...@gmail.com>; BATA Group <bay-area-taiw...@googlegroups.com>; Allen Kuo <alle...@timebyte.com>; John 2 Hsieh <jckh...@gmail.com>; Tek-Khiam Chia <tekk...@gmail.com>; Douglas Chiang <douglas...@gmail.com>; John Chou <johnc...@gmail.com>; Carmen Lin <chgosp...@yahoo.com>; Jerome F. Keating <taiw...@hotmail.com>; stephen...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [BATA] Re: 支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" "川普再執政將棄台論"


Dear David

david chou

Jun 1, 2024, 10:11:55 AMJun 1
to BATA Group, Dennis Peng, alle...@timebyte.com, Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com
[Allen:] //瞭解!

阿扁 & P你都有這個 Guts "不食嗟來食",

不會去接受 DPP 傲慢的施捨!//


Allen的message沒有指名要給我, 但Dennis的訊息有指名要給我, 所以我還是可以發言.

我認為, 應該把William/ William領導的DPP同TIW/ TIW領導的DPP加以區隔.

若William要改善Dennis的處境, 不應被視為施捨.

我與我幾位德高望重的老友認為: 由於Dennis受害最深, 處境也最艱難, 因此, 他有必要透過good offices, 在有尊嚴的情況下, 獲得處境的改善, 即便他不想要, 他的朋友與盟友也應該樂見此事的發生, 不可讓他永遠自我放逐或 "流落街頭".

This is the Bay Area Taiwanese American E-Mail Group. Our main objective is to provide open communication channel for the Taiwanese American community, let the Taiwan Spirit grow and pass down to the future.
這是 Google 網路論壇針對「Bay Area Taiwanese American」群組發送的訂閱通知郵件。
如要取消訂閱這個群組並停止接收來自這個群組的郵件,請傳送電子郵件到 bay-area-taiwanese-...@googlegroups.com

Taitzer Wang

Jun 1, 2024, 11:02:21 AMJun 1
to Chou David 周威霖, Peng Dennis 彭文正李晶玉, Lin, Wencheng, Huang, Shuren, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, Kuo, C.D., Key Wu, Chuang Raymond 莊勝津, BATA, Kuo Allen, John Hsieh, Chia, Tek-Khiam, Chiang Douglas 江文基, Chou John 周昭亮, Lin Carmen, Keating, Jerome F. Hotmail, Stephenlin0314








現在 BATA 全部成員,都已經知道你「三頭六臂」,能力強、有擔當,也都知道你「神通廣大」,門路多、有辦法。該就此滿足啦!

泰澤  6/1


Jun 1, 2024, 7:37:54 PMJun 1
to BATA Group


From: Seashon Chen <200...@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2024 7:03 AM
To: alle...@timebyte.com
Subject: Re: [BATA] RE: 教育的目的是:使受教育者有能力辨識誰在胡説八道



這種國會改革你要嗎? (美國是法院判刑,ROC流亡政府立法院可判刑。)



<alle...@timebyte.com> 202461 週六 上午1:37寫道:


This is the Bay Area Taiwanese American E-Mail Group. Our main objective is to provide open communication channel for the Taiwanese American community, let the Taiwan Spirit grow and pass down to the future.
這是 Google 網路論壇針對「Bay Area Taiwanese American」群組發送的訂閱通知郵件。
如要取消訂閱這個群組並停止接收來自這個群組的郵件,請傳送電子郵件到 bay-area-taiwanese-...@googlegroups.com



Seashon Chen, Ph.D.


