DAC test

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grégoire HUBERT

Apr 11, 2011, 4:57:05 PM4/11/11
to baudline

I have just finished a valve current to voltage converter to receive
and cherish a TDA1543 DAC's current output signal with a very low
impedance. I own an EDIROL UA25 as sound card and run ubuntu 10.10
with jack.

i have been able to record the output from the DAC with no signal at
input and saw a low noise at 100Hz with harmonics (the AC is 50Hz here
in Europe). I naturally want to feed the DAC with a 1kHz sin to see if
H2 and more particularily H3 are under -40dB but everytime I wanted to
use the tone generator and clicked on "record" the application
segfaulted :-/

I used qjackctl to launch jack in RT mode, I set the "advanced" mode
on the UA25 with bitrate at 44.1 kHz. I just go to the "output" menu,
click on the "tone generator" and set the device to "JACK". If I let
this window opened and click on "record" the application crashes

Is there anything I do wrong ?

Btw, this application looks terrific I really wish I could use it to
make it work with Ardour and jack



Apr 12, 2011, 1:37:01 PM4/12/11
to baudline
Baudline crashing when you play audio (Tone Generator) with JACK on
Ubuntu 10.10 is a known problem. I think the problem has to do with
the new JACK2. This problem will be fixed in the next version of

Does recording audio by itself (without playing) work fine?

Can you send me the version number from the "jackd -v" command?


grégoire HUBERT

Apr 12, 2011, 2:42:49 PM4/12/11
to baudline
On 12 avr, 19:37, baudline <baudl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Baudline crashing when you play audio (Tone Generator) with JACK on
> Ubuntu 10.10 is a known problem. I think the problem has to do with
> the new JACK2.  This problem will be fixed in the next version of
> baudline.
> Does recording audio by itself (without playing) work fine?

Hello, thank you for your reply. The recording works quite well if I
ask a small value of decimate (it crashed if I ask decimate of 16 or
more). I was impressed by the quality of the image.

> Can you send me the version number from the "jackd -v" command?

Sure, here it is :
jackdmp 1.9.6
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2010 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
no message buffer overruns
no message buffer overruns

usage: jackdmp [ --no-realtime OR -r ]
[ --realtime OR -R [ --realtime-priority OR -P
priority ] ]
(the two previous arguments are mutually exclusive. The default
is --realtime)
[ --name OR -n server-name ]
[ --timeout OR -t client-timeout-in-msecs ]
[ --loopback OR -L loopback-port-number ]
[ --port-max OR -p maximum-number-of-ports]
[ --midi OR -X midi-driver ]
[ --verbose OR -v ]
[ --clocksource OR -c [ c(ycle) | h(pet) | s(ystem) ]
[ --replace-registry ]
[ --silent OR -s ]
[ --sync OR -S ]
[ --temporary OR -T ]
[ --version OR -V ]
-d backend [ ... backend args ... ]
Available backends may include: alsa, dummy, freebob,
firewire or net

jackdmp -d backend --help
to display options for each backend




Apr 12, 2011, 4:08:18 PM4/12/11
to baudline
I don't understand how crashing when you change the decimation value
while running JACK2 can be related. Baudline is doing nothing
different JACK-wise. This a good clue. Thanks. I will look into it.

grégoire HUBERT

Apr 19, 2011, 10:08:23 AM4/19/11
to baudline

I have tested with aoss, then baudline showed me the 2 cards (the
laptop built in and the edirol) but both refused to work ... just
I have found a workaround. I created a ~/.asoundrc file with the
following line:

pcm.dsp0 { type plug slave.pcm "hw:1,0" }

Then the edirol is the only sound card seen by OSS. I launched
baudline with aoss and it worked like a charm.
Tested the converter from 1kHz to 20kHz with the signal generator, all
the harmonics are below -80dB, THD=-77dB and SNR=60dB (poorly designed
power supply, I still have some work here).

Thank you for this great soft !

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