Red Bridge in San Francisco is hiring!

已查看 26 次

Nikita Khetan

2024年2月13日 17:47:492月13日
Hi Bay Area Maker Educators,

Red Bridge in San Francisco is hiring for a variety of school-based roles for the 24-25 school year. Red Bridge is an independent K-8 school founded in 2020 as a demonstration site for what a new model of education could look like. 

The school's mission is to foster a sense of agency in every child as the foundation for academic and lifelong success - essentially, to build students who are joyful, self-driven learners that feel confident in navigating the world. 

To support this mission, Red Bridge redesigns every aspect of the school model - curriculum, grouping, evaluation, the role of the teacher, and more. 

Teachers at Red Bridge are collaborative, creative, and have lots of opportunities to incorporate maker education into our curriculum.

If you're interested or know someone else who might be, check out the Careers Page of the website to apply, and feel free to email me if you have some questions.

Please share widely!


Nikita Khetan (she/her)
Head of Program & Enrichment
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