Dennis Peng

Jun 1, 2024, 11:58:06 PMJun 1
to david chou, BATA Group, alle...@timebyte.com, Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com
其中一場戰役清理了國民黨的黨產 是我對母親台灣的反哺
如今 我從公親變事主變通緝犯變無國籍人球
我無怨無悔 因為我自始至終 做的都是對的事
我不知道甚麼叫大局 我作為一個媒體人
看到了就說  說就要說實話
至於我被通緝13年 已經過了一年半 母親年前過世了 我在台灣沒有牽掛了
不必為我的事奔走 我只是個小人物 無足輕重 不值得浪費時間
倒是為了台灣的公義 現在做已經遲了 但是還是要做 全力去做
1) 徹查真相 民進黨不敢做 就讓藍白去做
2) 懲罰涉案人 而不是年年辦紀念會
3) 以元首高度向全民道歉 找回誠信的價值 彌合撕裂的傷口
如果台灣勇敢面對真相 228會是歷史的最後一道傷口
論文門當然是台灣近代史 最扯的國家暴力人權謀殺案
天色漸漸光 莫讓謊言吞沒良知


david chou <davidch...@yahoo.com> 於 2024年6月1日 週六 上午7:11寫道:

david chou

Jun 2, 2024, 3:12:37 AMJun 2
to edito...@gmail.com, BATA Group, Raymond Chuang, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, Key Wu, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, Tek-Khiam Chia, John 2 Hsieh, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, Stephenlin0314, Kuochih Hong, Carl Yang, Dr. JC Fann, Hwan Lin, Ting-Kuei Tsay

[Hwan Lin:] 教育的目的是:使受教育者有能力辨識誰在胡説八道。


[Allen Kuo:]台美人出國留學受教育的目的是:

1) 要有獨立於一般島內台灣人之外的思考能力不要人云亦云.

2) 要跳脫以藍綠為區分的狹窄思考範疇而以美國公民的寬廣角度去思考.

3) 要能提出有建設性的前瞻計劃而不只是檢討及抱怨過去.

4) 要有行動力而非只是空談.


[David Chou:] 台美人出國留學受教育的目的是:

1) 能正確定義/ 協助制訂/ 幫助實踐符合 美國價值/ 西方價值/ 普世價值 以及服務我台灣族人/ 台派利益的democratic mechanism, 而非固守民主教條, 也非縱容/ 鼓勵/ 樂見/ 從旁幫助赤藍黨 & 赤黨 & 柯痞黨去定義民主/ 聯手支共來貫徹 以民主來顛覆及埋葬台灣的民主   及打倒台派政權的圖謀.

2)   能慎思明辨, 能不淪為 "食民主理念而不化" 而不知我台灣族人現在最需要完善與實踐 "民主保衛機制" 的書呆子, 能充分理解赤藍黨/ 赤黨/ 柯痞黨是我台灣族人的Enemies Within, 是支共的同路人與走狗, 是美國的Hostile/ Unfriendly Forces. 能知道我台灣族人/ 台美族人/ Washington現在不能以 忠誠的反對黨/ 民主制衡  政黨輪替 的概念與角度去看待赤藍黨赤黨柯痞黨.

3) 能懂得如何維護與促進 美國在台灣的安全/ 戰略/ 政治/ 經濟利益, 絕不會去投靠/ 支持會危害 美國在台灣的利益 的赤藍黨/ 赤黨/ 柯痞黨, 也不成為那些政黨的sympathizers or useful idiots.

4) 要有行動力而非只是空談.


David Chou


Formosa Statehood Movement


david chou

Jun 2, 2024, 5:03:54 AMJun 2
to edito...@gmail.com, BATA Group, Raymond Chuang, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, Key Wu, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, Tek-Khiam Chia, John 2 Hsieh, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, Stephenlin0314, Kuochih Hong, Carl Yang, Dr. JC Fann, Hwan Lin, Ting-Kuei Tsay
[Dr. Chen:] //我在美國與加拿大受教育。
這種國會改革你要嗎? (美國是法院判刑,ROC流亡政府立法院可判刑。)//


我同意Seashon鄉賢的觀點.   正港台灣人與主流台美人都持這種觀點. 

極少數宣稱 "有獨立思考能力" 的 "受美國教育的高級知識份子" 因為無法了解什麼才是現階段台灣人的利益與需求, 所以持不同的見解.   他們對我台灣族人沒有惡意, 可是發言/ 主張/ 見解卻不合時宜 [是不合時宜, 而不是錯],  不符合甚至會危害我台灣及我台灣族人現階段的生存與安全利益, 真傷腦筋. [內外受敵與內外交迫的我台灣族人處於敵人兵臨城下的時刻, 現在還處於很卑微的求生存的階段, 我們希望會幫我們倒忙的柯痞黨的 "useful idiots"  能儘量減少.

