Have a resin printer and experiences to share?

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Brandon Heller

Oct 31, 2019, 2:31:30 PM10/31/19
to Bay Area RepRap
A moderately-tech-savvy neighbor is looking at getting a printer to print bat skulls, where resin seems like the way to go. 

Does anyone in BARR have access to a resin printer, and have either a few minutes to share their experiences, or would entertain a visit?

The main concerns are smell/fumes and ease of use.



T. Joseph Nkansah-Mahaney

Nov 4, 2019, 6:48:37 PM11/4/19
to Bay Area RepRap
Although I haven't used a resin printer in some time, I have used the Form 1 and Form 1+ extensively. Would be happy to share if no one hasn't already. Message me privately and I will send some contact info.

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