現在極少數以 "正義使者" 與 "民主鬥士" 的身份出現的 "高級知識份子鄉親" 在質疑我們:   奇怪, KMT與KP黨在進行國會改革, 這是要貫徹權力分立與制衡的democracy基本理念, 你們為什麼反對? 你們為什麼 "昨是今非"/ "反民主"/ "反改革"/ "反動"?

他們之所以會犯大錯, 原因有二, 一個我不便指出, 另一個是他們不知或漠視一個事實: 赤藍黨與柯痞黨 "所定義的民主" 與 "所要的權力", 是要亂台毀台/ 鬥爭與打倒台派政權的工具, 也是要 "以民主顛覆和埋葬台灣的民主" 以及 "為老共併吞台灣鋪路" 的前奏和武器.

他們犯大錯, 淪為老共與老共的在台同路人的 "useful idiots", 而不自知, 雖然每人的IQ都有157 x   (n+1), 學富五車, 滿腹經綸, 雄辯滔滔.

但我台灣族人應該還命不該絕, 因為我們還有青鳥/ DPP的立委[但在立院比不過也打不過那些enemies within]/ 吳叡人/ 賴中強/ 曹興誠/ 林保華/ 周威霖/ 王美琇/ 李筱峰-------這些腦筋清醒的/   能洞悉內外部敵人的圖謀的台灣子弟.


Jun 2, 2024, 6:15:53 AMJun 2
to Dennis Peng, david chou, BATA Group, Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com

[彭文正] 真相 民進黨不敢做 就讓藍白去做


P你會不會想的太美了些? 一路走來:

兆豐, 高端, 綠能等等弊案, 藍白營有沒有真的在積極追?

林宅血案, 陳文成命案, 江南案, 尹清楓等等命案, 綠營有沒有真的在積極追?

不要再浪費時間搞笑啦, 你竟還寄希望於國民黨或民眾黨會幫忙追 "黨國之女" 的論文門?

總之, 想要天色漸漸光 莫讓謊言吞沒良知,

我建議彭P既不能寄希望於民進黨, 更不可以寄希望於國民黨或民眾黨!


所謂中華民國架構, 乃是兩蔣為了極權統治, 殖民台灣而設立的.

而目前各政黨也樂得利用此陳腐的既成利益架構, 有的扮白臉, 有的扮黑臉. 前台打鬥, 後台分贓!

這些人怎可能去搞什麼公平正義, 良知良心?

破除外來政權加在台灣人民頭上不公不義的殖民/既成利益架構, 才是最根本的作法.

而這也是為何我們必需廢除中華民國, 建立起一個新而獨立的台灣國的主要目的!


Allen Kuo

Taitzer Wang

Jun 2, 2024, 5:00:43 PMJun 2
to Kuo Allen, Peng Dennis 彭文正李晶玉, Chou David 周威霖, BATA, Lin, Wencheng, Huang, Shuren, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, Kuo, C.D., Key Wu, Chuang Raymond 莊勝津, John Hsieh, Chia, Tek-Khiam, Chiang Douglas 江文基, Chou John 周昭亮, Lin Carmen, Keating, Jerome F. Hotmail, Stephenlin0314

台灣的「政、教」五年來的變異「倒退嚕 To-thoe-lu」:

2019 年 3 月是難忘的年、月,我第二次從台北松山機場飛往日本東京。第一次是1963 年「出國深造」。事隔 56 年,第二次機場周遭「眼前景,已全非,一思量,一回頭,不勝悲!」— 頓覺我虛度時日,垂垂老矣!


文題是「打著紅旗反紅旗 — 主權是民進黨鬥爭國民黨的工具」。再讀,文章開頭提起「打著紅旗反紅旗」,結尾問及「難道堅守一中原則維護中華民國存在的國民黨,會不如一個不要中華民國的民進黨嗎?

這篇文章的頭尾這二行短句,「打著紅旗反紅旗」是調侃信念不足的人的話語。後句較長,有我 56 年前出國時台灣「黨外人士」奮鬥的聯想,句中「不要中華民國的民進黨」當年是司空見慣,理所當然。

今天,忽然覺得從 2019 年短短過了五年多至今,時過境遷,民進黨長長八年全面執政,社會政教,已今非昔比,大大「倒退嚕 To-thoe-lu」。舉二例:


民情墮落,上樑不正下樑歪:司法威權,法紀缺如。辦案恐龍,有人還不知悔改,繼續跟隨敗俗,有樣學樣,打罵「有關係就沒關係,沒關係就有關係」行「有關係就沒關係,沒關係就有關係」之鑿害民心,傷風敗俗。深感傷風敗俗無他,同儕官民行惡作孽,社會敗壞「meme 忞因」()文化心靈傳承使然。


註:「忞因 」是我約二十五年前給 meme 一辭的漢文註譯,是基於「meme 忞因」傳承中,「忞」字讀音「民」與字體「文化心靈」合一與「gene 基因」生物基因遺傳相對意義考量。英國動物遺傳學家 Richard Dawkins 於 1976 出版的《自私的基因 The Selfish Gene》提出 meme 與 gene 複製相似的觀念。最近對 Meme 的科普簡介,可見https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/26/crosswords/what-is-a-meme.html 

泰澤 6/2

david chou

Jun 2, 2024, 9:30:23 PMJun 2
to Kuochih Hong, Peng Dennis 彭文正李晶玉, BATA, Lin, Wencheng, Huang, Shuren, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, Kuo, C.D., Key Wu, Chuang Raymond 莊勝津, John Hsieh, Chia, Tek-Khiam, Chiang Douglas 江文基, Chou John 周昭亮, Lin Carmen, Keating, Jerome F. Hotmail, Stephenlin0314, Allen Kuo, Taitzer Wang

Dr. K. C. Hong's Post讀後感

我恭讀敬愛的Dr. Hong的post, 無比敬佩.

我不反對諸君與諸鄉賢持續與TIW進行鬥爭, 但由於我台灣族人 [正黃旗台灣人與新台灣人] 與台美人 [主流台美人] 現階段被迫從事攸關我台灣族人生死/ 存亡/ 絕續/ 興替/ 榮辱的 "抗支 [抗支共與支共在台同路人] 保台, 救亡圖存" 的大業, 所以我盼持續與TIW鬥爭 [這是台灣人的內戰] 的台美人和台灣人鄉親能:

(1)撥出部分的時間/ 精力/ 心思/ 資源/ 人力, 協助我們來打 "抗支保台, 救亡圖存" 或 "反支那侵略與併吞台灣" 的戰爭 [這樣做, 會贏得主流台美人與正港台灣人的讚賞. 若諸君願意, 歡迎私下與我聯繫或致函William或公開在BATA Forum表達] [Formosa興亡, 匹夫有責];

(2)不借或尋求柯痞黨 and/ or 赤藍黨這些亂黨的力量或協助 [這樣做, 在主流台美人與正港台灣人的眼裡, 觀感不好].

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement



陸防長談台獨狠話盡出 總統府回應了


2024年6月2日 週日 下午6:39

新加坡香格里拉對話會(The Shangri-La Dialogue)週末舉行,中國大陸國防部長董軍,今天(2)在會中發表「中國的全球安全觀」演說,之後在回答記者提問時措詞強硬的聲稱「誰膽敢把台灣從中國分裂出去,必將粉身碎骨、自取滅亡」。對此,總統府發言人李問下午表示,中國在香格里拉對話曲解台灣政府的立場、甚至威脅動武,卻長期透過政治施壓,不允許台灣派代表在香格里拉對話表達意見。透露出中國缺乏自信與台灣政府進行對話,其非理性的言論更無法獲得國際認同。陸委會下午也以新聞稿回應,對於中共有關官員挑釁、非理性言論深表遺憾,呼籲中共應正視中華民國持續民主繁榮的事實,放棄非理性的言論及作為,「中共近來屢次在國際場合公然以武力威脅我方,已嚴重違反聯合國憲章。



This is the Bay Area Taiwanese American E-Mail Group. Our main objective is to provide open communication channel for the Taiwanese American community, let the Taiwan Spirit grow and pass down to the future.
這是 Google 網路論壇針對「Bay Area Taiwanese American」群組發送的訂閱通知郵件。
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david chou

Jun 3, 2024, 11:05:17 AMJun 3
to Kuochih Hong, Peng Dennis 彭文正李晶玉, BATA, Lin, Wencheng, Huang, Shuren, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, Kuo, C.D., Key Wu, Chuang Raymond 莊勝津, John Hsieh, Chia, Tek-Khiam, Chiang Douglas 江文基, Chou John 周昭亮, Lin Carmen, Keating, Jerome F. Hotmail, Stephenlin0314, Allen Kuo, Taitzer Wang

請BATA若干鄉親閱讀中央社的一篇報導, 希望他們能與柯痞黨保持距離(I)

這篇報導牽涉到「約克鎮研究所」(Yorktown Institute)創辦人Seth Cropsey在Wall Street Journal發表的一篇文章.

我一向很注意Seth的論點與主張, 特別是牽涉美國海軍建設以及台灣的防衛的議題的論點與主張, 我當然也會把我寫的一些文章的英文摘要/ 報告/ 文件寄給他參考.

[to be continued]

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement


Appendix I


2024-06-03 11:14 

中央社/ 華盛頓2日綜合外電報導



「約克鎮研究所」(Yorktown Institute)的克羅普希(Seth Cropsey)和哈勒姆(Harry Halem)在《對台灣的真正威脅》(The Real Threat to Taiwan)一文中表示,此一說法背後存在雙重假設,除非受到挑釁,否則中國不會入侵,而中國仍需建立自己的軍隊來發動攻擊。









華府毋須改變對一個中國政策的承諾。畢竟,美國前國務卿季辛吉(Henry Kissinger)在1972年上海公報談判中的觀點是確保美國對未來突發事件保留外交彈性。中國應該被迫接受美國對台做出新承諾的挑戰。


Appendix II

[只摘錄兩段] The Real Threat to Taiwan

China is unlikely to invade but determined to subvert and manipulate the island’s politics.

By Seth Cropsey  and Harry Halem

June 2, 2024 4:40 pm ET



The U.S. is preparing for a crisis in the Taiwan Strait but getting China’s calculations wrong. The assumptions are twofold: that China won’t invade unless provoked, and that China still needs to get its military built to attack. Most Americans miss the centrality of manipulation and subversion to Chinese strategy. Taiwanese political security, not simply military deterrence and rhetorical balancing, are key to Chinese success.

Taiwan’s politics are a complicated accident of history. From 1949 to 1987 the island was governed by the Chinese Nationalist Party, or KMT. It is now the major opposition party, and because of the Taiwanese system’s design is the largest party in the legislature and holds an informal majority alongside the populist Taiwan People’s Party. The KMT is little more than a series of patronage networks with no formal ideology. Its leaders fantasize about eventual reunification with a democratic mainland China. Unlike the KMT, the center-left Democratic Progressive Party, which just won a third presidential term, has a distinct ideology. It seeks recognition of Taiwan as a sovereign nation, which angers Beijing.



david chou

8:37 AM (14 hours ago) 8:37 AM
to BATA Group, Lin Wencheng, Freeman Huang, 台灣日報編輯部, Martin Tsai, 郭正典 教授 ( Dr. CD Kuo ), Key Wu, Raymond Chuang, Allen Kuo, John 2 Hsieh, Tek-Khiam Chia, Douglas Chiang, John Chou, Carmen Lin, Jerome F. Keating, stephen...@gmail.com
支共與支共在台同路人開始渲染與傳播 "疑川普論" 與 "川普再執政將棄台論" (VIII)

今年在我們過我(美)國獨立紀念日時, 我們要注意The Heritage Foundation總裁Kevin Roberts在7/2/2024的談話

我在本欄的Posts談過親台的美國老牌保守派智庫---傳統基金會---所發表的一份重要文件---Project 2025 (Presidential Transition Project), 也談過這個智庫的President Kevin Roberts率團訪台, 我也曾建議即將上任的William-Bikhim團隊要做好與這個智庫的關係, 以便透過它的協助, 鞏固與川普政府的關係, 如果川普重掌大權.

美國現在的大選十分重要, 因為美國的世界霸權面臨北京支共流氓政權與支那邪惡帝國的挑戰 [這項挑戰攸關(a)美國的世界霸權的存亡與興替, (b)台灣人的生死/ 存亡/ 安危, (c)台灣前途的解決], 也因為美國人又在進行一項靈魂的探索, 也就是說, 美國人正在進行一場十分嚴酷的文化革命與反革命的鬥爭, 它若失控, 再加上民主與共和兩黨的權力爭奪若失控, 就可能導致內戰.

美國的精神面貌與美國的價值體系的改變攸關 "Liberal International Order" 的存續, 也攸關台灣建州運動發展的前景.

若美國發生內戰, 就是台灣人的末日, 給許多國家的人民帶來的各種大災難就不說了.

就在美國國慶日的前兩天 [這一天其實是第二屆大陸會議通過美利堅合眾國獨立決議案的紀念日], 與川普關係甚深的傳統基金會的總裁Kevin Roberts說了一段很值得大家注意的話:

"We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless, if the left allows it to be."

"We are in the process of the second American Revolution" 這前半段已夠嚇人, "which will remain bloodless, if the left allows it to be"這後半段就更嚇人, 也已引起美國民主黨人/ 美國自由派人士/ 台灣建州運動/ 親美的國家的政府和人民的嚴重關切.

我建議鄉親們閱讀我為大家轉貼的兩篇報導. [Appendices I & II]

David Chou
Formosa Statehood Movement


Appendix I

Heritage Foundation Head Refers to ‘Second American Revolution’

Kevin Roberts, president of the group that has coordinated the Project 2025 policy plan, said it could be “bloodless if the left allows it to be.”


[The president of the Heritage Foundation said he was encouraged by the immunity ruling from the Supreme Court.Credit...Haiyun Jiang for The New York Times]


By Maggie Astor

July 3, 2024



The president of the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank that has developed a prominent series of policy plans to overhaul the federal government under a Republican president, said on Tuesday [7/2/2024] that the country was “in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

The group’s president, Kevin D. Roberts, made the comments in an interview on “The War Room,” the Trump adviser Stephen K. Bannon’s show on the network Real America’s Voice. (Mr. Bannon himself did not host the show on Tuesday, because he reported to prison the day before to serve a sentence for contempt of Congress.)

Mr. Roberts was discussing the Supreme Court’s ruling on Monday that presidents have substantial immunity from prosecution for what they do in office, a ruling that upended the criminal case against former President Donald J. Trump for his attempts to overturn the 2020 election and that removes a potential barrier to the most radical elements of his second-term agenda if he is elected again.

“We ought to be really encouraged by what happened yesterday, and in spite of all of the injustice — which of course friends and audience of this show, of our friend Steve, know — we are going to prevail,” Mr. Roberts said, alluding to Mr. Bannon’s imprisonment.

He went on to say that “the radical left” was “apoplectic” because “our side is winning” and said, “And so I come full circle in this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

“Right on. Thank you, brother,” the interviewer, former Representative Dave Brat of Virginia, replied.

Mr. Roberts’s remarks were publicized by the liberal media watchdog group Media Matters for America.

In response to a request for comment, Mr. Roberts said that the “revolution” would be “to take power back from the elites and despotic bureaucrats” and added: “These patriots are committed to peaceful revolution at the ballot box. Unfortunately, it’s the Left that has a long history of violence, so it’s up to them to allow a peaceful transfer of power.”

Mr. Trump is the only president in American history who has refused to accept the results of a democratic election.

Allies of Mr. Trump, and Mr. Trump himself, have long used extreme rhetoric and suggestions of violence against his political opponents and against the left in general. Actual violence has occurred on multiple occasions, most notably during the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017, and in the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. And the rhetoric has escalated during the 2024 campaign.

Among many other comments, Mr. Trump has said that shoplifters should be shot; implied that the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should be executed for treason; urged his supporters to “go after” the New York attorney general, whose office filed a lawsuit against him for fraud; suggested that his supporters might commit violence if the Supreme Court ruled against him; and refused to rule out political violence if he were to lose in November.

Mr. Trump has also repeatedly dehumanized political opponents and immigrants, using terms like “vermin” and “poisoning the blood of our country” that echo Hitler and other authoritarian leaders. And this past weekend, he reposted an image on social media declaring that former Representative Liz Cheney, a prominent Republican critic of his, should be subjected to “televised military tribunals” for treason.

The policy plan that the Heritage Foundation has helped coordinate with similarly aligned groups is called Project 2025. It is not Mr. Trump’s official platform; his campaign instead points to Agenda47, which focuses on curtailing immigration and encouraging economic growth. Some of the authors of Project 2025 served in Mr. Trump’s first administration or are seen as candidates for positions if he wins another term.

Mr. Trump’s campaign has emphasized that Heritage is an outside group and that proposals Mr. Trump has not personally endorsed should not be taken as statements of his plans, though in some areas there is significant overlap between what Heritage has proposed and what he has proposed — including plans to centralize power in the executive branch and eliminate legal constraints and personnel from his first term.

James Singer, a spokesman for the Biden campaign, said in a statement that noted the coming July 4 holiday: “America declared independence from a tyrannical king, and now Donald Trump and his allies want to make him one at our expense. On Jan. 6, they proudly stormed our Capitol to overturn an election Donald Trump lost fair and square — something not even the Confederacy was able to accomplish — now they are dreaming of a violent revolution to destroy the very idea of America.”


Maggie Astor covers politics for The New York Times, focusing on breaking news, policies, campaigns and how underrepresented or marginalized groups are affected by political systems. More about Maggie Astor

A version of this article appears in print on July 4, 2024, Section A, Page 20 of the New York edition with the headline: A Plug for a New ‘American Revolution’. 

Appendix II

Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: “We are in the process of the second American Revolution”

Kevin Roberts: “We're in the process of taking this country back ... we ought to be really encouraged by what happened yesterday”


PUBLISHED 07/02/24 11:35 AM EDT







CitationFrom the July 2, 2024, edition of Real America’s Voice’s War Room  


KEVIN ROBERTS (HERITAGE FOUNDATION PRESIDENT): In spite of all this nonsense from the left, we are going to win. We're in the process of taking this country back. No one in the audience should be despairing.

No one should be discouraged. We ought to be really encouraged by what happened yesterday. And in spite of all of the injustice, which, of course, friends and audience of this show, of our friend Steve know, we are going to prevail.

Number two, to the point of the clips and, of course, your preview of the fact that I am an early American historian and love the Constitution. That Supreme Court ruling yesterday on immunity is vital, and it's vital for a lot of reasons. But I would go to Federalist No. 70.

If people in the audience are looking for something to read over Independence Day weekend, in addition to rereading the Declaration of Independence, read Hamilton's No. 70 because there, along with some other essays, in some other essays, he talks about the importance of a vigorous executive.

You know, former congressman, the importance of Congress doing its job, but we also know the importance of the executive being able to do his job. And can you imagine, Dave Brat, any president, put politics off to the side, any president having to second guess, triple guess every decision they're making in their official capacity, you couldn't have the republic that you just described.

But number three, let me speak about the radical left. You and I have both been parts of faculties and faculty senates and understand that the left has taken over our institutions. The reason that they are apoplectic right now, the reason that so many anchors on MSNBC, for example, are losing their minds daily is because our side is winning.

And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.

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